以往住在淺水灣的我, 當年入住的時候the pulse商場還在興建中, 如今已經發展完善了這裏大部份都是西式餐廳為主, 中式餐廳好像只有這間了, 幾乎是獨市生意吧假日會在店門前提供外賣雞蛋仔($38), 這個收費是外間的一倍, 味道卻叫人失望, 並沒有傳統雞蛋仔的蛋香味道點了楊州炒飯($108), 飯的比例絕對比配料多很多, 像是在吃白飯一樣的口感, 多幾舊叉燒粒是否真的這麼虧本呢??椒鹽雞軟骨($78), 這個相比前者較好, 新鮮炸起帶少許油膩感, 椒鹽味香蝦多士($78), 乾爭爭的多士並沒有提供沙律醬, 像炸了粉團般, 沒有任何味道可言店員亦是dog friendly的, 如果有帶狗狗的朋友們可以選擇坐近門口, 狗狗可以一同坐在門外, 由於可能我帶同狗狗一起入座, 店員的態度亦友善有禮希望店家能改善一下衛生問題總結而言, 二人共消費了四百多, 豪宅區地段的收費; 茶餐廳的質素, 你懂的
每次去淺水灣都會幫襯他們,服務態度又好,食物水準又高,環境又開揚舒適。一個非常西化的海邊環境有美味廣東民間菜式選擇,很好呢!今次我們叫了:窩蛋牛肉粥 - 粥底好綿,牛肉好滑,還有我最愛的生雞蛋,可能沙門士菌的原因,所以而家好少有以窩蛋做的送菜豬潤粥 - 啲豬潤好滑無渣燒鵝髀 - 好肥美肉質幼嫩,賣相又靚,好好味酥炸白飯魚 - 魚唔夠乾身,炸粉薄啲更好,但送啤酒一流因為今日係只係食下午茶,未能叫多兩三樣食物,他們還有地道的雞蛋仔,下次一定要試下。
It’s been a long time since I’ve eaten at Meen & Rice. Although the decor and menu are getting old, the food still provides me with Sunday comfort. The Char Siu rice is still on point along with the rest of the meal as shown in my photos. If you are ever in need of comfort food on Repulse Bay beach, I would recommend coming here over all the other restaurants at the Pulse.
A friend recommended this place and brought us all the way to Repulse Bay for afternoon tea on a super sunny day. The restaurant is overlooking the very pretty beach under the very beautiful blue sky!There were 4 of us and we ordered a few items.The congee with beef and egg was so tasteless that we had to add a lot of pepper to make it taste better. It was so pricey!The shrimp cheung fun was ok with nothing special. Not cheap.This beef briskets and beef tendon tasted good.The cold soy bean milk was also quite delicious. I had two. Also ordered shrimp dumplings, pork liver and pork feet. These items had nothing special.The most special thing of the meal was that we bumped into 3 artists! However, food-wise there was really no need to travel all the way to Repulse Bay for these food and the food was quite pricey.