於1993年創立,並於多區均有分店的中東菜餐廳,主打多款kebab及咖喱等美食,價錢相宜合理。 继续阅读
無肉餐單詳情: 每天供應多款素食菜式
11:00 - 22:00
11:00 - 22:00
11:00 - 22:00
Visa Master AlipayHK 支付宝 现金 银联
食记 (74)
等级1 2021-05-04
668 浏览
Not as good at the other branches. Sticky tables and menus. Chewy meat and the kebab we ordered had no meat in it. Staff kindly cooked a fresh one but overall experience underwhelming. 继续阅读
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等级4 2020-12-23
1686 浏览
I'm a long time Ebeneezers customer. It's not everyday I find myself at Gold Coast and I really should've tried out a new restaurant that day. Except, I just love Ebeneezer's too much and couldn't resist. I got my go-to order which is the roast chicken with rice. By the way, I noticed that the price is slightly more expensive than the TST branch, but I guess it's because of the location. Anyway, the food arrived, and I was so disappointed by the sad amount of roast chicken they put on my rice. While they were generous with the rice, they were stingy with the meat. The TST branch gives way more roast chicken.I should also point out that the service wasn't the best. The only waiter there was polite but rather blunt. He seemed a bit tense even though the restaurant wasn't busy at all. All in all, not the best experience. Ah well, it is what it is. Next time I'm at Gold Coast I'll definitely give this branch a miss and try another restaurant instead. 继续阅读
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等级3 2020-05-28
2748 浏览
Ebeneezer's Kebabs & Pizzeria 異國風味去咗黃金海岸沙灘玩咗半日, 去咗商場嗰邊食咗呢間餐廳。呢間餐廳價錢幾親民, 異國菜黎講。叫咗個雞肉串燒卡巴同雞翼。佢一份卷餅都幾大份👍🏻佢入邊有好多唔同配菜,平時好少食呢啲,好有新鮮感👍🏻佢仲有好多唔同醬料俾你加✨雞翼就有啲辣,不過都好香脆👍🏻👍🏻其實有時得閒食下異國菜都幾正😋✨ 继续阅读
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等级4 2020-05-05
1923 浏览
有位男店員好熱情,效率亦好高好主動,落單時我地本來想叫香濃咖哩羊肉,店員即刻提醒我地呢個會比較辣,擔心我地唔習慣,建議我地食咖哩羊肉。於是我地叫左咖哩羊肉+$10配烤餅,咖哩好味,亦有中東風味,羊肉唔會好騷,配上烤餅,美味配搭。希臘沙律配串燒雞肉,望落平凡,但食落惹味,雞肉乾身但好入味,配上沙律菜同粒粒芝士味道岩岩好。至尊薄餅係薄批,好足料好多芝士,餅底好脆,唔會好乾身。三個人食,最後食淨兩件,帶走去附近沙灘食🙈 继续阅读
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Tandoori Chicken Tikka🍗印度🇮🇳著名的烤雞先用香料及酸奶將雞醃成紅色再放入名為「Tandoor」的泥窰內烤製而成😍唔食得辣嘅朋友都可以進食😝❎🌶烤雞放上鐵板熱辣辣輕輕灑上檸檬汁肉質不會太乾身 口感豐富 不錯不錯😋🤤Donar(Lamb) Kebab🌯🌯Roasted tendered lamb, served in Lebanese pita bread with salad 🥗仲可以狂點Garlic Sauce 食 继续阅读
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