食记 (51)
等级4 2014-09-25
1043 浏览
去到銅鑼灣吳打吳撞入左去食碳燒豬肉撈檬份量太大了 配料新鮮碗野一黎就聞到燒肉既味道但吾知係咪配料凍 肉放上去都凍左碳燒雞扒銀針粉晏就已經賣灑河粉 無緣雞扒不油膩 燒得岩岩好 又香呢碗值得推薦 继续阅读
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等级4 2014-08-31
774 浏览
8月17日約好了表弟午餐去Jamie Oliver新菜館。但因要等一小時,最後決定去對面個間越式菜館。唔使等位的情況下我點了越色春卷撈檬同鳯梨汁。表弟則點了越色雞翼豬肉飯同蘋果汁。表弟對我碗越色春卷撈檬同鳯梨汁沒有湯底有疑問。我解釋是要加入撈檬汁。因是冷盤食物。個春卷做得好趣。加上用料充足,食落好有越式風味。個撈檬汁都調得好。支汁本身調到個酦味到中間位。夏天食撈檬最好。個鳯梨汁好一般。不過不失。表弟個越色雞翼豬肉飯個雞翼賣相唔錯。但佢食唔出越式風味。個豬肉好爽,切到個size啱啱好入口。但因越式菜講求酦辣味,係無酦辣味情況下佢要加入撈檬汁。當加入撈檬汁增加食慾。易入口又同雞翼及豬肉產生化學作用後出來的味道可達至越式菜。佢點個杯蘋果汁有蘋果味,算合格。係銅鑼灣貴租區每人收$75都好合理。是次是今年表弟最後一次同我聚餐,佢請客多謝我帶他去香港玩。 继续阅读
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等级4 2014-08-19
801 浏览
I was wandering around not sure what to have for lunch when I realized I haven't been here for a long time. Like at least two years and I couldn't remember why. I arrived around 2 PM and they had their tea set menu up. Since it was hot outside, I ordered a cold vermicelli with Vietnamese sausage and an ice lemon tea.The restaurant space is very crowded. There isn't much space between the tables and chairs. But it's always rather busy. Service is ok as they are attentitive as they see you wave your hand and they come over to serve. It also is the only Vietnamese restaurant I know of in Hong Kong (of course, I could be wrong) that has bottles of Siracha. Siracha is so rare in Hong Kong, I can't find it anywhere. No supermarket, no where! Siracha is popular in North America, especially Chinatown's Vietnamese restaurants as their chilli sauce of choice. I don't know why I can't seem to find it sold here. But at least they serve it here!Cold vermicelli noodles were nicely cold. I mixed it well with their fish sauce which was a hint of spicy. There was plenty of Vietnamese sausages which is good as I love Vietnamese sausage. Portion size was huge. It came in a big bowl, easily shared between two girls.It's an ok place. I wouldn't say it was great Vietnamese. Nor authentic Vietnamese. But I think it reminds me of eating Vietnamese back home in Chinatown. Nothing fancy. Just cheap pho. 继续阅读
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等级2 2014-06-14
607 浏览
湯粉的靈魂乃其湯底。越色的牛骨湯㡳乃個人在香港試過的最好之一。其味鮮濃甘香、且喝後(每每都來個碗底朝天!)絕不口渴。本人最愛其「生牛肉牛腩金邊粉」;牛肉鮮嫩、有肉香有嚼勁;金邊粉烟韌。整碗粉吃後餘韻不絕。(不過之前試過他的飯款就認真麻麻) 继续阅读
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等级3 2014-01-27
685 浏览
今日勁好彩, 黎到唔駛等位就有得坐. 我叫左個蕃茄牛腩飯, 飲品就要熱奶茶. 不一會, 奶茶就送上來了, 顏色比較淡, 奶味較濃, 茶味則不足. 才喝了幾口, 我的茄腩飯也送來了, 果然快手, 我估呢間舖頭午飯時間足可做三轉呢. 蕃茄牛腩飯, 飯和餸是分開上的, 蕃茄和牛腩是裝在一個碗裡, 上面還有幾片芫茜, 茄汁顏色深紅, 味道濃烈, 富有香草味. 牛腩不算很淋, 幸好也不難咬開, 而且尚算有牛味, 份量亦足, 也夠令人滿意了.離開時超多人, 我隔鄰的位置明明只有六個卻加圓櫈坐七個人, 所以一食完我都即走了, 費事阻住佢地做生意啦. 如果諗住要慢慢嘆午餐, 這裡就不適合了. 继续阅读
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