食记 (11)
If there are no pictures of this place except food, it would be judged as one of those ordinary chinese cafes that serve noodles and rice.The food could be better, especially with a classy interior and prices.The vietnamese beef noodles tasted like any other vietnamese noodles.The concept of the udon however was slightly better, it was stir fried udon with aubergines, anchovies, onions and beanshoots.I felt that it was lacking the taste from the anchovies, and it was too sweet and oily.You can actually see the oil left in the pot, and a picture of oil being poured out from the bowl. 继续阅读
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等级2 2010-08-15
10 浏览
今日同朋友行下行下,行了去"紅果樹" 食個下午茶我叫了鐵板煎餃子,餃子味道一般啦,雖然話有秘制醬汁,但是未能突出其餃子既味道...朋友就試了個意大利咖啡布甸配椰汁紅豆冰,佢話咖啡布甸都幾滑,咖啡味都幾濃wor... 继续阅读
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等级3 2010-06-20
10 浏览
Had lunch here today. Just got home and I am already writing a review.Been here a few times, it was OK before, but this time really terrible.First of all, I like vegetables but they either have veggie dishes that are like $58, $68 ( ?!) or noodles/rice dishes that don't have veggies.So I ordered 蝦+燒雞 蕃茄湯檬. ($48)得一隻蝦,兩件雞 (勁油) and the 檬粉 is the worst, hard and tasteless.WTF?! I won't come back here again and pay $48 for that crap.Now on to the service.........When serving dessert, 綠豆沙 (taste is not bad), only gave one spoon. OK. So we (3 of us) ask for more spoons, only gave one more. Good restaurants would automatically give 2 more.And then, at the end of the meal, we asked for toothpick. Then she gave us only 2 toothpicks. ?!? then one of us said "慳得一蚊得一蚊, even toothpick they are trying to save." Then I said "慳得一蚊得一蚊, 慳得一個customer得一個customer. Not coming back here again! " 继续阅读
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(非会员) 2010-04-18
11 浏览
今晚點了一個冬陰公雞扒湯飯及鮮蝦扎肉蕃茄湯檬,感覺極之失望.冬陰公湯只有椰油味,沒有冬陰公應有的香茅及薑味,雞扒雖皮脆,但沒有味道.鮮蝦絶對不是鮮蝦,是雪蝦的味道.吃完後,兩人舌頭感覺是被燙到.這樣的味道是只能說不能拿出來賣.加起來差不多一百蚊. 絶對不值 继续阅读
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等级4 2010-03-29
9 浏览
知道lee間鋪頭已經一段時候但未有機會試, 今次終於一嚐佢o既lunch, 不過overall其實係好普通!!!之前睇過專欄話lee度食fusion野, 越式野, 我覺得一半o岩啦~~~ fusion lee個term真係有待深究!!!lunch set都好多選擇, 不過唔算平 (最抵o既當然係學生set lunch啦~~~ 有相為證!!!) 想試o既飯類普遍都要$40以上, 雖然話包埋野飲/美味糖水, (普通o既糖水咋), 而且凍飲個menu初時set應該唔洗加$, 不過依家凍飲要加$2, 乜d 冰塊真係咁值$ ??? 越式撈檬, 一款雞絲扎肉, 另一款就燒雞, 因為係友人o既order所以冇試味啊~ 但賣相都幾靚, 好似係$40以下, $3x左右!!!香芋滑雞竹筒飯 $42 + $3轉菜飯, 其實真係貪新鮮而order同埋轉做菜飯, 味道ok, 不過其實可以唔轉菜飯, 因為唔太抵轉~~~ 配料都好多, 而且飯o既份量都多~~~ 但醬汁就欠奉, 自己加豉油囉~~~ 加完就ok d, 因為味道偏啖口 $52 燒雞石燒飯, 超級熱辣辣, 而且賣相唔錯, 食落口好似韓式石頭飯咁, 哈哈..... 佢o既味道比較惹味, 因為有醬汁, 所以愈食愈想食d飯~~~~~ 但價錢好似貴左少少wor........overall comment覺得佢可以再平少少, 但當然佢o既環境都尚算舒適, 但比我想像中細, 因為o向鋪頭外面覺得入面會大d, 但原來都有少少迫~~~~~ 不過相信我唔會再試lu~~~ 哈哈 继续阅读
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