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呢間cafe位於好多上班族聚集嘅中環地帶🤣,主打漢堡包🍔同食得「cupffee vegan cup」♻️,好多人為左呢杯環保咖啡慕名而來🤟🏻💛,btw店員姐姐貼心程度100分🤣: -1️⃣「Crispy mocha ☕️ ($58)」-比紙杯更環保嘅杯係咩?就係餅乾杯!🍪朱古力咖啡好香,唔會好甜,杯就係好脆偏硬身嘅餅乾🍪(另外仲係好低卡路里ga😌)~Can’t imagine that a cup can be edible one day! It is environmental-friendly, vegan, biodegradable, crispy and of low calories. The mocha is good too👍🏻-2️⃣「Smoked salmon cream cheese bun🍣🍔(+$25)」-佢欺騙左小編感情😂,仲以為有三文魚,點知係三文魚味忌廉芝士,不過個超濃味都好香(當explore新食物)🥰,包就正正常常~The taste of smoked salmon flavoured cream cheese is intense!! Quite affo
1️⃣「Crispy mocha ☕️ ($58)」
比紙杯更環保嘅杯係咩?就係餅乾杯!🍪朱古力咖啡好香,唔會好甜,杯就係好脆偏硬身嘅餅乾🍪(另外仲係好低卡路里ga😌)~Can’t imagine that a cup can be edible one day! It is environmental-friendly, vegan, biodegradable, crispy and of low calories. The mocha is good too👍🏻
2️⃣「Smoked salmon cream cheese bun🍣🍔(+$25)」
佢欺騙左小編感情😂,仲以為有三文魚,點知係三文魚味忌廉芝士,不過個超濃味都好香(當explore新食物)🥰,包就正正常常~The taste of smoked salmon flavoured cream cheese is intense!! Quite affordable.
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