食记 (18)
等级2 2013-04-01
115 浏览
甜品店要在元朗“企穩陣腳”,一點也不容易。因為有好幾間鋪已經很出名,但講求品質的小妹,只覺得它們都是名過於實。寧願多付一點,只求食得滿足。位於“新B”附近的五代同糖,可謂我近期的至愛,鋪內座位不多,但有需要,仍會在門外加枱。可能因為座位不多的原因,我幾次光顧,都只見一位侍應招待。 .....好吧,快來分享我的至愛給大家。玉桂香蕉脆脆配雪糕下單時,有少許猶疑。因此不知道香蕉脆脆是什麼東東。但只要食第一口,您就會愛上它。有點像“糖沙翁”,外面脆脆且甜的,香蕉炸剛好,仍很Juicy,不會炸到乾且一點也不油膩。芒果千層酥芒果大大塊的,而忌廉厚厚的,很有質感且不會很甜。一向不好忌廉的我,亦把全部忌廉食下。但千層酥就略失望,似餅多過似千層酥,不夠鬆化。蘋果脆脆此甜點是即叫即焗的,上枱時是熱烘烘的。上面的脆脆是甜的,蘋果帶少少酸,配合得很好,食完一個後,再想食多一個,很回味呀!蜜瓜沙冰濃郁的蜜瓜味,應該只落了少許糖水打出來的,味道甜得來很清新!P.S. 店內採用的是Pappagallo雪糕 继续阅读
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等级4 2012-01-28
49 浏览
意大利千層麵屋的出品雖然好吃,但就往往缺了甜品的安慰,未夠圓滿。餐後,甜魔媽媽很自然的往對面的五代同糖走去,未想到甜品未吃到,卻惹來一肚子氣!!   其實這裡的雞蛋布丁做得很好,既香又滑,吃到底還有雲尼拿籽,可見貨真價實,媽媽間中也會幫襯六隻裝的外賣,最近的收費好像是$64,即大概$16隻,美味之下都有所值。 而薄餅晚餐後再來堂食,注意力就轉向須新鮮即食的甜品類了,當中店內新推的榴槤心太軟($58)引起了兩口子的好奇---既有朱古力成分,又有榴槤味,那會是怎樣的滋味呢 即刻點一客來試試。然而,兩口子落單後等了近半小時,甜品還未來到... 直到寶寶開始哭叫了,二人終於忍不住要催單了。怎知,一問之下,甜品竟然還未落單!!! 可知當時店內並無其他食客,卻有三個年輕職員當值,可是他們忙於傾計及打機,完全不在工作狀態,才會未為意呆坐了半小時的三口子,直到催單之時才急問:「還要不要補單」結果兩口子當然沒有再等,而是取消柯打盡快離開店內,並急急回家服侍寶寶!! 原本高興的一晚落得敗興的收場,實在令人不快,在此既是吐吐苦水,也希望店方注意一下店員服務態度,如果還沒有改善,我幾肯定此店將會關門大吉! 继续阅读
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等级4 2011-10-12
31 浏览
今日同老豆撐抬腳﹐食完譚仔﹐已飽到爆。但真係好想試下呢度既甜品~元朗實在太多好野食了~甜品點既餐牌例牌花多眼亂。但我已經鎖定左朱古力綿綿冰﹐因為之前試過松記大失所望﹐所以好想比較一下~先黎老豆既芒果西米撈+椰汁。(落單時﹐會問落椰汁﹐花奶定芒果汁。)幾好味﹐唔係太甜﹐岩晒我老豆食~$25﹐太細碗了﹗到我既綿綿冰了~賣相好靚~但我已經明白到賣相往往同味道成反比...價錢同松記相約﹐份量好似少過松記。好﹐試試味﹐D冰本身有微微朱古力味﹐但在頗多朱古力醬下﹐所以食到啖啖都有朱古力味了~綿花糖﹐朱古力米﹐同朱古力簿脆呢D現成野﹐味道無咩出錯啦。食落都幾大碗﹐尤其是之前個餐係譚仔﹐呢碗野其實兩個人食都OK。服務方面﹐算係甘。幫襯時間約夜晚十點半左右﹐店內客滿﹐出面大台五抬煙民(所以坐得出D店內亦有煙味﹐無得避免。)妹妹仔一堆企埋一齊打下牙較﹐有兩個出左去煲煙(可能放緊break?)總之﹐我從來都無諗過服務上會有咩驚喜架喇。係香港﹐打工仔有邊過會笑住返工﹖唉﹐食下甜品﹐當解解壓囉。聽日又星期一要返工了﹐到我黑面了...會唔會再去呢...得閒又想食甜品先啦。因為講真﹐太奢侈了... 继续阅读
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等级3 2011-10-11
27 浏览
雞蛋布丁絕對係五代同糖嘅招牌甜品,味道如何就未知,但至少都成為城中熱話。今晚行過,一於買番半打返屋企試吓。一盒半打,$64,平均每隻$10.67。係網上見堂食嘅雞蛋布丁,係用透明玻璃蛋形器皿盛載,非常精緻;至於外賣,則用真蛋殼盛載。返到屋企,一打開包裝盒,並聞唔到任何香味,始終都係凍食,香味一定唔會撲出來,哈哈,顏色呈淡奶黃色,搯了一口,確實滑溜,不太甜,有濃郁嘅雲呢拿味道,但蛋味欠奉,不其然地搯了第二口,第三口……,不到第五口,已經近乎搯光了,一隻雞蛋嘅size有幾大,大家心中有數。當搯到底部時,就會見到好多一粒粒嘅黑色點點,原來呢d黑色點點係雲呢拿嘅種籽,難怪有咁重嘅雲呢拿味道。其實呢嗰雞蛋布丁,同焦糖燉蛋一樣,分別只在於表面嗰層脆焦糖,我個人就比較喜歡焦糖燉蛋多d。 继续阅读
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Was surprised to see this dessert place in Yuen Long. I have heard of it and seen some good reviews of it on Openrice, but didn't think they would enter the Yuen Long market. Not a bad idea, as Yuen Long's market for dessert has continued to thrive ... I rarely see any dessert places which turn out unsuccessful. Also, most of them serve more local type desserts such as fruity desserts and sweet soup. I think 五代同糖 made a good move to open a store here and be one of the first who serve pastries and Western style desserts.I ordered the 焦糖燉蛋, $30. Couldn't help but smile at the cute glass eggshell container that it was served in! The lid is detached as if the egg has cracked and its transparency allows you to see the caramel at the bottom of the jar. The little mint leaf placed on top adds some colour and detail. Cute presentation, I really liked it! The pudding itself was also delicious - I reckon it tastes similar to Creme Brulee but without the burnt sugar coating on top. The egg was smooth, sweet and creamy with little black flecks of vanilla beans. There is a thin layer of caramel on the bottom. This went perfectly with the egg because it was overly sweet, and the caramel gave it an even richer, more intense flavour. Most importantly, the whole thing was cold enough. Even the glass container was cold because they chilled the whole thing together - so good that I ordered a box of 6 to takeaway for my family to try! However, their takeaway is slightly different - it is served in actual egg shells (waitress told me if I wanted it in the glass container you had to pay a deposit of $15 per egg until you bring the glass container back ... I chose not to!) and they also omit the caramel layer which is sort of strange. Nonetheless, it was still tasted good!We also had the 原味梳乎厘, $35. This was not as amazing as the first dessert, but not bad either. It took around 15 minutes to come because they bake it a la minute. Its presentation looked great too, golden in colour, nice and puffy with a slight sprinkle of icing sugar. Dig your spoon in, and it'll remind you of a fluffy cloud because it is so soft and delicate on the inside! It deflates immediately and you have a spoon of the moist, fluffy filling with a thin layer of the chewy layer on top. The icing sugar gives the souffle a tint of sweetness, because the actual souffle isn't very sweet. The texture is probably the most important part of this dessert. I think they did it well - very airy on the inside, it's a funny experience like you are eating nothing! It was very hot so I think this dessert would be perfect on a cold winter's night. Nonetheless, the taste wasn't anything special but great texture. The place itself was bright, new and well air-conditioned. Was relatively spacious with quite a lot of seats. The decor is modern compared to a lot of other dessert places in Yuen Long. Service was good too, very young staff, humble and polite. Overall, a nice place for some Western style dessert if you feel like it. Personally, it is a bit heavy for me after dinner and I would most of the time feel like some lighter, fruity, Asian style desserts. But if thats not your case, this is a pretty good choice! 继续阅读
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