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好鍾意法式洋蔥湯🧅,但飲唔返係法國嘅味道。見到呢間賣相唔錯,所以去試試。晚餐有Dinner set for 2,選擇多,吸引的(唔包嘢飲)👍Starter 有洋蔥湯,另外再叫咗個whitebait tempura。滿心期待嘅洋蔥湯,很一般⋯包實在too soggy😵💫湯唔夠rich,太少芝士⋯不推薦🥲反而白飯魚好驚喜😮本身諗住白飯魚係平時屋企煎蛋果種,但佢係好大條兼肥美~肉身好飽滿,天婦羅粉漿又夠薄,食落口感好好👍推薦⭐️Main 叫咗duck confit 同steak。Duck confit 肉都香嘅,只係個皮唔crispy,mashed potato 伴碟,佢應該加咗芝士,個質感幾得意。Steak(要加錢) with fries,medium rare 做到。 外脆內軟,正常水準。最後甜品要crepe topped with chocolate ice cream。好味程度:可以為呢餐畫上完美嘅句號😌飽都要食🤘(都會食哂)P.S. 當晚冷氣完全唔涼,用餐過程唔舒適🥵A/C temperature was too high/ is not working ?? Even the r
Main 叫咗duck confit 同steak。Duck confit 肉都香嘅,只係個皮唔crispy,mashed potato 伴碟,佢應該加咗芝士,個質感幾得意。Steak(要加錢) with fries,medium rare 做到。 外脆內軟,正常水準。
最後甜品要crepe topped with chocolate ice cream。好味程度:可以為呢餐畫上完美嘅句號😌飽都要食🤘(都會食哂)
P.S. 當晚冷氣完全唔涼,用餐過程唔舒適🥵
A/C temperature was too high/ is not working ?? Even the restaurant was less than half full. We felt sticky 💦💦lol.. staff are friendly though.
French onion soup
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Duck confit
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