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食记 (3)
等级4 2009-05-29
225 浏览
Firstly I am not a Green box person, I only go to Neway.So basically I was already biased towards their karoake system and food before I even sat down.We got there late in the afternoon, opted for the buffet and was told the buffet starts at 7. I wasn’t very pleased, because Neway’s buffet starts at 6.30, and we were told, we could stay till 8.30 depending on how busy they were and 1.5 hours isn’t a very long time for food.Anyway, sat down in the room, and ordered their Fruit punch, the only good drink they have, syrupy fruit punch, that isn’t very sweet, with bits of orange fruit in it.After a while, a waiter came in with two large piping hot baked oysters, which was quite a relief, as I was very hungry and eagerly waiting for it to turn 7, so I could go out and get the food.The oyster was topped with melted cheese, and the oyster surrounded with white mushroom sauce.It all combined well together, and I felt a little bit better after that, not so hungry.I took a look at their promotional flyers on the desk, and was amazed they have Pierce chicken, and serve their snacks, so I was wondering if that would be included in the buffet.Finally it turned 7pm, and so I went out and collected the food, I picked stir fried instant noodles, and the chicken wings (which seem to be from Pierce). They tasted like the ones at Pierce.For the dessert, I got this Thai thing with coconut milk, which contained sea coconut and these pandan flour things. The dessert was ok, a bit sweet, so I only scooped out the pandan things, which tasted good.Overall, I got a better impression of the Green box, and they also issue you with an official receipt too.I also saw them have a team meeting on how to improve things, which seems reassuring for their patrons, improving the floor standard, so that its not so slippery. 继续阅读
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等级4 2009-03-02
93 浏览
現在promote緊七折...星期日lunch K, 由10:40 am唱到 1: 30 pm, 每人包一個lunch, 一杯drink, 大堂仲有小食自取, 埋單三個人共 $154 (會員價) 肥牛石鍋飯--肥牛不算多, 肉質唔韌; 有少少金菇--見石鍋都夠熱, 所以夠膽打隻生蛋落去 海南雞飯--兩個同學仔都揀這款, 佢地話d油飯反而好食過d雞 大堂自取:--碗仔翅: 好多料, 但質感怪怪的, 好似無落生粉芡; 且幾鹹--西瓜好甜 继续阅读
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等级3 2008-11-17
77 浏览
未寫內容之前已經要比3個嬲爆既表情,事緣星期六晚同壽星女去唱k慶祝,book左5人房點知去到入房,間房最多坐到3個半人連放袋既空間。佢話可以坐到4-6人喎,講都唔信啦!同著黑色西裝既哨牙女職員理論,個職員淨係不斷叫我地坐住先,話"盡量"安排大d既房比我地,又話星期六係咁上下!?我地5個死都唔肯入房,過左海就係神仙啦!經過同幾個職員理論,最後男經理妥協安排左一間稍為"大少少"既房比我地。坐低唱左一陣就叫野飲,男同事因為有病要飲熱水,叫職員比熱水佢,點知叫左好幾次都冇人比,"哦"左一聲就算!玩到中途加多1個人總共6個人唱k,叫佢轉房,轉左大半個鐘先有人幫我地轉,臨轉房前我同肥男侍應講我地剛剛叫左香檳同借火機,唸住提醒佢如果來既話記得幫我地轉拿去新房。點知個侍應好大反應同煩嫌既表情,串串貢咁話"你坐左過去先啦,一陣再去做好唔好?"我即時解釋比佢聽唔係要點佢做野,我只係純粹提醒你。一肚氣唱到第二朝4點,個女廁污糟到無人有,有屎既廁紙係地下,成個大垃圾桶都堆滿抹手紙無人清潔,個洗手盤仲要起"san",仲差過商場既廁所。走廊地板超污糟,一攤攤糖水污漬無人清潔,仲要有人飲醉嘔到一地都係!是晚總共每人比$170去受氣兼谷氣。$148人頭費+$8版權費,又話生日0個個免費(但要5位入場),仲話有指定信用卡或學生証有人頭費9折。點知埋單就話只可以2擇其1,有氐日免費就冇人頭9折,我嬲到當場話佢取巧,佢就一副話之你既態度!總括來講,以一間連鎖卡啦ok來講,咁既服務態度、收費,要評分u係最差,我唸佢都拿梗u !講環境,我仲以為自己去返10幾年前既私竇卡啦ok,講服務,人地以前服務仲好過佢多多聲!呢間卡啦ok係我有史以來覺得最最最最最最最最最最最......差既一間,除非佢轉晒職員同大裝修啦,仲要好好改變下公司管理制度,否則只會比人感覺佢都仲係未夠班做卡啦ok一哥! 继续阅读
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