港铁屯门站 C1 出口, 步行约13分钟 继续阅读
用上山楂、陈皮及话梅等港式凉果作饮品原料,亦供应小食如虾酱鸡翼、迷你炸馒头及炸鸡皮等。 继续阅读
14:00 - 21:00
食记 (15)
等级3 2018-07-02
581 浏览
好好好好好好好食嘅土炮小食。喺華都商場入邊嘅小店來講,算有裝修,設計好用心。但當日去到得一個員工,所以都要等好耐先有得食。但值得嘅!!!👍🏾👍🏾推薦佢個蝦醬雞翼!好好食,又入未!個雞皮又夠脆。仲帶咗炸雞皮,炸雞皮其實好難整得好食,喺台灣食過一間好好食嘅。所以Standard太高,佢唔算好食。炸哈密瓜奶都係佢其中一樣招牌嘢食。但個人來講唔太鍾意,蜜瓜奶似係維他奶嗰種假味蜜瓜奶。三樣招牌小食中,最推介都係蝦醬雞翼。但其實喺華都商場嘅小食來講,算偏貴! 继续阅读
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等级4 2018-06-23
383 浏览
今日經過見到佢寫住懷舊特飲就比佢吸引左睇下有咩食一見到有k房雜果賓治仲寫住一試難忘就梗係試下啦K房雜果賓治(味道同k房十分相似,但味覺淡左少少)仲見到個幾特別既招牌蝦醬雞翼(食落好大陣蝦醬味,又唔會太鹹,好好食) 继续阅读
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等级3 2018-04-29
394 浏览
每次行過華都商場都見到有人喺門口買嘢飲,所以今次都決定停低等一等叫咗杯梅子梳打,有細個飲咸令七嘅味道,佢嘅酸味會比較重,因為入邊放咗兩粒話梅嘅關係,不過如果你係比較鍾意食酸野嘅話我會絕對推介呢杯野飲小食方面就叫咗炸哈密瓜奶,味道同口感同細個係屋村食嘅味道係一模一樣 不過$25得三個相對就好貴炸雞皮方面,稱唔上好味,好普通嘅炸雞皮加上5香粉同埋辣椒粉 相對上會比較失望兩個小食加上一杯野飲都要$80 ,下次會再買佢啲嘢飲不過小食方面就可能冇興趣(見到隔離有人買佢嘅炸茹盤,都形容平平無奇) 继续阅读
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等级4 2017-12-22
689 浏览
土炮懷舊特飲 的飲品我一直很想嚐試,可是每次在華都商場的小店都吃得飽飽的,昨天精明了,先在板卷吃壽司,手卷,後再來土炮喝一杯,午餐份量剛好。土炮的特飲變化多端,光是熱飲和凍飲已經有四,五十種可選,而且各有特色。小食方面都挺吸引,沙嗲牛肉腸粉,炸蜜瓜奶等我也想吃的,可惜剛才已吃飽,唯有下次吃吧。面對這龐大的飲品列表,我都苦思了一會喝甚麼,想了又想,都是潤喉系列陳皮話梅梳打較適合乾燥的冬日。梳打有著陳年的淡黃色,看起來陳皮與話梅已融合當中。梳打酸甜清爽,陳皮滋味濃厚,喝起來很舒喉,味帶回甘,真真正正將香港的特色注入梳打中。 继续阅读
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Huadu shopping center is a distribution center for young people, on the surface with the general old-style shopping malls is no different, but it has a large number of shops, boutiques, stationery stores, nail shops everywhere, more affordable snacks also more open, and even shopping Conform to the trenddeveloped just like street snacks. In order to attract young people's attention, these small restaurants are very personal, or cheap food as a welcome. Like the main Hong Kong-style local artillery, all kinds of pig miscellaneous noodles greatly, cheap restaurant utf8 and so on. As the name suggests, the nostalgia of indigenous artillery is a Hong Kong-style and authentic trend. It is not only selling nostalgic special drinks, but also many Hong Kong-style nostalgia snacks that will surely arouse the memories of many Hong Kong children. The selection of red, white and blue as the main banner of the store is quite distinct, but it has always been a small shop. Only catering for furnishings, dining cards, old-style calendars and antique typewriters, the choice of restaurant can better reflect the direction of the shopwindow. Hong Kong-style nostalgia, ice cream red bean ice, green bean ice jelly, Shanban words plum ice, black bull, white cow, shrimp paste chicken wings, fried honey melon milk, fried bread ... ... will wake up diners hidden for many years Of childhood food memories. 继续阅读
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