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一直好想試埋享樂烘焙嘅bagels但奈何唔就近成日都買唔到🥺 然後好朋友就超有愛咁有日放工去咗買比我食(⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎) 雖然放工時間已經冇曬我最想食嘅抹茶味 但呢兩個都好唔錯 就算隔咗一晚夜 第二朝蒸返熱黎食都勁好味!!😋😋🥯 湯 種 咖 啡 BAILEYS 貝 果 $20 —外皮紮實有咬口 拉扯感強 奶酥內餡陣咖啡味勁香濃🤤 雖然Baileys味道真係一啲都唔突出 但香濃而不澀嘅咖啡味同包體嘅口感已經足以滿足到我😚😚🥯 湯 種 大 甲 芋 泥 貝 果 $18 —包體一樣咬落去煙韌有彈性 芋泥內餡質地幼滑綿密 甜度如果減半會更好🤏🏻My friend got me these yummy bagels from @ly_bakery knowing that how long I’ve been craving for them. 🥰 Although I haven’t got to try the bestselling matcha one, these two flavours are so worth trying. I kept them overnight and reh
🥯 湯 種 咖 啡 BAILEYS 貝 果 $20 —
外皮紮實有咬口 拉扯感強 奶酥內餡陣咖啡味勁香濃🤤 雖然Baileys味道真係一啲都唔突出 但香濃而不澀嘅咖啡味同包體嘅口感已經足以滿足到我😚😚
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🥯 湯 種 大 甲 芋 泥 貝 果 $18 —
包體一樣咬落去煙韌有彈性 芋泥內餡質地幼滑綿密 甜度如果減半會更好🤏🏻
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My friend got me these yummy bagels from @ly_bakery knowing that how long I’ve been craving for them. 🥰 Although I haven’t got to try the bestselling matcha one, these two flavours are so worth trying. I kept them overnight and reheated them the next morning and they turned out to be as scrumptious as people said. 😋
Infused with rich, bittersweet coffee flavour, the 𝐂𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐞 & 𝐁𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐲𝐬 𝐁𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐥 gave me a minor caffeine buzz. The dough itself was chewy, dense and springy. The only flaw was that the scent of Baileys was really weak. Still, the aroma of coffee and the perfect texture of dough were enough to keep me satisfied. As for the 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐨 𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐥, the filling had a creamy texture but it would taste even better if it were less sweet🤣