11:45 - 21:00
11:45 - 21:00
经典三文治系列 (任何口味) 一件 -人气台式三明治!
呢日咁啱經過海之戀見到有台灣名三文治「洪瑞珍」賣,好耐以前食過一次覺得幾好食,所以就買咗兩個返屋企做第二朝嘅早餐~ 雖然雪咗一晚,但麵包依然非常鬆軟,口感好好! 🧡滿漢三文治($22)呢款三文治係人氣王No.1,雖然只係簡簡單單火腿、芝士加麵包,但食落又真係同普通麵包鋪買嘅唔同,鹹香味十足,非常美味! 🧡柑桔柳橙起司三文治(+$9)咁啱有過年優惠,凡買任何一款三文治,加$9就可以加購呢款柑桔柳橙起司三文治!滿漢係鹹香,而呢款係酸甜,中間夾咗柑桔柳橙果醬同芝士,食落酸酸甜甜充滿橙香,好清新,好好食!
12-2-2022 (Sat)同老公喺Donki買完嘢後,經過呢喥,老公話要試,咁睇吓啦,話明係台灣嘢,梗係試台灣口味,於是揀咗$23.00嘅伯爵珍珠三文治.我哋食完Donki 嘅便當後食佢,打開睇,佢哋嘅夾法有啲唔同,我哋切開一半食得,白麵包係好鬆軟,但伯爵珍珠嘅味道唔係好食得出,只有牛油味,咁同食牛油方包有咩分別?有啲嘅,就係多咗珍珠嘅口感.老公食過後話把鬼.服務:店員話如果一個鐘頭內唔食,就放入雪櫃,可留到3日,到食前拎出嚟解凍15分鐘.
洪瑞珍香港 (English name: Hungruichen) is a very VERY famous bakery in Taiwan that sells a simple sandwich. But for some reason, that ham and cheese sandwich has a huge following. Tourists all the way from Japan to Korea flock to Taiwan to buy these sandwiches. And in Hong Kong, unofficial shops sold them as well until several had food poisining that had the government step in and forbid the sales of these in the city.On a trip to Taiwan a long time ago before the pandemic hit, boyfriend and I bought a couple of these sandwiches to see what the hype was all about. They were good. Soft and fluffy with their lovely secret spread. But was it the best sandwich in the world? Enough for tourists to buy cases of these home?I don't know.And then the official shop opened in Hong Kong. Not just one shop but several. Now they span in all areas of the cit and more to come! I passed by them several times but not really thinking to get one. I still didn't understand the hype.Then I walked by the one in Tsuen Wan and saw this adorable little bag! It was so pretty and chic. No huge glaring logo. Just a sweet little sandwich. It was perfect for packing my lunch to work. To get this, just purchase anything and add $15 for it! The staff told me there was no minimum purchase. What a deal!For that, I ordered one sandwich. Sandwiches cost about $27. They have the favorites from Taiwan along with a couple of Hong Kong exclusives. I decided on the Hong Kong exclusive: char siu and egg. Why? I love char siu! The staff suggested it be heated it as it tastes better so she did that for me.It was packed in their signature packing that is quite easy to unwrap and allows you to hold the sandwich without dirtying your fingers.Unwrapping it this is what it looked like! It was four slices of bread with two thin slices of egg and one thin spread of char siu in the middle. It didn't look like much but biting into it ... it was really good! The bread was soft and cloud like. The egg was a bit too thin so you really couldn't taste it. But it was spread with it's signature butter and secret mayo spread. And the char siu! So sweet and savory. The Hong Kong exclusive was pretty good!Price wasn't expensive and sometimes they have a buy special deals. I might buy again as there is now one in Causeway Bay which is closer to me.