主打日式創作料理的「翹壽司. 味工房」,就是其中一間最受注目的新店;「翹壽司. 味工房」是銅鑼灣少有以私房日本菜作主打的日式料理店,店主潘先生擁有多年的日本料理經驗,所設計的菜色在傳統及創意之間作出平衡。
營業時間: 11:30am-3:00pm ; 6:00pm-:1200mn\r\n午市免加一,消費滿$300可使用信用咭
11:00 - 00:00
I have a friend of really like eating Japanese food and we haven't seen for a long time, so I would like to pick her to a Japanese restaurant and enjoy a wonderful lunch.By we have seen lots of advertisement of this restaurant, It said that the chief there was a veteran of making Japanese food and their dishes are unique from others so we decided to have a try at there. When we arrived, it is just 11: 45am, there are many choices in the menu and looked attractive then we have ordered a Tempura udon with Sashimi and sliced beef and egg rice bowl. However, we have waited for a long time and we have asked them to hurry up for at least 3 times but the waiters just answered “it is coming soon.Please wait a moment”. The meal finally served at 12:30pm, which we had waited for 45 mins! Since we have brought the film ticket of 12:50pm, that mean we need to leave at 12:45pm and we dashed off our meal in 15 mins. For the meals, we feel really disappointed. The tempura udon was insipid and we can realise that the Sashimi was not fresh from its colour. It was all dark in colour and gave us a bad appetite and the worst one was sliced beef and egg rice bowl, it was so dry and hard to crew and we were so shocked since my friend has discovered a long hair in the rice bowl!It was really the worst Japanese restaurant that we have tried before. We won’t try this any more!
叫咩都好難食, 用料差, 食材差, 味道差...係服務可以.叫左個鰻魚飯, 啲飯係日本米, 不過啲飯好似係隔放飯, 一 kau 一 kau 唔散既, 好可怕. 啲鰻魚, 係一件擦紙膠, 又或者係橡膠.....點都夾唔散, 吉之島$19.90 都好過佢....黑豚肉炒雜菜, 味道還可, 不過啲椰菜都未炒'腍'就上碟...蛋壽司, 冇, 一間壽司店冇玉子, 心都涼埋....燒冬菇, 都可以.蒸蛋, 個面皮有我咁鞋, 咩味都冇...唉, 咁既食物想生存到, 未免太可笑罷 ~
又是同事請我食飯的日子,由於同事慣這間,覺得味道唔差,我們2個就在此吃午餐. 天婦羅烏冬餐:麵鼓湯無味道,好像在喝水.燉蛋蒸得過火又唔滑,無乜蛋味.由於蝦沒有分開上關係,己浸在湯中,外皮己淋淋的.蝦好大隻,無鮮味,烏冬唔夠滑溜.份量夠多,用上石窩唔會好快凍又夠熱,不錯.飲品點了凍檸水無乜特別 三味膳$104:三味膳分別是卷物,壽司,刺身.卷物紫菜唔脆己淋.青瓜唔夠爽口.壽司三文魚無乜味道.其它無食.刺身三文魚無味,吞拿魚超乾唔新鮮,立魚無食,甜蝦唔新鮮無味道,只有爽味
一心諗住慶祝朋友入到大學,揾間未食過的餐廳食dinner.去causeway bay揾左一陣,選了這間樓上店試下....叫左個兩人set dinner,再叫一個壽司+拉麵同埋飯餐.....二人的set dinner------------前菜-八x魚,螺肉,中華沙律...唔知為什麼要混埋一起,搞到d味怪怪.三文魚鍋,無咩味,只知好多津白係底...兩餐飲,簡單到爆的檸檬茶都搞到咁,d荼色淡,又係無味,同檸水一樣..真係......xxx煙肉炒飯,又無味lor,唔夠salt,不過算係好d個菜la壽司+拉麵餐壽司有十件,可自選,都好好味!不過唔大件,可能係餐的關係吧!拉麵又無味,清汤的....飯餐個黑豚肉飯都夠味,但唔算好味~~~服務方面 WAITER &WAITRESS無咩笑容,見到旁邊張3人檯,有人同個WAITER講你D態度好差),好似係個WAITER倒濕左客人個袋,WAITER有SAY SORRY,但似乎無誠意所意個客咁,我都覺得個WAITER態度差....食物同服務都咁,我唔會再去-_-