港铁坚尼地城站 B 出口, 步行约3分钟 继续阅读
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11:00 - 21:30
11:00 - 21:30
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食记 (12)
等级4 2023-09-02
279 浏览
Pizza Hut 推出全新年度限定「貓山王榴槤迷你必勝批」,班同事好鍾意食榴槤,決定叫Pizza Hut外賣。貓山王榴槤迷你必勝批採用馬來西亞D197貓山王榴槤,批面有8球貓山王榴槤果肉,加上舖滿整個批底的貓山王榴槤吉士醬,再灑上粒粒榴槤乾,口感層次更豐富。其他食物亦非常美味。 继续阅读
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等级4 2023-01-30
420 浏览
小編提提大家,臨到一月尾,就係pizzahut 會員積分到期清算既時候,大家記得趁最後2日用埋佢哦!其實pizzahut 有儲開分既話係好抵食下!d分尚算易儲,尤其係一大班屋企人或朋友食一次都儲唔少分,基本上係每隔次食都可以用積分再換個批或小食其實真係幾抵食😋【 夏威夷風光迷你必勝批 (鬆厚批) 】$55 +$10 轉酥皮蘑菇忌廉雞湯 +$3 凍奶茶 再用100分積分就換到星級醬燒豬仔骨(半份)拼脆薯格,呢個lunch 加埋一埋單只係$70幾蚊抵到飛起! 继续阅读
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I am a huge fan of Pizza Hut’s cheese crust and cheesy bites but never have I thought it is possible to create an alternative crust that’s even better - the crown cheese crust with prawn. We got the Crown Pizza Gourmet Combo for 2 ($266) and the crown crust was nowhere near as overbearing as the regular cheese crusts or bites as it used less dough, so it’s definitely a plus for those who don’t want too much carbohydrates but still want the cheesy flavour in the crust. The smoked salmon added a tropical scent to the pizza, the cheesy tomatoes and cheese base also made this one of their best pizzas. Their pizzas are always true to how they advertise on TV. We upgraded the mash side to spicy chicken wings for only $15 extra and it was totally worth it. The wings were in good sizes and the honey and spicy glaze made it an enjoyable experience. The baked cheese potato and chicken rice was something new to me and I don’t recall seeing it on the menu before. This rice though can be improved as it could taste too bland for some and the cheese probably need some toasting. Their chicken mushroom soup was spectacular but without it, the whole meal would have been incomplete with the creamy rich soup. 继续阅读
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等级4 2021-01-28
561 浏览
前幾日屋企人買咗幾個一人份量嘅海鮮批返嚟,我自己食咗一個,仲有蘑菇湯添。個蘑菇湯都有幾粒蘑菇係入面嘅,不過主要係忌廉味,冇乜蘑菇味。海鮮批都算足料,佢切開咗粒片,每篇上面都會有一隻蝦、有啲帶子、魷魚、芝士、同埋大量千島醬。有啲仲有蜆添。不過個批底就硬咗啲,有啲難咬。批底唔係特別好食。 继续阅读
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等级4 2021-01-05
360 浏览
The latest pizza combo deal has been widely advertised on TV these days so we thought we could give it a try - The Ocean Blast Pizza. The four different coloured cheese balls were as good as described. The truffle butter, jalapeño nacho were our favourite though we thought basil tomato tasted a little too artificial. Although cheese crust is my all time favourite, this handcraft dough was also great. I have been a fan of Pizza Hut HK as I have tried Pizza Hut from other countries and from my experience, their creativity in designing pizzas and flavours is unparalleled. Great job Pizza Hut! Can’t wait to see what you have to offer during Lunar New Years. 继续阅读
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