餐厅: 新同樂魚翅酒家


港铁尖沙咀/尖東站 B1/ N5 出口 继续阅读
餐厅装潢具时代感,主打粤菜,烧汁干煏牛肋骨及鲜蘑菇焗酿蟹盖是必试菜式。 继续阅读
米芝莲二星餐厅 (2012-23) 米芝莲三星餐厅 (2011) 米芝莲一星餐厅 (2024-25)
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Visa Master 现金 美国运通 银联 JCB
食记 (169)
等级4 2025-03-10
166 浏览
週日好節目,預先訂位寫菜,品嚐米芝蓮星級午餐,小菜加點心,慢活人生!連續榮獲米芝蓮二星多年的新同樂魚翅酒家,門面有氣勢,服務貼心,佈置高雅,我們坐卡位,私隱度高,非常舒適,忙碌生活,總要找時間享受。百花脆皮乳豬件 $126*2招牌百花脆皮乳豬件,百吃不厭,在酥脆的乳豬皮上釀入蝦滑,軟脆對比,口感非常好。黑魚籽鮮蝦帶子豆苗球 $88造型精緻,仿似魚網包着菜苗,黑魚籽添鹹香,層次豐富,味道好。鹿兒島A4和牛咸水角 $88維肖維妙造型如啤梨的鹹水角,A4和牛餡料倍增食味。奇香粉絲原隻九州蝦皇 $218非常香惹,以大量蒜子、薑粒、大葱及洋蔥炒香,九州蝦皇非常巨大,肉質細緻彈牙,調味恰到好處,濃郁但不過鹹;粉絲吸盡精華,是另一亮點。龍鬚糖法式焦糖燉蛋 $58*2有趣地加上龍鬚糖,鬆鬆甜甜與薄脆的焦糖糖對比,燉蛋幼滑微甜,吃得滿意。前菜 $25茶芥 $38米芝蓮星級餐廳,實至名歸!附上套餐及優惠作參考。 继续阅读
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屹立香港50+載的【新同樂】,是香港的老派酒家之一,10多年來也取到米其林(米芝蓮)。看到有午市套餐就跟家人來吃一波唄,這次去了尖沙咀美麗華店,位置一期食四方4樓,中西混合裝修環境舒適,還有多個包房可以大班人聚餐。當天吃的午市套餐是$638/位,這個價格吃得感覺可以的😎。-廣東點心薈萃用了傳統蒸籠放著熱辣辣的點心,裡有3件點心,包括:燒賣、野菌餃和紅菜頭餃。燒賣裡有爽口鮮蝦肉,用料豐富有嚼感。兩款餃子也是晶瑩剔透的賣相,看得到裡面的配料,外皮煙韌軟糯的質感。紅菜頭餃賣相較吸引,吃起來多了份香甜味,這個挺特別,因為較少吃得到。-花膠筒瑤柱燉鮮雞用料豐富的湯品,裡有大片花膠😍,用筷子夾起挺長欵。花膠膠質重,挺有嚼感又入味。湯品是金湯的顏色,味道鮮甜香濃,裡面還有湯料,吃完湯再吃真香。-懷舊魚翅蟹肉灌湯餃傳統的美食值得一試,灌湯餃用料多賣相飽滿,用鮮味的湯浸著感覺可以欵。魚翅配蟹肉口應豐富又鮮味,蟹肉是一絲絲的,吃起來啖啖肉。餃皮薄透滑溜,整體口感豐富。-鮮蘑菇蒜燒安格斯西冷牛在老派酒家也吃得到這個,是中西融合菜式吧🙊。安格斯西冷牛肉質鮮嫰,醬味汁香濃惹味,用蒜燒的味道挺特別。鮮蘑菇味道挺香,配著肉肉一起吃,吃起來有層次感。-黑魚籽豆腐蓉蒸星斑球這道菜挺有趣的味道,堆砌成小山丘的模樣,擺盤賣相吸引📸。魚肉鮮嫰無骨,吃得到爽口的質感。豆腐蓉裡有臘肉和鹹蛋黃,吃起來多了份咸香味。-紅燒鮑魚燴豚肉蔥油飯 賣相吸引的主食📸,鮑魚大隻份量十足,肉質爽口鮮甜,味道香濃惹味。豚肉蔥油飯質地油膩,豚肉油脂滲進了飯裡,加上蔥油吃起來較香。-煎熬蝦湯鮮蝦水餃稻庭麵用新鮮蝦熬湯做水餃就是香,先聞到濃郁蝦湯,味道鮮味不會太咸。鮮蝦水餃鮮味多汁,拌蝦湯一起吃是雙重味。稻庭麵吸收湯汁較入味,吃起來質感爽口。-生磨杏汁紅豆燕窩是個養生的甜品,大人小朋友也喜歡吃!甜品用料也算多從的,紅豆和燕窩份量多,吃起來是清甜的味道。生磨的杏汁味道挺香,滋潤養顏可以再來一碗🤣🤣。-新同樂美點每天款式也不同,當天的是紅豆酥和三色糕。紅豆酥賣相吸引,是粉紅色的花花形狀,酥脆的口應甜而不膩。三色糕帶點冰涼質感,同時間吃到三個口味,層次感較豐富。- 继续阅读
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等级4 2025-01-29
1241 浏览
新年快到,  依傳統習俗,  總會執屋打点,  買新衫新鞋過新年.  今晚又準備了行花市,  中午時段要休息一下,  嘆個中式午餐,  選擇了新同樂魚翅酒家.這酒家馳名中外, 在香港已有多年歷史.厨藝非常好,  穫得了多年米之蓮奨項.酒家裝修好優雅, 座位闊落.   我們訂了位,  服務員迅速安排座位, 送上熱茶及小食, 水滾茶靚, 招呼周到.酒家部長替我們寫了幾款點心, 燒味, 水餃麪, 及甜品.   看來不錯.百花脆皮乳豬件:   每人兩件, 上枱熱辣辣, 賣相吸引.乳豬皮香脆可口, 非常薄, 醸了滿滿蝦膠, 鮮味又彈牙.  脆口加彈牙,  吃起來好有層次感.  紅菜頭鮮露筍蟹肉餃:皮薄饀料正,   蟹肉好鮮甜, 紅菜頭及鮮露筍, 細嫩, 健康可口.鹿兒島A4和牛咸水角,  造型得意, 外型像啤梨. 內餡系和牛, 牛味濃, 調味正.  咸水角炸得香脆不油膩, 真好食.金包銀絲腸粉, 配上熱醬油. 腸粉蒸得好滑,  內餡比坊間的春風得意腸更好食.蝦湯鮮蝦水餃稻庭麵鮮蝦水餃好巨型, 每碗三隻,  內有多隻新鮮大蝦, 蝦肉質爽彈, 味鮮美, 稻庭麵好綿滑.  蝦湯湯頭好甜.餐後甜品:龍鬚糖 法式焦糖燉蛋,   包含中法式元素.燉蛋好滑溜, 龍鬚糖幼如絲,  這個手作甜品, 吃得好回味. 食物有質素, 手工廚藝出眾, 值得再來.  继续阅读
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This famous restaurant is located on 4/F of Mira Place, and has been in business for 55 years. The specialty is definitely the shark’s fin soup, but in the last decade the general public has a much better understanding of the cruelty in getting the shark's fin, and the restaurant has also downplayed that in its name and marketing.Arriving sharp at our booking time in the evening, we are seated at the booth, which are good for more private conversations. The decoration is stylish and luxurious. Having visited here a few times already, we decide to try the newer Sun Tung Lok Special Menu ($2,038 each), instead of the Michelin menu we have enjoyed before.The first course is Ark Shell Meat and Green Salad in Mustard Dressing 赤貝肉翠蔬沙律伴芥末汁. The chef has carved out the inside of cucumber sections and then stuffed with shredded cucumber, with some chickpeas as well. On top is the fresh ark shell meat, with some mustard dressing to season, and a piece of tomato and parsley. Combining Chinese, Western and Japanese elements together, a nice starter.The second course is Shark’s fin in Superior Soup 紅燒海虎翅. The signature of the restaurant, with the prized shark’s fin very thick in diameter, served in a superior soup that is pure umami and flavours, obviously prepared for a long process using many ingredients. Served on a sizzling hot clay pot, there is no need to add any vinegar, with the restaurant thoughtfully providing some additional Chinese ham extracts on additional saltiness if needed. But to me the original flavours are already fantastic.The third course is Braised Australian Greenlip Abalone and Garoupa Filet 澳洲四頭青邊鮑魚配海斑扒. The abalone is perfectly cooked, very tender and the knife can slice through it easily, while retaining a wonderful bite, seeping with amazing flavours on each bite. The vegetable on the bottom allows me to savour the last drop of the beautiful sauce. The fish filet is seasoned well, with a thin batter and not feeling oily on the mouth.The fourth course is Steamed prawn with Fried Conpoy 脆瑤柱豆腐蓉蒸海蝦球配紅蝦籽汁. The minced bean curd reminds me of the pipa tofu but this is steamed instead of deep-fried, with a large prawn on top, scattered with some fried conpoy to add some contrast in texture and flavours. There is also a red shrimp roe sauce which has wonderful umami taste and integrates the different elements of the whole dish together perfectly.The fifth course is Spanish Pork Loin and Deep-Fried Daikon 西班牙橡果豬柳伴脆大根. The pork loin is very tender, with lots of flavours, having the right amount of lean and fat, not feeling greasy at all. The sauce used to pan-fry has a complex and delicious taste, and the chef has creatively prepared some deep-fried turnip on the side, which are sweet and without fibres, plus some salad vegetables underneath, to cleverly balance the rich flavours of the pork.The sixth course is Bird’s Nest and Sago in Iced Honeydew 茶盅燕窩蜜瓜西米露 and Deep-Fried Glutinous Ball stuffed with Custard 忌廉奶皇芝麻煎堆. The sago dessert has a refreshing melon note and not too sweet, with the bird’s nest placed at the bottom. For sure it is a lady’s favourite. For me I like the glutinous ball better, with a nice chewy texture and coated with sesames to give a wonderful fragrance, while the custard stuffing is runny and also appropriate in sweetness.Coming here one can still feel some reminders of the glorious period in HK. Apart from the shark’s fin and premium ingredients, the restaurant is still using the authentic ivory chopsticks which has a long history, and are no longer available because of the global ivory ban. Service is good, but like almost all local Chinese restaurants they can do better job in explaining the dishes. The bill on the night is $4,605. 继续阅读
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難得好友在外國回來,當然要帶他去品嘗有五十多年歷史的新同樂魚翅酒家,地點位於尖沙咀的美麗華商場,交通方便。隨職員走進餐廳,是古典優雅的擺設,還有多年米芝蓮獎項。內裡擺設優雅,盡顯高貴氣質。預先訂座可以坐入廂座,座位好寬敞,又有私人空間。小食是琥珀合桃,香脆及微甜。精緻巧手的點心隨後上檯竹笙海鮮金魚餃可愛的金魚餃在天藍色的湖中暢泳,相當生動。金魚餃飽滿,咬開是啖啖爽口蝦肉,有竹笙的鮮甜。墨魚籽鮮蝦帶子豆苗球透薄的水晶皮包著絲絲嫩滑豆苗,再配上鮮味的帶子及鮮蝦肉,滿足。松露鮮蝦菊花卷意想不到春卷化成精緻的菊花,即炸上檯熱騰騰,菊花卷香脆不油膩,內裡是惹味的鮮蝦餡,同時有松露香味散發出來。鵝肝窩粑伴茄子牛柳粒上菜時好有驚喜,色彩繽紛,擺碟如畫般吸引。茄子牛柳粒香煎牛柳粒散發陣陣肉香,肉多汁有咬口,嫩滑的茄子內有微辣的醬汁,香口惹味,配搭得不錯。鵝肝窩粑鵝肝輕煎兩面,香口濃郁,窩粑脆口,減輕鵝肝的膩感,兩者配搭十分好。以心型出現的酥皮馬蹄糕,可愛又吸睛,鬆脆多層的酥皮夾著軟糯清甜的馬蹄糕,為這頓午餐劃上完滿的句號。 继续阅读
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