港铁油麻地站 A2 出口, 步行约4分钟 继续阅读
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環境超污糟,坐多陣都feel到個身痕痕地,地下油淋淋,基本上個污糟程度係你肉眼見到嘅任何一個地方都係有污積,成個地下都係垃圾同食物碎。食物方面,叫左個碎牛粥同肉餅,叫左唔係雞粥嘅食物都真係失策嘅,但都真係冇諗到會咁差。碎牛粥冇味唔夠熱都算,30幾蚊可以接受。但個肉餅擺明就係雪到硬晒嘅肉再攞去蒸嘅質地,個味道完全已經冰到冇左肉味。最好笑都係咸蛋蒸肉餅,連咸蛋白都見唔到,似係蒸肉餅+5蚊送咸蛋黃嘅感覺真係唔會再黎 继续阅读
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等级2 2024-05-13
290 浏览
why Xin Kee Chicken Porridge so famous? Because his original imperial concubine chicken is made from the freshest and tenderest hens, cooked with more than 20 kinds of medicinal herbs, plus top-quality dried shrimps and scallops. The imperial concubine chicken has a smooth mouthfeel, with a hint of medicinal herbs and a hint of wine. A simple bowl of chicken porridge with rich chicken flavor and chicken fat. It is definitely the best chicken porridge I have ever tasted!chicken porridge with preserved eggs is certainly living up to its reputation! 😳 Half chicken spleen and half chicken breast, but the chicken breast doesn’t even have any texture. It’s so smooth! The chicken skin is rich in the aroma of chicken fat, the porridge is full of aroma, and the preserved eggs are equally delicious🤤Xo sauce barbecued pork and smooth egg rice🥇 Don’t be soft on the portion. The barbecued pork and smooth eggs are already perfect👍, and the xo sauce is straight to the next level. It’s perfect👍Sauteed turnip Cake with Xo Sauce~ Don’t talk too much, the cake is delicious and fried with xo sauce is even more delicious! 继续阅读
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等级2 2024-01-15
289 浏览
星期六約1:30到訪這店,點了雞粥配蝦米腸跟熱飲午餐,再點了雲吞麵配湯餐,雞粥好食,好多雞,而且雞好滑,又醃咸左,整體係水準以上; 雲吞麵就失望d,雲吞豬肉多不太爽口,湯底及麵都沒有特別,而且唔夠熱!當日例湯係霸王花湯,好多材料,但整碗湯比較油膩。食物基本係合格嘅。但店內嘅管理十分之差,收銀位置嘅店員由我們坐下進餐到離開,總是不停吵吵鬧鬧,整間舖比街市更嘈,她理應是好勤力,而且好落力嘅員工,但情緒似乎有點over, 她不停放聲指責其他同事,在進食過程中更目睹,因為她沒有守好自己收銀位,而放走了一枱未付款嘅客人。 好明白飲食業真係好難請人! 继续阅读
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今次去到一間胡同裏嘅粥鋪,濃濃嘅人情味撲鼻而來🤤。話唔定就係因為呢種人情味,令到粥鋪當中嗰碗粥,特別嘅滋味呀!🍲舊式牆磚摞成嘅小店,一進去就聞到米香。我叫咗一碗皮蛋瘦肉粥,熱氣騰騰送上檯。粥靚得嚟,綿滑得滯,真係好入口;皮蛋夠香,瘦肉又嫩,一啖粥一啖肉,真係心暖暖。😌邊食粥邊夾啲濃香鹹蜀骨,啖啖肉骨汁,鮮味夠晒撩人。腌制得啱啱好,唔鹹過頭,又帶點微微甜,外皮脆卜卜,肉質卻軟嫩。仲有,呢間舖頭嘅油條特別爽口,唔似外面啲油腻腻,反而係外酥內軟,好似剛剛好搭配我班綿滑嘅粥!總括嚟講,這間粥鋪冇花巧裝潢,但係食物真材實料,係咁嘅寒冷天氣中,給人暖笠笠嘅感覺。食得飽心又飽肚,下次仲會再嚟添!💯 继续阅读
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等级1 2023-03-06
524 浏览
13.00叫左雞粥同米粉,等左20分鐘先有碗米粉仲要催左個姐姐幾次先有。位置空空,人流唔多,都系要等20分鐘甚至半個鍾以上,十分不建議食飯你唔趕時間久可以,返工人士最好唔好服務十分差,等候時間耐到一個點我都唔會再食女人街分店。 继续阅读
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