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食记 (26)
等级4 2022-09-28
275 浏览
手工功夫茶好似係好多地方都有分店,之前我飲過美孚個間,記得係麻麻地,但今次再試吓天后呢間,又好似好味d,好飲咗……我嗰日打完邊爐,都未夠飽……附近d野醒咁早就關晒,係得番呢間功夫茶…唯有都照買嚟頂吓肚啦。呢杯38奶霸比起我之前飲嘅普通珍奶係好味d。雖然鐵觀音茶味唔夠濃,但勝在個奶味幾香,幾濃。而且入面嘅珍珠同埋仙草都幾多,算係幾彈牙嘅,唔錯,可以接受……下次我都會試吓其他,睇吓其他係咪都幾好飲,定係還是得呢款ok 继续阅读
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等级4 2022-09-27
160 浏览
Kung Fu Tea with branches all over the world and several branches throughout Hong Kong. The closest one to me is located in Tin Hau. And it's always busy. Originally from Taiwan, they serve the usual tea varieties.For those that are indecisive, they have a photo of what is their most popular.Menu is in English and Chinese. As it's takeway only, there is no 10% service charge.Boyfriend ordered the Earl Grey Milk Tea with Coffee Jelly ($29). The taste of the tea was strong and floral. Loved the addition of the coffee jelly as there was a chewy bit of caffeine to chew on.I had the Signature Lite Fruit Tea ($33). It was listed as one of their popular drinks and I can see why. A nice balance of sweetness without being too sweet. Plenty of fresh fruit was added that included apples, oranges and grapefruit.  Chia seeds were also added so you get a bit of protein with your drink. Honestly, I think this was a better fruit tea than a lot of other places that offer this.Pretty decent Taiwanese teas. I should give the milk based ones a try next time. 继续阅读
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前排去銅鑼灣食完自助午餐後順路行下維園同天后,發現左Park Aura , 入面有好多各式各樣既食店,小編分別去左手作功夫茶叫左2杯茶飲🧋伯爵咖啡凍鮮奶茶 $29揀左微甜少冰,香濃伯爵茶味,層底一粒粒係用咖啡凍,好有嚼口,鮮奶比例恰度好處~💟輕飲水果茶王 $33入面加左香橙🍊、蘋果🍎同埋葡萄🍇柚,酸酸甜甜好開胃好解渴喔~ 茶飲都可以好健康唔一定係肥*無需加一服務費地址:手作功夫茶 (亨環天后) (天后)天后電氣道54-56號亨環天后地下6號舖 继续阅读
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等级4 2022-09-19
101 浏览
咗外賣自取,同app話攞得嘅時間已經遲咗幾分鐘,去到有禮貌地問佢攞得未,店員就好差態度話好多單,仲未有,隔多幾分鐘再去睇吓,都未問佢就已經大大聲話仲未有呀等多陣 继续阅读
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店員態度惡劣,工作散漫,一直只是在和同事交談,並不細心聆聽顧客要求,錯漏百出,凍熱不分。犯了錯誤之後非但沒有道歉,將自己的錯加罪於客人身上,更以報復的心態把珍珠奶茶本來的微甜變得甜得不能入口。本來我覺得這間珍珠奶茶的珍珠是香港數一數二的,珍珠奶茶亦非常有特色,因為店員的態度而令人不想再光顧着實可惜,本來很好的金漆招牌因為店員粗心大意和惡意報復洗清得一乾二淨,我再也不會光顧這一間珍珠奶茶,祝他們好運 继续阅读
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