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火锅主题店「家嫂」的副线,装修简约,并注入典雅的中式元素,主打的海鲜火锅包括多款小吃、环球海鲜等,分量十足! 继续阅读
11:30 - 22:30
11:30 - 22:30
Visa Master AlipayHK 支付宝 现金 银联
食记 (68)
等级4 2025-02-24
559 浏览
Finally had our annual class gathering, and we went to this hot pot resto in Jordan recommended by my classmate's colleague. .We went for the Worldwide Seafood Hotpot All-You-Can-Eat, which included appetizers, sashimi, chicken pot, hot pot, drinks and desserts. To start, we ordered Truffle Shrimp Toast, Brown Sugar Rice Cake, Salt & Pepper Noodlefish, Soft-boiled Preserved Egg, Boiled Mushrooms, Salt-roasted Chicken Wings, Xiao Long Bao with Vinegar for appetizers. The Truffle Shrimp Toast was crispy and exuded an intense truffle aroma, while the Preserved Egg had a creamy yolk. We were then presented with a long and gigantic Sashimi Boat (this was not All-You-Can-Eat), featuring a wide array of sashimi, such as Salmon, Salmon Belly, Amberjack, Scallop, Botan Shrimp, Surf Clam, Octopus, Seabass and Sea Urchin. Interestingly, it also included Parma Ham. The sashimi were fresh and flavourful. I was amazed that the Sea Urchin was actually not bad, and paired well with the seaweed. Next, we had the Chicken Pot, which also consisted of Pork Skin. The flavour was rich, but the pork was not very meaty. Moving on to the Hot Pot with their Signature Fish Maw Soup, we indulged in ingredients like Abalones, Scallops, Clams, Razor Clams, Oysters, Ark Shell, Fish Fillet and various Vegetables, etc. The fresh ingredients were sand-free, with the huge Abalones boasting a pleasantly chewy texture and substantial meat. We also added American Beef, Berkshire Pork, Crab, Handmade Udon and Duck Blood. The Duck Blood was well-marinated and savoury. The set ended with dessert, which was Sweet Potato Soup. They also offered Ice Pop in flavours like Black Glutinous Rice and Durian. We were too full to try them as last. The drink selection was diverse, including Canned Soda, Juice, Oolong Tea, and self-made drinks like Sugar Cane Imperatae Drink, Apple & Pear tea, Red Date Longan Goji Tea, etc., offering refreshing options to made our hotpot dinner less heavy to have. There were also waiters who pushed a cart filled with red and white wines. It was very sweet that the resto treated us to a glass of Champagne at last to celebrate two of my classmates' bday. .The attentive waiter kept reminding us that we had to finish our food asap, or else we wouldn't be able to progress to the next dish. .At last, we got extremely full and we were impressed by the food variety and quantity. The resto was quite neat and tidy, and being able to dine in a room with a round table was a nice touch. .It was truly enjoyable that there was no time limit, which allowed us to stay until their closing time, catching up with each other at our leisure. 继续阅读
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等级1 2025-02-08
812 浏览
家嫂的火鍋放題是出名一定飽住走。不單是火鍋料任食,海鮮都是任叫任食,對於有人說海鮮不新鮮,服務態度差,我不認同而且覺得是其他食市打手。昨晚我們就選擇這裡作公司春茗,一來特別,不是一般中菜,二來同事們可選擇自己喜歡的食物。頭盤必吃蝦多士,辣酒花螺,紅糖糍粑等。刺生船絕對是打卡位,海膽,帶子,大蝦,和幾款不同的魚生,絕對新鮮。海鮮有生猛鮑魚,蠔肉,海蝦,班片,蝰子,花甲,帶子,珊瑚蚌等。餃子亦是即包,總括嚟講真的飽住走。現場有酒吧車全場任飲,這也是賣點,絕對是抵食。 继续阅读
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等级3 2024-12-04
5226 浏览
呢間火鍋店性價比真係高,如果你係大胃王直頭係超級抵食。佢雖然平均每位要四百幾蚊落樓,不過已冇限時兼海鮮任添其實真係好抵,我哋當日就由6:30食到10點,可以一邊食一邊傾吓偈唔使趕頭趕命其實都唔錯。先講一講佢啲海鮮,其實佢個餐仲包埋日式刺身同埋雞煲,食完呢兩樣嘢之後佢哋就會上海鮮拼盤,當日有嘅海鮮都差唔多擺晒落去,等你可以試咗一轉之後睇吓邊啲正可以再encore。我哋就叫咗幾轉鮑魚、蟹、貴妃蚌同埋蠔,佢呢度上菜嘅速度都唔錯,唔會因為你叫貴嘢就叫極都唔上俾你。佢啲肉嘅質素都唔錯,同海鮮一樣,一開頭會有碟拼盤,然後你就可以按照你嘅喜好再加點。 继续阅读
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等级1 2024-11-24
5768 浏览
之前去過尖沙咀店感覺唔差,今次幫襯咗佐敦分店, 體驗極差!😡😡😡入座: 開始安排咗對住後巷既四人台,由於近倒垃圾位置,我見其他好多台都沒有人,問可否安排第二張台, 門口負責安排位置既亞姐超無禮貌話果到無人出入, 又話人地book 哂台等等, 我話我唔想對住垃圾桶食飯,我都有book 台唔係walk in, 佢先勁不情願地再安排另一張台食物質素:小食款式算多,味道唔錯; 刺身一般,只有一轉。不是任食的。服務質素: 火鍋時,第一轉只可點牛或豬其中一款,由於有朋友唔食牛,問可否叫埋豬同牛,亞姐話唔得!只可叫一款,之後可跟手再落另一款,實在摸不著頭腦是甚麼玩法。差不多尾聲時亞姐話有糖水送,成車推黎時 見有幾碗,我地三人,佢只比兩碗,叫我地分黎食,佢地唔夠糖水,果刻無言以對😔😔😔😔食到差不多尾聲,朋友們傾緊計時,亞姐一次又一次打斷朋友相聚既時間,問你呢樣係咪唔要果樣係咪唔要,趕住收野,抹台,趕你走😡😡😡總括來說,呢間成$500一個人唔算平,選擇佢係因為無限時,可以同朋友慢慢食慢慢傾,但亞姐們不斷趕收工咁趕人走,呢間不會有下次 继续阅读
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等级2 2024-10-31
6504 浏览
食過好多次家嫂,佐敦呢間第一次亦係最後一次,服務態度差,海鮮不新鮮,蝦蟹霉,貴妃蚌全是沙,從來未食過貴妃蚌有沙,真係第一次。上海鮮當中有貴妃蚌,竟然只上殻沒有肉。就連糖水都差,蕃薯糖水大半碗係薑,咩味道都無,只有薑辣味,同侍應反映海鮮霉只換來一句霉就唔好食🤦🏼‍♀️,今時今日甘既服務態度👍,仲要唔係平既🤦🏼‍♀️,只能講句無下次。 继续阅读
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