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食记 (57)
約左一大班朋友搞下GATHERING...因為睇到D食評, 所以去TRY下D食物...點知D野食都尚算可以既時候...佢地D服務呢...真係一百個差...點差法...首先...叫左D 汽水, 杯上啦...但D味就有D怪, 咁叫人換番D罐裝比佢...但點知佢地幾過份, 將原本既汽水倒番入個罐到..之後唸住再比番我地...好彩我朋友見到. 即刻叫佢再攞罐新既未開過既黎...你睇下佢地幾咁唔誠實...咁樣做生意既咩...當然食物方面都OK既...佢D云吞雞都幾好食...食左個菜膀蟹....都唔錯...當然我地叫左其他野食..不過太唔記得...當然有TRY佢既片皮鴨...呢個真的不錯呀...... 继续阅读
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等级2 2010-06-03
139 浏览
由於有長輩的關係,友人特別選了粵菜/滬菜的餐廳。在等長輩的同時,送來一碟前菜,內有甜花生、雞和粉皮,粉皮是幾好味的~我們點了醉雞,酒味濃了一點,雞肉尚算不錯。而青瓜海蜇頭也有爽,很好味!而三鮮炒拉麵、翡翠帶子蝦球,兩者都是不過不失。最值得欣賞的是小籠包(9元一隻),都應該是即叫即蒸,內裏的湯汁好豐富,味道適中,所以我們都encore了,叫了兩round。而高力豆沙的香蕉味很濃,甜味適中。整體來說,是一間不過不失的餐廳,但略嫌現場環境較嘈,桌子太長,傾起計上來不是太方便,並對面的朋友距離較遠。 继续阅读
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等级4 2010-05-18
42 浏览
I seldom have such bad dining experiences, but this was a poor, poor choice of mine. Everything seemed to be a disaster from the beginning till end....I shall begin describing my arrival here.So i booked a table the night before knowing that it would be busy on a Friday night. I arrived on time and was greeted by a young girl on the G/F who asked if I had reservations. I said yes and she replied "uhh let me check because even if you have booked we are very full so i cannot guarantee a table for you." She then called upstairs to check whether a table was available and ready and then sent us upstairs. Thanks to her, my mood was pretty much ruined by now...After looking at the menu which was not very extensive in comparison to the newer Xia Fei at K11, we decided we'd go for a couple of dishes and save room for dessert elsewhere, since (a) we discovered the food was not good and (b) it was so cramped and noisy we were literally yelling to hear each other. So we ordered the following: Xiao Lung Bao x 2These were quite cute but the skin tore easily.... The skin's texture was way too soft with no elasticity at all... The meat inside was not great in quality either and was just fine with the addition of vinegar...Shredded Pork and preserved salted veg with ramen in soupThe noodles and pork was acceptable, but the broth had to go to waste. It was so salty, either by over-seasoning of the cooks (I'm not sure proper chefs would send food out without quality control) or by a misstep in not washing the preserved vegetable properly to get the saltiness out. Anyway, none of the soup could be consumed, which defeats the purpose of ordering noodles in soup. assorted mushrooms in brothThey used a variety of chinese wild mushrooms that are readily available at your grocery store. None of the more prestigious Chinese dung-gu here, and they fried the wild mushrooms before-hand which made the dish itself gleaming with oil... not pleasant. When we had enough of the food and the noise, we asked for the bill. It came to about $200 for two including service, and without looking we paid, desperate to leave. That night, I read the receipt and they had charged us $20 for tea (per head I think?), which we did not have at all. We were given only hot water.... I honestly don't know how everything just spiralled down so badly after arrival, but a note to self is don't always judge a restaurant by its popularity. 继续阅读
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難得老豆話出街食...叫我諗地點...就諗起花滿樓...因為上次細佬返o黎時一家人去食...環境唔錯...d野食都唔錯...雖然價錢唔算大眾化...但環境同食物我覺得可以接受啦~而且最重要係父母都覺得好食...o岩佢o地口味!咁o岩今次發現openrice有coupon...滿四百減一百...仲送小籠包添~即係抵好多啦~今次我o地一行四人...趁依家天氣未熱...都係選擇露天位...我o地點o左...1) 小籠包(送o既...每人一件)- 皮夠簿, 肉汁鮮甜...又夠熱...好味~2) 鎮江餚肉- 比上次仲好食...雖然我唔知正宗應該係點樣...但係上次裡面d肉係一舊一舊...今次呢~係一粒一粒碎碎地咁...如果唔係一上枱就食...由佢放一陣無咁凍食的話...係入口即溶o既感覺...連同上面放的少少紫薑絲食&點d鎮江醋食...一流!!!3) xx素鵝- 哩個比較普通少少...不過老豆阿媽諗住我又唔食得羊...所以特別多點哩個小食比我...其實哩個係腐皮裡面有d冬菇絲...炸o既...熱辣辣...但好在唔肥膩...ok4) 砂鍋雲吞雞- 好食...雖然我唔肯定個湯有冇味精...但就算有都一定好少...個雞湯好清甜...最估唔到係d雲吞咁好食...連我老豆都讚d雲吞好食...裡面有d紅蘿蔔同唔知咩瓜(我估脆肉瓜o卦!)...d肉唔會一舊好實o既感覺...有鮮甜味...好好味!5) 糖醋排骨- 糖醋排骨係我見哩度食評好多人讚所以一定要點o既~真係唔係浪得虛名! 剛剛整起就送上o黎, 辣咀o既...個汁o既酸甜度剛剛好...d排骨炸o左外面有少少脆脆地...d汁剛好包住脆脆地果d位...咬落好淋...一d都唔un...我老豆阿媽d牙唔係太好都話夠淋好好食~不過呢...如果係用新鮮菠蘿會好d...另外一提...我感覺佢個汁唔係好正宗o既鎮江醋汁...但又唔係咕嚕肉果d汁...介乎兩者之間...但係都係好好味o既!6) 京蔥爆羊肉- 我唔食得羊...但媽媽老豆同老公都話好食...好夠鑊氣! 老豆話羊肉一d都唔so...好好味~7) 火腿扒津白- 老豆好鐘意食哩個...津白煮到好淋...火腿好香...又夠熱...8) 豆沙鍋餅- 我喜歡佢d豆沙唔會好甜...新鮮整起...所以好熱...但今次略嫌個皮厚o左少少...9) 拔絲香蕉- 哩個整得好食呀~仲要佢段件計...兩件起...d糖漿晌面脆脆地...熱辣辣...好食! 拔絲香蕉係我o地每次食飯o既必然選擇! 继续阅读
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等级2 2010-05-04
28 浏览
經朋友介紹,所以揀o左依間餐廳, 決定同屋企人黎依度慶祝生日, 環境都ok, 唔係太噪, 都幾arm 我地傾計.我地order o左雲吞鷄, 小籠飽, 松子桂魚, 炒鱔糊, 抓津白同高力豆沙.雲吞鷄- 個湯好甜, 雲吞都ok大粒同好食小籠飽(coupon 送)-好juicy, 皮好薄, 熱辣辣同好好食 松子桂魚-水準之作!!!! 魚皮炸得好香脆,魚肉好滑, d(甜酸)汁好開胃, 炒鱔糊同抓津白- 一般高力豆沙-麻麻地 继续阅读
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