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壽司處今村主打江戶前壽司,江戶前壽司的最大特點是魚肉與飯差不 多長,而且對每項細節都追求最好,另外所有魚來自天然,並非人工養 殖,鹽和豉油都特意選用上等貨色。精選雜錦壽司由師傅在高級壽司 中挑選當日最新鮮的時令食材,如海膽,吞拿魚腩,池魚,海鰻等等。 继续阅读
11:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 23:00
Visa Master 现金 美国运通
小肌箱押壽司 本象拔蚌 車海老 精選雜錦壽司 銀魚天婦羅
食记 (115)
等级4 2023-12-27
601 浏览
慶祝結婚周年紀念沒有容許錯誤的空間,這次我們選了「今村」。店內是典型高級廚師發辦的格局,燈光明亮,地方整潔,令人坐得舒服。廚師發辦有兩款選擇,一款是有酒肴(おつまみ),另一款沒有。我們沒有深究便點了有酒肴那一款,亦點了一枝燒酌。大廚就是今村先生本人,在旁有他的香港人太太協助。今村先生懂得流利廣東話,溝通完全沒問題。所謂不時不食,今村先生只會選擇最時令的食材來設計當晚的菜式。當晚吃了以下的壽司/刺身,每一款都非常鮮美。(還有數款因酒醉而忘了...)大間マグロわさび和え (時令的大間赤身用山葵醃製,味道出奇地和諧)牡丹エビ (牡丹蝦)白子カワハギ(肝醤油)つぶ貝(ごま油)(象拔蚌麻油漬)わかめ (醃海草)天然ホタテ (帶子)箱カニ(ジュレ生姜)蟹子百合根、金目鯛めぬけ(静岡)はだてウニ (北海道函館海膽)余市あん肝(胺康魚肝)和今村先生言談甚歡。知道他三月便會關店去熱海,想品嚐今村先生的手藝便要爭取機會! 继续阅读
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等级2 2023-10-07
560 浏览
一個壽司師傅要對七個客人,且落座時間各不相同,可以想像速度有多麽令人髮指,一個小時過去僅僅吃了三道菜,這樣的情境下,仍舊不停與熟客聊天⋯晚餐有2,300及2,500兩個選項,但比起同類價位餐廳,食材的新鮮程度明顯有所遜色⋯餐廳曾經落錯booking,來到之後發現沒有位置,這樣的壽司餐廳顯然是無法加位,飢腸轆轆只能回去叫外賣,可以想像天壤之別⋯這種價位的餐廳實屬罕見⋯第二次來,發現上次沒有成功知道是一個blessing⋯ 继续阅读
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早兩星期打去book定星期六1點食lunch,電話都同待應確認有bar枱坐。前一日都收到餐廳電話confirm booking,又再一次確認我地係坐bar枱。 去到當日仲有半個鐘到餐廳,收到侍應電話,話另一枱客坐左我地張枱🙄佢話本身「以為」果枱客唔黎……真係呆左。佢話有張table比你地坐,大佬呀,早兩星期開始已經不下三四次同你地confirm要坐sushi bar…後來佢叫我地1點半去到會有sushi bar,咁我地夾硬係樓下等左半個鐘再上去。上到去,完全無人理過我地,係門口等左15分鐘都無人出黎安排我地坐 或者講聲唔好意思,我book 1點,到1:45pm都完全無人招呼。我同朋友就嬲到打電話問附近其他餐廳有無walk in位,打第一間就有位我地打算走,個侍應聽到我地打電話搵到其他餐廳先走出黎,真係等咁耐先見佢出黎第一次,話5分鐘比枱我地,叫我地入去坐住table等……呀姐,你一早出黎講聲唔好意思,一早安排我地入去坐住等啦🙄依家你你落錯booking呀!我地堅持唔會再等,直接走人!Omakase價錢,垃圾服務質素!野食幾好、師傅有幾勁都無用啦,靠住某名人出左少少名又點?唔係個個都會容忍你地咁既安排,請啲有水準啲既侍應啦⋯⋯🙄 继续阅读
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等级1 2023-03-11
1023 浏览
星期六午餐突然想食omakase ,先打電話去呢間餐廳問Walk in 有冇位,聽電話小姐問我幾時可以到,我話而家響sogo 過黎好快,嗰位小姐表示1:30 前到就可以了。我即刻響Sogo 行過去,咁岩佢今日壞lift 等得耐咗,前後5分鐘都無。上到去,師傅啤咗我一眼,然後就話last order 無得食。浪費時間。呢d 咁嘅經營嘅態度,咁樣玩d 客。絕對唔會再試呢間嘢。開曬關,香港好多之前難book 嘅都容易book 咗好多,唔洗食呢間。 继续阅读
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等级4 2022-07-29
2109 浏览
I have heard about this sushi restaurant for a while, but until recently was not specifically top of mind. Knowing that it is where local celebrity Anthony Wong picked to visit before leaving HK, we decided to come this Wednesday evening to understand why.Located on Macau Yat Yuen Centre in Causeway Bay, we arrived sharp at 7pm. Entering, the décor is decent, with a traditional sushiya ambience, having a L-shaped hinoki counter seating 11 customers. Chef Imamura and his wife greeted us, with with other customers also arriving, started to prepare our dinner.There are two menu and we ordered the Omakase Set ($2500). I also picked a bottle of sake, from Kiyashou Brewery木屋正酒造 in Mie Prefecture, Jikon Junmai Daiginjo Hakutsurunishiki 而今 純米大吟醸 白鶴錦 ($1500), which I like the fragrance and lighter taste to go with the food.The first course was Junsai 莼菜, the seasonal Watershield. The chef added some sea urchin, surf clam, white corn kernels, yam, and vinegar jelly to make a refreshing starter. Delicate and with the different components harmonized in taste and not overshadowing each other.Then the chef took out a box of Tomatoes, cutting it in pieces to serve as another appetizer. Paired with a bit of salt, it enhanced the sweetness of the juicy tomatoes. Simple yet another highlight of the quality of the food ingredient.Two different sea bream was showcased next. The Madai 真鯛, or Japanese Sea Bream, had a firmer texture and more delicate in taste, while the Meichidai 目一鯛, or Gray Large-eye Bream, was softer and sweeter in flavours. An interesting contrast and both were very good with ponzu sauce.The first piece of sushi was Hokkigai 北寄貝, with the chef lightly grilled it on charcoal before kneading the sushi. The Surf Clam was sweet and full of umami flavours, with the grilling helped to remove any hint of fishiness and added a touch of nice smokiness as well.The second piece was Kinmedai 金目鯛, with the chef using a piece of charcoal to sear the skin to vitalize the fish oil, before torching a bit further. The fragrance of the Splendid Alfonso was highly appealing, while the taste was mild, the soft and tender texture was memorable.Taken from the kitchen were some Chamame 茶豆. Looked like Edamame, the chef had boiled and then seasoned with salt. It had a sweeter taste, and interestingly the flavours kind of reminded me of taro. First time I had experienced this type of bean.The next course was a show, with the chef meticulously cutting the Hamo 鱧 to break the small bones of the Pike Conger, a summer delicacy in Kyoto, the chef’s home city. After parboiling, it was put in ice water to stop the cooking, getting a crunchy texture. While on its own it was very light in taste, the plum paste paired was definitely a great match.The Biwa-Masu 琵琶鱒 was a type of trout that inhabit in Lake Biwa, the largest freshwater lake in Japan. It had nice fat level, and the chef had prepared a special soy sauce seeped with ginger and spring onion, which created a perfect match in taste.Next was Botan-Ebi 牡丹蝦, with the chef putting a homemade sauce made from the brown meat of the Spot Prawn, then sprinkled with the dried prawn roes which had been toasted, enhancing the umami and flavours tremendously.On the night there were three sea urchin sushi. The first, Murasaki-Uni 紫雲丹, came from Hakodate in Hokkaido, with the large Purple Sea Urchin having a clean taste, holding up well in shape while on the bite was creamy. Very nice indeed.Using a cocktail glass, the next course presented was a mousse made with Ise-Ebi 伊勢海老 and then scooping in plenty of Kegani 毛蟹 on top. With a bit of crab brown sauce to supplement, mixing the rich, creamy lobster mousse with the delicate crab meat created a wonderful treat of delicacies. Really tasty.The chef then thinly sliced the Tsubugai 螺貝 before serving the Whelk with a sesame oil sauce. The crunchy texture of the whelk with its flavours from the sea was surprisingly perfect match with the fragrance of the sesame oil. First time I experienced this pairing and was impeccable.The Chawanmushi 茶碗蒸しwas another wonderful dish. The Steamed Egg was great in taste thanks to the delicious dashi broth, as well as the prized Matsutake 松茸 which had been grilled beforehand.Next was one of my favourites in the evening. The Nishin 鯑 was prepared in a roll, with the great fatty texture, intense but not fishy flavours, plus the finely shredded pickles wrapped in a toasted nori sheet. One piece I would definitely like to encore.Another sea urchin sushi came next. This Aka-Uni from Awaji Island in Hyogo Prefecture was only available two months in the year, with a clean and more refined flavours. Both of us had great resonance with this and I strongly recommend to try it out if available.Seeing the chef took out the Awabi 鮑 and cutting into big chunks our mouths already started to water. The tender and flavourful abalone was very good, with a rich, buttery liver paste so good we immediately asked for some shari to enable us to savour the last drop of it.The Kuruma-Ebi 車海老 was one of my top picks in having sushi. The quality of this Japanese Tiger Prawn was good as expected, and perhaps the only thing for me was the temperature of the prawn, where personally I would prefer the warmer style serve straight after cooking. Still very good nevertheless.The long-awaited Shinko 新子 had got my attention all night, and seeing the chef using four tails to make the sushi was a treat, especially knowing how much effort it took to fillet the Young Gizzard Shad. I liked the way these were marinated, with the touch of vinegar not overpowering the flavours.Coming to the Maguro 鮪, the Tuna was caught in Miyagi, while it is not the best season and this tail also relatively small in size, the Chutoro 中とろ had good fat contents and flavours, and was very delicious in all standards. Size does not matter in all cases.The other piece of Tuna was Shimofuri 霜降り, with the flesh showing the specks of white coming from the fat, with a great soft, melt-in-the-mouth texture that was fantastic in umami and flavours but not like some cut that was just too fatty. A great piece and even more wonderful was the chef gave me another serving as one of the other customers did not want her piece. How fortunate for me.Seeing the Anago 穴子 we knew it was close to the end of the meal. The Conger Eel was beautifully grilled with the tare sauce, with a slightly crisp surface, soft and moist on the flesh, the sauce had also the right level of sweet and savoury balance. Another great piece.The final piece was another Sea Urchin, this one coming from Fukuoka in fact, another Aka-Uni. The chef used a nori sheet to wrap the sea urchin with shari as its form would be too difficult to knead into sushi. Very sweet and intense in flavours, this one was the best among the three and according to the chef was also extremely difficult to buy.A nice Miso Soup was served, which helped to warm the stomach after a really great meal. I also liked it was spot on in flavours, with good umami note and not overly salty.We were asked the cut of the Tamagoyaki 玉子焼き with most of the guests opting for the side, including me. The fluffy texture of the egg with the light yet detectable seafood flavours in the broth was enjoyable.The dessert was Fresh Peach and Matcha Panna Cotta. The seasonal peach was very juicy and sweet, while the silky soft matcha panna cotta was not too sweet to my liking. A wonderful finale to a fantastic meal.But wait, it was not finished! After completing most of the course Chef Imamura started to drink with his customers, and also opened a bottle of sake to toast with us. He then took some Hotategai 帆立貝 to prepare a dish for us to go with the sake. Even for first-timer like us we felt at home and totally immersed into the cheerful and fun atmosphere.He also provided us a Lemon Sorbet to cleanse our palate and finished with something sweet. And by that time, I guess most of the customers had drunk a fair bit, including me. We chatted a lot with Mrs. Imamura and came to know more her story with Chef Imamura and found we were also fellow countrymen.The bill on the night was $7,150 and considering the food quality, service and atmosphere, it was wonderful value for money. In some sushi restaurants one might feel a bit intimidated but certainly this is not such a place. No wonder Anthony Wong said this is the one he would visit before leaving HK, and I am quite sure there are many who would say the same. 继续阅读
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