港铁柴湾站 D 出口, 步行约9分钟
佢口水雞味道幾好食,尤其是過醬,啲雞肉好滑 而且仲要冇骨 但份量超少 差唔多$30 但得個四五嚿肉 仲要唔算好厚,略嫌有少少貴 如果平啲$20更加好 但係如果突然之間好想食口水雞,佢一個唔錯嘅選擇
有時早餐想食得好啲,又唔想太貴,又想跟埋杯奶茶/咖啡,醒醒神就更好,咁7仔早餐就可以幫到你。我自己次次都會揀咖哩魚蛋,魚蛋唔會好粉好淋,有少少彈牙,但最鍾意係佢個汁,好香又有少少辣,配埋魚蛋都好好味。 另外,多數會揀腸粉加咖哩魚蛋,重點係腸粉夠索汁,放咗甜豉油、甜醬,再吸埋啲咖哩汁味,比平時食腸粉會多一份香辣味,好夾。 奶茶就麻麻哋,有啲澀味同嚡口,只可以話早餐$20有找,包嘢食嘢飲,就不能要求太高啦!
放工個人有啲餓入咗熱賣點買啲野食頂肚梗係叫咗最愛ge烏冬la唔洗廿蚊仲有一款配料係唔貴ge我揀咗三粒燒賣同要咗咖哩汁燒賣蒸太耐 霖得制烏冬淥得啱啱好 幾好味咖哩汁有辣味但唔夠味道港式 但都係太多味精食完口渴到爆!下次會試燒汁睇吓會唔會好d
唉,成世人趕頭趕命, 連坐底食餐安樂飯都無時間既我, lunch 仲可以食d乜? 有! 咪係麵包同7仔囉。魚蛋燒賣燒賣既口感非常之「粉」,好似無乜魚肉味咁, 又唔夠熱度, 仲好腍身, very bad taste!魚蛋's taste was much better than the Shao-Mai, 算係有d魚味又夠熱,不過 texture 一d都唔彈牙一d都爽口,比較腍。碗仔翅+熱利賓納碗翅係好足料又夠熱, 有菇絲肉絲蛋絲, 味道夠濃唔太鹹又有麻油味。熱利賓納, 調得比較濃, 有d過甜, 不過總比淡而無味為好。 有一位好資深的OR食評家話俾我知,OpenRice呢道有好多食家都唔係咁like又或者係「睇唔起」寫7仔食物做食評既人,不過咁又點,既然有得食而又得OR容許寫既 ^o^ 就可以寫! 吹乒乓咩!
I was surprised that the local convenient store had a special edition bun for Valentines day.(They were still selling them on the 16th of February, the day I got them) It was basically two heart shaped buns filled with chocolate paste.There was a set that includes the hot chocolate drink and two buns for $13.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Sweetheart buns:The appearance of these buns were the same as Chinese steamed buns, but they were pink and heart shaped.Part of the bun was slightly dry and hard.If it was not dry and hard then the bun would have been perfect.I suspect it was dry because they did not manage to sell all the buns on Valentines days, so they are selling the remaining stock.The filling in the middle was thick chocolate paste that was not too sweet.The poster did not mention whether the filling was runny or not, so I did not have any expectations.Anyway, I really liked it because it was a modernized Chinese bun filled with chocolate! ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★