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食记 (11)
等级4 2017-11-11
4632 浏览
諗唔到「娥姐私房菜」咁多年食評只有10篇!回流以來嚟過好幾次!食評寫咗百幾篇、原來一直冇提筆寫下「娥姐私房菜」!今次不得不提筆!皆因娥姐計劃2019年退休、聽說2018年已訂爆!今晚可能係最後一次品嚐「娥姐」的手藝!😳今晚第一次食白鴿蛋、口感比鵪𪂹蛋爽滑。當晚聽好友討論其營養價值也豐富、白鴿蛋的膽固醇含量差不多要15隻白鴿蛋的膽固醇才等於一隻鵪鶉蛋!食得安心又放心!蛇羹嚐過無數次!三蛇燉湯卻是第一次!最奇怪本來感冒未清、飲嘅時候心怯怯擔心躁火、點知飲完喉嚨感覺好舒服、當晚有覺好瞓!當晚最欣賞除了蛇羹之外、蠔鬆、茶薰雞、蒜炆白鱔、鴨粒炒飯....至今仍回味!👍🏻😋😋😋***是晚菜單:七彩蝦片鹽酥白鴿蛋沙律窩貼明蝦鮑粒金蠔鬆生菜包竹笙龍穿鳳翼/枸杞太史鮑絲蛇羹翅茶香薰雞三蛇燉湯蒜子炆大鱔香蔥鴨粒炒飯薑汁圓肉紅棗芝麻湯圓 继续阅读
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等级7 2016-06-15
5760 浏览
迷人uncle同美人姐姐早於一年前o既暑假已約定肥肥家族及多位好友上週日食晚餐。晚宴並非慶祝性質,只係因為地點「金門莊」訂座最快都要等成年先有位 ,主人家唯有定下一年之約 。藏身於住宅大廈內o既「金門莊」佔用面積全層,並打通哂所有單位。門口雖然好似有三個咁多,但其實只有左邊嗰個先為正門,仲要按下門鐘先入得去。廚房屬客人禁地。用餐區域不設散座,只有兩間房,其中大嗰間可以擺兩圍,就算打通兩間頂多都只可以擺三圍,每晚只做一輪,故訂座極之緊張,閒日都要一年前訂 ,真係幾誇張。店內四周都掛滿字畫。玻璃架上亦可見佛像及壽星公像等名貴擺設。就連餐具及龍形餐墊都流露著中國色彩 。據悉,老闆娘娥姐身兼大廚,每日都會親自買餸,並烹調大小菜式,由起初只叫做「娥姐私房菜」,至今演變成「金門莊」,已將快為十年,期間更榮獲多個奬項。迷人uncle請客,菜單一早已交由美人姐姐與娥姐訂好,賓客只需飯來張口 。早到o既客人不但有得飲多兩杯,仲有新鮮熱辣、香脆鬆化o既懷舊「七彩蝦片」食添! 蝦多士:蝦多士每件都炸得好夠金黃,蝦隻皮層鬆脆香口,蝦身爽厚彈牙,底層塊多士雖然感覺上油咗少少,不過亦在所難免,XO仔一口氣食咗四件都唔覺得溜,實屬推介之選 。 桂花炒素翅:深知素翅比魚翅難炒,靚靚媽咪食完第一口已大讚娥姐個素翅炒得好有水準 !蟹肉幼嫩清甜,素翅炒得又夠乾身,而且熱力十足,勁有鑊氣,難怪未轉完第二個圈已成功清碟。 鼎湖上素:雜菌齋菜都好爽脆,帶甜o既芡汁亦極為討好。 紅燒乳鴿:每人半隻紅燒乳鴿,今勻真係「肶」翼雙飛 !乳鴿皮脆肉嫩又多汁,冇得彈呀! 黃金蟹:細佬因敏感問題唔敢食,不過似乎席上o既貴賓都覺得蟹肉香口惹味。 苦瓜炆雞:小肥年紀唔算好輕,但仍怕食苦瓜,眼見長輩們都食得津津有味,所以就細嚐兩口,點知人家o既「甘」明顯唔係自己杯茶囉 ! 螺頭花菇燉雞湯:足料o既雞湯原盅上。分好每人一大碗湯後,所有湯渣連原隻煲湯雞則另上。雞湯清澈無油,其實離遠已聞到香濃o既花菇味 ,飲落更覺清香甜美,好足火喉。 雲耳蒸鱔:XO仔食魚腐都啃過骨,食鱔依啲咁難度高o既項目都係留返俾同桌o既食魚高手慢慢欣賞。 荷葉飯:荷葉飯香軟入味,非常飽肚。 圓肉紅棗蓮子茶:糖水微甜滋潤,極之暖胃 。由娥姐鎮守o既「金門莊」地點都幾隱蔽,如果唔係有人介紹,恐怕都未必會識去。餐店環境私隱度高,大方高雅,唯一上樓必先行上一層樓梯,年紀大啲又或者腳骨力唔夠都會有少少麻煩。平心而論,細佬食得o既菜式都好好味,不過一聽到埋單每位要成八舊幾水,仲要訂成年咁耐先有位,似乎要食好野仲有好多選擇囉。 继续阅读
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等级2 2016-05-20
4376 浏览
通常私房菜前菜都提供數碟涼菜, 但金門莊提供嘅係各式炸蝦片, 其中一種蝦片上有一粒粒紅米咁樣嘅東西, 我問女侍應紅色呢D 係咩黎嘅, 仍話唔知, 我再問係咪紅米? 佢答應該係。我心諗你喺度做你都唔知?!第一道菜係蝦多士, 好油, 蝦膠唔彈牙炒素翅 - 應該係全晚最無投訴嘅一碟餸生菜包(蠔豉鮑魚粒) – 我就食唔出有鮑魚, 淨係覺得D蠔豉好腥茶燻雞- 我未食過有汁嘅茶燻雞, 覺得乾嘅好食D黃金蟹- 應該無用牛油開D 蛋黃, 唔夠香, 一pat pat, D 咸蛋搶左蟹嘅鮮味柚皮生菜 – 無特別田雞菜胆湯- 乜田雞可以煲湯嘅咩 ? 都無味嘅炸筍殼 – 幾百蚊餐飯, 蒸魚都無條烏魚子炒飯 –除左油之外, 無特別甜品- 蘋果唔知煲乜, 好大陣藥味(唔係當歸), 接受唔到, 飲左一啖擺低成餐飯最好食係個蛋糕, 因為我地帶來的😆人頭成$800, 但無矜貴菜色, 仲要預早幾個月前卜, 都唔知為乜, 徙錢徙 quota. 继续阅读
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等级4 2015-12-20
3510 浏览
I joined this dinner knowing only 1 person on a random weekday. Most of the group was from overseas. A sister of a person there, who couldn’t make it, reserved the table originally but instead of canceling, she said gather a bunch of random people even if you had to but JUST GO.This private kitchen only serves in portions for 12-15 people and we only had 7 tonight. More food for ME!My family’s designated restaurant for years for Shunde cuisine (a district under the Guangdong province and it’s 1 of the 4 Cantonese culinary traditions) was the Shun Tak Fraternal Association so I was excited on being introduced to a new place. 90% of the dishes met my expectation and more. We had plenty to drink also because it was bring your own bottles.The chef/owner, Ngo Jie (it meant “big sister Ngo” in Cantonese), is quite legendary among the older generations of HK foodies, and her dishes time machine you back to the 50s/60s Hong Kong. She serves up to 2 private rooms per night (max. 15pax/room). A gentleman treated us all tonight and I assumed it was approximately HK$500/person.Prawn Crackers to start off with a couple glasses of champagne. Appetizers were Deep-fried Shrimp Toast (fresh and toothsome shrimp paste, great flavor but could be less oily) and Honey-glazed Duck Breast Salad (nothing special). These were the only 2 dishes I thought we could skip next time.Scrambled Eggs with Vegetarian “Shark” Fin was stir-fried with just the right amount of oil and heat, which gave the dish the unique aroma of “wok hei” (breath of the wok). The benchmark was to make the overall dish dry, without overcooking the eggs, and the ingredients would stick together when you pick them up. With some bean sprouts to enrich the texture, I was very tempted to order some white rice and stay with this dish for the rest of the night; and it was only the beginning.The most memorable dish was the mountain of Abalone & Dried Oyster Lettuce Wrap. Lettuce wraps were usually with boring minced pork/duck. Dried oysters had an intense and aromatic sweet-ocean taste, which made them almost like a seasoning or a truffle equivalent purpose in Chinese stews and soups. The chopped abalone also gave a bouncy bite to contrast with the crispy lettuce. I was enslaved.The soy sauce was slightly sweeter than necessary for the Tea Leaf Smoked Chicken but the smoky tea flavor made up for it. The chicken was immensely juicy and tender. The smokiness also penetrated thoroughly to the chicken kidneys and livers, if you are into the rich taste of these parts, they paired nicely with red wine.Salted Egg Yolk with Crab used meaty flower crabs and it took very little effort to crack open the shells.Steamed Herbal Eel was very tasty if you were into omega-3 rich fish. The herbal goodness includes goji berry, black fungus, Chinese wine marinated green onions and a light soy sauce with a touch of ginseng-medicinal aftertaste. The eel was how Chinese people liked it - fatty and soft. It was a warming “yang-reinforcing” delicacy.Thinking that was it? Nono. Here came a super big bowl of Lotus Seed and Jinhua Dry-cured Ham Soup. So many lotus seeds that we could have extinct the specie! The soup was incredibly rich and the seeds melted right in the mouth.By the time the Steamed Rice with Lotus Leaf and the dessert, Apple, Hawberry & Sea Coconut Soup were here, it was just too much food to handle but we stuffed our faces anyways. The whole meal was truly too good to miss. We doggy bagged quite a bit home.Ngo Jie came out to greet us afterwards with a calendar and asked when we would like to have our next reservation; the “snake soup season” was coming up. We were like, great! When was the next availability? Ngo Jie smiled sweetly, “Oh dear, the booking is up to September next year.” 继续阅读
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等级1 2013-05-24
4022 浏览
超失望,已經叫朋友5好去食,收咁嘅價錢,服務員態度差,最重要係d餸用料5出色,個湯最驚嚇,一落細碗已一層厚厚嘅油!最神奇原來白反、辣油之類要預訂先有,點解訂位5講😡😡 继续阅读
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