食记 (9)
等级4 2015-06-08
492 浏览
I can't believe I have been here so many times for their congee because it is consistently delicious.There seems to be two flavours: salted egg and sweetcorn with pork or preserved egg with pork.The first time I tried the salted egg congee and it was so damn delicious because the pork which I normally throw away was pink, fresh and soft with a delicious lightly salted taste.Needless to say the congee was also tasty.On the second visit, I was craving for that congee again but they had a different one so I was a bit skeptical as I wasn't sure if it would taste ok as well.But the preserved egg congee was also good and I liked this one more than the salted egg because it was even more tasty with a preserved egg flavour infused in the congee.Ever since I have been coming back for the congee.Recently I tried their ricerolls and they were damn good as well because the texture is chewy with the right softness and they don't pour smelly oil over it.The ricerolls are nice and taut so they don't unravel themselves when they are drenched in sauce. 继续阅读
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等级4 2015-04-16
191 浏览
今日行行下街,想食下野,就買左幾個蛋撻食,啱啱出爐, 熱辣辣, 味食,就已經聞到陣陣嘅蛋香湧緊埋黎,食落更加不得了!一咬,啲蛋漿就湧晒出黎,好似係個口度融左咁,真係超級正  好有蛋味,真係好好味,好滿足啊 啲蛋撻皮又夠鬆軟,蛋撻真係新鮮出爐嘅最好味 ,下次再試試其他 继续阅读
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等级4 2015-04-03
186 浏览
今日行過麵包店,聞到入面有陣香味.走左入去, 一眼就望到一堆蛋撻,即刻買左幾個黎食.價錢ok $3一個, $10三個, d蛋撻皮好脆, 落足料.如果大家鐘意食都去買黎食啦=) 继续阅读
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等级1 2014-01-28
69 浏览
路過進麵包店裡買了一個提子鬆餅充飢,但味道未如理想。鬆餅沒有預期的鬆化,而且味道淡而無味,只有生麵粉的味道,提子乾也偏少。不過芒果糯米糍味道不俗,甜味適中,糯米皮不會太厚,芒果餡靚。 继续阅读
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又到天將尋美食,這次吃的是我期待和渴望已久的至愛小食——格仔餅,因之前光顧時看見有人買格仔餅,還是超級厚的!看著老闆把熱騰騰、剛剛做好的格仔餅取出,然後在上面毫不吝嗇地塗上牛油和花生醬,再倒上煉奶和白砂糖,終於大功告成。一看,果然是特厚的,兩面格仔餅合上後,厚度至少有5厘米!一掰開(中間直線位置很容易便能分開),煉奶的甜味和花生醬的香味撲鼻而來,加上格仔餅的蛋香,簡直令人無法抗拒。一咬下去,外面香脆內裡軟綿的格仔餅,配合香甜的煉奶和鹹香的花生醬,簡直是最完美的配搭!加上我從未吃過脆皮和如此特厚的格仔餅,所以一試便驚喜十足,一試便愛上❤。 继续阅读
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