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食记 (40)
等级4 2011-01-15
535 浏览
m記一出新野我都會第一時間去試下, 今次都唔例外...今次叫左蜜糖芥末魚柳包套餐, 雖然價錢都唔平要成$28.50, 但好彩d材料都叫唔錯, 起碼生菜都唔會話"梅", 蕃茄都大大片算交足料, 不過成個包個汁就唔多得又無咩芥末味道, 只不過係似普通魚柳包升級左俾多塊生菜同蕃茄片咁..不過相比kfc既魚柳包m記既都算係咁. 继续阅读
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等级4 2010-10-01
203 浏览
今年的GBCHK完結了,當中季殿軍都來自McCAFE.但又不是每間老麥會有半自動咖啡機.忽發奇想想出一個只說特濃咖啡的系列.說一下個人口味上覺得哪一家是vaule of money.不知是否早來到還是怎的這間是众多麥咖啡中,個磨豆機下最清潔的 又是一杯SOLO,店員又是一句...好細杯嗰喎.今次啡師叫CHING.TAMP得太鬆了,稀流流.味道還是有的...大大杯僅有的啡脂也散了. 继续阅读
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等级4 2010-08-31
79 浏览
The chicken products at McDonalds are burgers, coated chicken wings, and nuggets.This time, they have come out with BBQ grilled wings.I was surprised it tasted much nicer than the honey grilled wings at KFC.The honey-grilled wings at KFC have been grilled to the extent that the chicken is slightly tough and the skin is a bit like plastic film. The KFC version is also sweeter. Being fair the texture of the wings also depends on if they were just done or been sitting there for a while.The wings here taste almost the same as KFC’s honey wing, but they are also spicy, same as the hot wings at McD’s.The wings are separated into mid-joints and drumettes which is more convenient than the one piece wing at KFC (a whole wing from tip to mid-joint).The wings at McD’s are much juicier and the skin is thin and tender that it rips easily during consumption.The bones are disjointed easily too, making it easy to eat without meat being stuck on the joints.There is a slight spiciness just like the hot wings, but not as spicy. It would have been good if there was a wedge of lemon (but impossible for a fast food chain like McD’s) or even lemon flavouring on the chicken.The product shot is relatively the same as the real thing, but the lemon I thought was a bit misleading, since people would associated the taste with it. 继续阅读
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等级4 2010-07-18
52 浏览
我好少一飲/食完就寫的, 但呢杯咖啡實在係太難飲, 唔寫唔得...話說吾人又有一張吸滿印的咖啡咭, 趁吃過飯要消消滯便上來換杯飲下。要的是小的 Flat White (原價 $17), 在櫃檯換購後姐姐給我一張原本「棟」在一個座上的號碼牌, 如今連個架都慳番, 要人家自己拿著, 還要自動去櫃面取咖啡! 最弊是咖啡做好了之後就咁放在櫃面就算, 是沒有人會告訴你的, 我是等得不耐煩, 「貢」了出去看, 方才發現的啦。不過杯 Flat White 本身才經典, 基本上是苦水一杯, 別說咖啡味, 是連奶味也沒有的 (連奶泡都無味的你飲過未?), 比普通的麥記咖啡還淡了幾倍! 我既趕著要走, 又見不用付錢的, 就懶得換過杯了, 無奈「骨碌」一聲吞咗佢算。 (如果是真金白銀買的我肯定要他們回水, 我在別處喝用印花咭換的咖啡都沒那麼差的啊!) 继续阅读
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等级3 2009-09-22
52 浏览
放左工後,口痕叫左依個外賣,如果俾我再叫多次,就會係佢剛出爐時食!因為返左屋企後,外面0既脆皮淋左了,扣左d 分,好彩入面流出來0既朱古力仍然係熱熱地0既,甜左些,不過我都接受到. 继续阅读
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