06:00 - 00:00
06:00 - 00:00
一早起身就要飛日本😂今次去東京,坐ANA Business Class✈️之後入左聯合航空貴賓室😎地方細細,可算五臟俱全既😬而且可以直接望到閘口😂不過可能太早,無乜特別野好食✈️都係要左杯紅酒,食左個炒蛋火腿做早餐🥣炒蛋幾好,其他就真係一般般😂
之後嚟到星空聯盟嘅最後一站,聯合航空貴賓室。唔知係唔係始終係美國航空公司嘅關係睇落啲食物都係西式嘅簡餐多冇乜熱辣辣嘅中式野,同時間因為之前食得比較多野,老實講都冇乜胃口,所以只係飲咗少少野就走。雖然只係飲咗少少野,不過都有種嘢飲值得推介。就係Twinings 嘅伯爵茶同埋English Breakfast Tea了。茶包喺英國原裝入口茶味香醇,檸檬方面無苦澀味,只係有少少新鮮嘅酸味,加埋滾水同埋少少糖,就成為令人精神為之一振嘅檸檬茶啦。另外最尾食左個原個生果,都叫做新鮮啦。總括嚟講食嘢就麻麻啦,不過叫坐得舒服啦,係hea 時間嘅好地方。
I fly United Airlines a lot, and I get to use their lounges on international flights. The United Club in Hong Kong is not as crowded as the ones in Newark, NJ, so it's pretty comfortable to sit and relax in there before a flight. I've been visiting the Hong Kong lounge ever since it opened. Back in the days, there was a good variety of Asian and Western food choices, and they have taken away the ones I really liked which were the sushi rolls and samosas and spring rolls. Earlier this month, I was taking my final US trip of the year, and I was at the United Club for breakfast. Their usual breakfast setup included a bread and pastries station, dim sum and congee station, cold cuts and fruit salad station, and hot items station which included eggs, bacon and sausage, baked beans, Chinese fried noodles, and oatmeal. At the bread and pastries station, they had bagels but no cream cheese, so I opted for a slice of toast with butter. No surprise here. Just a normal slice of bread.From the hot items, I grabbed a couple strips of bacon which were neither crunchy nor crispy. They were a little hard to chew and a little limp. I'm a bacon fan, so this was still ok.The ham from the cold cuts was ok as well, nothing special.The real disappointment was the dim sum and congee station. They had a pork bun, not char siu, and I don't care for those. I was hoping for some rice noodle roll (cheung fun) or char siu bun, too bad! On to the congee, it's a salted egg and chicken congee. Weird, but I gave it a shot! The combination of salted egg and chicken for me was too strange, and I actually didn't finish it. I try not to waste food, but given that I was about to go on a 16-hour flight, I didn't want to upset my stomach. The cleaning ladies who are very efficient in clearing and cleaning the tables actually asked me why I didn't finish the congee. I love the cleaning ladies there, they are very courteous and nice as always!I know most people think that I shouldn't be complaining about free food, but some people actually pay to use the United Club, and it isn't cheap. Compared to other lounges in the Hong Kong Airport, the food quality in the United Club is pretty disappointing! I've been to other lounges in the airport, and I believe that United actually uses the catering service at the airport for the lounge food, and United has been picking the less favorable options from the catering menu!