港铁香港站 E2 出口, 步行约6分钟
12:00 - 14:00
18:00 - 22:00
一如既往的好! 是我心中排第一的天婦羅店,這餐廳是位於四季酒店内,晚餐約3000元。 午餐約2000元。 但座位不容易訂,要提前預約訂金。 我很喜歡這裡的環境環境、服務及食物. 今天朋友訂了包房,最多坐六人。 食物十分有心思的,前菜魚生和在壽司店吃到一樣十分新鮮時令,天婦羅的皮特別薄,所以沒有太油膩的感覺,就連甜點都可以是天婦羅。 沒想到還提早預備了草苺生日蛋糕呢! 確實吃得高興!是我每年生日必到的餐廳!喜欢!!!
This restaurant is located on 45/F of Four Seasons Hong Kong, adjacent to the famous Michelin starred Sushi Saito, offering a tempura omakase experience for diners. It is in fact the overseas branch of the famous Tokyo restaurant (with the same name), and this outlet is under the helm of Chef Eisaku Hara, a cheerful and friendly tempura master.Arriving at the appointment time and passing a short corridor, the staff shows us to the 12-seat wooden counter, with a darker tone than the lighter hinoki cypress. What attracts us, apart from the fresh seasonal vegetables in front, is the large open-top fish tank with a few small fish swimming and the beautiful plants creating a calm and cooling vibe. Not sure this is intended to balance with ‘hotness’ from the deep-fried tempura but is certain soothing and pleasant.The dinner menu ($2,680 each) features ingredients directly sourced from Japan, with the starter being a Mashed Tofu Salad, served on a lush green lotus leaf. Apart from the silky tofu which has rich soybean taste, there are also Tiger Prawn, Peach, Okra, and Ginkgo Nuts, offering different texture on the bite and other flavours to the mild tofu.Next is the appetizer, featuring a Chicken Soup with Seared Scallops, and a Soft-Shelled Turtle Spring Roll. The soup is very rich, with intense chicken flavours which warms the stomach and so delicious that I cannot help to savour even the last drop. The scallop is good but really not adding much to the soup in my opinion, however the two thinly sliced green yuzu does work its wonders to give a bit of citrus vibrancy. The spring roll has a thin crisp on the outside, and the jelly-like fillings are delicate but tasty.The chef prepares the tempura according to our pace of eating, starting with the Tiger Prawn from Kagoshima. He first serves us the head of the prawn, deep-frying it perfectly to be completely edible, with superb crunchiness. Having already seasoned, we only need to add a few drops of lime juice to freshen up.Then we are served the body of the Kuruma-Ebi. The staff also introduces the two types of sea salt, its characters and degree of saltiness, for us to season the tiger prawn. The batter is very thin and leaving no oily mark on the paper in the tray, testimony to the mastery skill of the chef. The original flavours of the prawn and its sweetness are impeccably highlighted.The next is Sweet Corn from Hokkaido, recommended to have one piece dipped into the tempura sauce and the other with sea salt. The corn is of highest quality, very sweet and juicy, without any fibrous residue.The third tempura features Sea Urchin from Hokkaido. The sous chef wraps the Bafun-Uni in Shiso Leaf before handing over to Chef Hara to deep-fry. Again, it is amazing to taste the crisp batter and shiso leaf while the sea urchin inside is still moist and raw. The quality of the sea urchin is also very good, sweet and without any weird taste.The fourth tempura is one of my favourites in the evening. The Cutlass Fish, or Tachiuo, comes from Shizuoka, with the chef putting them into a pot infused with fragrant woody smoke after deep-frying. Paired with some mashed turnip and shichimi, the combination of smokiness and slight spiciness stimulates the palate and highly complementary with the milder taste of the fish.The fifth tempura features Wagyu Beef from Miyagi. The prized beef is served with two condiments, one is the red wine sauce which is deliciously savoury, and the other piece is enjoyed with a bit of lime juice and wasabi. I really like how the different pairing actually showcased the meat differently and also provide a different way to enjoy the beef.Taking a break we are served Sea Bream sashimi, with some Japanese Vegetables on the side. The wild Madai from Hyogo is very sweet in taste, with a nice firm bite. The shiso flowers provides an extra layer to the soy sauce to enjoy with the sashimi, with the seasonal vegetables great too, having a bit of sesames added to increase the flavours.Coming back to the tempura, the chef shows us the Hairy Crab from Hokkaido, with the meat meticulously picked and stuffed back into the shell. Paired with a crab vinegar sauce, the sweetness of the crab meat is phenomenal, with each bite offering luxurious and rewarding enjoyment. If I can only pick one piece to encore, this one will be my choice.The next tempura features Eggplant from Kagawa. The tender eggplant is served together with plenty of mashed turnip and finely chopped scallions, with a great soft texture. The eggplant does not feel greasy at all, with the sauce infusing nice dashi flavors, full of umami. I enjoy it so much I devour all the mashed turnip after finishing the eggplant.To refresh the palate, instead of the typical sorbet provided in western cuisine, a Sweet Corn Tofu is served. The silky soft tofu has rich corn flavours, with a bit of yuzu shavings on top to give a nice citrus note, to cleanse the mouth before the final part of the dinner.The chef then prepares Sea Eel in two styles. The Anago comes from Nagasaki, with one piece added with a bit of ginger soy sauce, while the other have some pickled onion on top. Both are very great in taste, with the sea eel essentially dissolving in the mouth. I personally like the picked onion better as it has additional contrast of texture on the bite. Another of the highlight in the dinner.The final course has a choice of rice or noodle, and both of us have picked the latter. The Thin Noodle is served in a clear broth with wonderful umami taste, with yuzu kosho as condiment to give a bit of spiciness to add to the broth if needed. A tempura platter of assorted ingredients as well as egg yolk, along with some Japanese pickles, are included.Dessert is Egg Yolk Ice-Cream with Melon Sherbet. Creamy with rich flavours, and appropriate in sweetness, the melon sherbet helps to freshen the palate and completes a wonderful dining experience.Together with a bottle of sake, the bill on the night is $7,854. Even though there is very little interaction with the chef as I guess he may be shy to communicate in English, the other staff helps to explain each course clearly, so the overall dining experience is still very pleasant, with the food in great quality and delicious, the service spot on. Even though the price is not cheap, for the best tempura experience in town this restaurant would be the one I recommend.
雖說是一年多前的事了,但仍歷歷在目,所以說吃之前還是要吐槽一下。我於20年12月尾訂了情人節晚餐,但1月頭疫情急轉直下,晚市堂食被禁,當時不少餐廳以多做一輪Early Dinner應對。那麼作為訂了2月中、付了一半訂金的晚市客人,對於一間高級餐廳,於情人節這種重要日子,認為餐廳會通知並詢問客人會否轉為Early Dinner或是否要改期,也是相當合理的期待。但很顯然,他們搞砸了。苦等半月得不到餐廳通知,最後二月頭忍耐不住聯絡上餐廳詢問情況,竟發現他們替我取消了當晚預約,而且當日的Early Dinner竟然也全約滿了,只記得當下差點氣到中風,還有臨急臨忙在僅餘兩星期去重訂情人節的餐廳。最後餐廳集團為了息事寧人,只有一個reschedule到三月尾的晚餐,並換來一句:”下次有咩幫到手,即管打過來,想Book Saito都ok架”“咁想問下當晚Free Corkage得唔得”“唔好意思,Corkage係集團Policy,做唔到比你啊”再度中風、無言。明白到即使餐廳不重視一個客人,對集團也沒任何損失,因為還有千千萬萬個食客等待補上,但你要知道不是很多人能天天吃四季,可能一年就這麼一兩次重要日子交托於你手,初次體驗就如此糟糕,還敢有下次嗎?當然你也可以認為我獅子開大口,畢竟他們家的Corkage,紅白酒在收近千元一枝,清酒香檳更是破千一枝,價錢是否合理、公道則見人見志,而且實際價格我也不太記得了,但記得的肯定是貴絕全港。說回正題,広尾內津主打天婦羅的廚師發辦,是一間來自東京的過江龍,本店自2014年起獲二星米芝蓮,並選擇香港開設首間海外分店,於2020年10月落户香港四季酒店45樓,仿效他的鄰居鮨齋藤,打算於香港天婦羅界這片藍海攪局。畢竟當時於不少香港人而言,天婦羅不過就是炸一炸大蝦、蔬菜、南瓜,是油膩食物、下欄野,所以在登陸當刻並沒有像鮨齋藤一樣引起哄動。但漸漸由於香港同類型高檔次的天婦羅食肆不多,起碼比起泛濫成災的鮨店來說,高級天婦羅店可稱得上鳳毛麟角,而且香港人對美食的接受程度高,広尾內津亦慢慢在香港站穩陣腳,雖則不及高級鮨店般的予約困難,但往往等上數月也不為過。當晚亦端出不少驚艷菜式,馬糞海膽、牡丹蝦、毛蟹、黑鮑⋯你想到的名貴食材全都拿來炸天婦羅,中間再上一道石司的本鮪中拖羅刺身和灸燒大拖羅清一清味蕾,最後來個天丼作結,這餐飯食物水準很高,對得起價錢,而且以這裡的地段、裝修,沒收你個三千塊都算是良心價錢。不過,最重要的還是女朋友滿意,她是個不太喜歡天婦羅的女生,也被這裡的菜式徹底征服。可惜的是服務和體驗上早被扣上幾分,多好吃也是枉然,畢竟來之前已被激到一肚子氣了。如果想睇多D食記,可以Follow小弟IG! @mostly.sushi
今晚到訪 天婦羅名店🍤 品嚐來自 東京米芝蓮2星🌟過江龍~廣美內津位置與 SushiSaito 同層…全店12個位🪑 難怪要提早幾個月預約礙於店面面積…佢嘅環境裝修唔能夠做到好似東京本店咁係料理枱後面有一個會按四季變化嘅庭園設計師靈活變通為香港店安裝咗一個 生態魚缸 令整個環境充滿活力亦同本店互相呼應十四代🍶唔使多講…一行4人一支啱啱好天婦羅炸漿好薄好薄顏色金黃、一口咬落夠脆、夠鮮、夠甜紫蘇葉上嘅炸漿薄到好似冇上過一樣一口咬落又脆又甜又creamy成塊紫菜都好似未「炸」過一樣…放上鮮甜creamy海膽…又係將另一境界嚟自青森大間嘅金槍魚🐟輕輕燒過🔥鮮味十足但唔夠油香和牛油花唔算多…但一口咬落不油不膩、軟嫩juicy薄薄嘅炸漿「炸(蒸)」出嚟嘅毛蟹🦀…又脆又鮮又甜亦令我諗起 日本蟹專門店🦀要搵日call齊buddies…淨係品嚐日本蟹用上蘭王蛋🥚嘅「天丼」就算幾飽都一定要食天婦羅流心蛋黃…係成碗飯靈魂所在用餐體驗主理人係Hara Eisaki San…佢同Takahisa Uchitsu San拍檔悠久今晚每件天婦羅都做到鮮而不膩吸油紙幾乎一啲油跡都見唔到我深知香港🇭🇰日本🇯🇵係唔應該作出比較疫情前我曾到訪 天婦羅の神🍤…味蕾不免有所比較疫情過後~我會到東京本店…作出公開、透明嘅用餐體驗btw, 用餐體驗…見仁見智【一生人一次餐廳の天婦羅之神】みかわ 是山居 (ぜざんきょ)https://s.openrice.com/UbbTB03i3y000#卡拉不專業foodreview