港铁坑口站 A1 出口
I spent 15 minutes in finding a table. It is acceptable during dinner time in weekends. The chicken wing and meat were okay. And black pepper sauce tastes good. However, there were too little vegetables and too much french fries. It could be better if there were more vegetables. Some of the food were overcooked like the sausage. So, I had not eaten them. The food was in a mess. Its appeal was poor. In general, the dinning experience was just so so. Maybe, the mistakes committed were due to large demands in dinner time and weekends. I will go back in weekdays to see whether the overall experience will be better or not.
I tried the Countryside breakfast because I like potatoes and not many places serve this style of potatoes with breakfast unless you are in spain.When I saw the advert for this, I felt that the breakfast was more Spanish than European.Anyway, the countryside set comes with stir-fried potatoes and their so called "European sausage" with a choice of bacon, egg or ham.I ordered the set with egg.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Stir fried potatoes:The potatoes were cut with a crinkle knife.They were fried for a bit and then stir fried with onion, however I found it too sweet.I was really looking forward to the potatoes but they did not taste as nice as I expected.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★EggThe egg looked really nice, but it was cold and tasteless.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Continental sausage:It looked like a European sausage but the texture was exactly the same as a Frankfurter.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Toast with butter: I had no expectation for the toast but the butter that came with it made it delectable because it was salted butter.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Although the breakfast is continental style, I felt that most of the items were localised especially their sausage and potatoes.
今天是一個很特別的日子,媽媽和我帶著弟弟山長水遠到東港城領獎。典禮完畢後便到美心MX吃下午茶! 實在太好味!而且因昨天在報紙剪下優惠券,省了$4.(1)豉油皇雞脾+紅豆冰($20)﹣雞脾的大小尚算適中,不太細。而且外觀很吸引,是新鮮的外貌!那個盛著紅豆冰的杯子是我很久沒見過 的懷舊茶餐廳的透明杯,算是大杯!而且單憑外觀,已經覺得與別不同,很好味!媽媽吃完後也大讚!與我家樓 下的美心MX有點分別!(2)西多士+熱檸水($16)﹣熱騰騰、即時弄制的西多士,外貌已經好吸引!皆因西多士水分充足,不是‘乾爭爭‘的!而且中間的花生醬夾心很均 勻,每一口也可以吃到一層麵包一層花生醬再一層麵包!但三層都是夾實的!(3)扒火腿芝士三文治+熱華田($18)﹣這份是三份下午茶之中等候了最長時間的!但也很值得!因為很好味!烘三文治夾著一塊火腿和已被熱力 融化的芝士!真的很美味!想起也再想吃!真的是令我回味!連媽媽試了一小口,也覺得好味!大前提 是:我媽媽極少會選擇吃芝士!不過我很喜歡吃三文治和芝士,西式、意式、港式、法式也是我的至愛! 平日的午餐多數是sandwiches,panini,ciabatta等!這份港式三文治都算是數一數二的好味!雖然我平日甚 少會選擇火腿,因為火腿對我來說也是不健康的食物!但除外,這份三文治真的是此美心MX分店的推介 食品!這個與媽媽和弟弟的短敍下午茶,真的是回味無窮!!!!
星期六咁岩等人, 又未食野, 去左呢間美心MX吃, 叫左燒鵝米粉加杯熱奶茶, 好一個港式下午茶。岩岩去完韓國旅行, 日日吃kimchi, 又辣又酸又唔鮮味, 太耐未吃過香港野食了, 呢個TEA SET真係又岩胃口, 又平(好似係$20有找), 又有香港風味。20蚊唔使WOR, 而家係香港真係好難得。好啦, 講番食物質素, 好滿意, 燒鵝(可能係燒鴨, 我唔識分), 唔太肥, 有肉食, 係我3點幾仲未吃過任何野落肚既情況下, 都頂得住肚餓。杯奶茶真係好香滑, 有茶味, 咩叫正宗香港奶茶? 我覺得呢間絕對做得到。係我呢個思鄉情緒高緒的lonely下午, 吃個燒鵝米+熱奶茶, 仲要只係需要$20, 我!好!滿!足!!