港铁北角站 A4 出口, 步行约1分钟 继续阅读
餐厅以义大利及法国菜为 主。充满热诚的大厨每日以最新鲜的食材入馔,包括手造义大利面丶薄饼和甜品。 继续阅读
11:00 - 23:00
Visa Master 现金 银联
食记 (101)
等级4 2017-03-31
841 浏览
平時很少在北角出沒,晚上工作完去了這家網路上很多好評的義大利餐廳吃晚餐。餐廳離北角A4出口大概步行3分鐘的距離,這條街我還是第一次來,找了一下才找到大廈的入口。這家餐廳裡面很大,寬敞舒適,裝潢簡單,很適合包場舉辦party或是搞event哈哈。晚上8點到店裡人很少,我想是因為這邊位置比較隱蔽,很少街客會看到而且特地走上去試。試完這邊的食物覺得果然名不虛傳,有點臥虎藏龍的感覺,味道非常好,最重要好吃價錢又親民!頭盤我們點了香炸鮮魷魚伴wasabi醬($68)。魷魚非常新鮮爽口,可以看到白白的魷魚肉。炸得很酥脆,但我略覺得炸得有點油,如果炸完的時候用紙吸一下油再拿出來會好一點哈哈。wasabi醬不會很辣,點魷魚吃非常不錯。主食我們點了野菌手工義大利雲吞伴黑松露忌廉汁($98)。看到餐牌上寫餐廳的意粉都是新鮮手造而且用的是上等麵粉,不試一下都不行哈哈。吃罷覺得果然不錯,義大利雲吞皮不算厚而且很軟滑,黑松露白汁很香,忍不住把整盤都吃完了哈哈。下一道主食我們點了烤雞羊奶芝士野菌披薩($158)。pizza底很薄很脆,羊奶芝士蠻濃味很香,非常好吃。令我覺得很有驚喜的是這邊的甜點,和店員閒聊下才知道原來老闆娘是甜點高手,店裡的甜點都是老闆娘做的。甜點我們點了野莓千層酥($88)。酥皮很酥脆,牛油味很香。兩層奶油很滑,不會很甜,配上雜莓酸酸的非常好吃,這是我在香港吃過數一數二的千層酥耶,超贊!兩個人買單450港幣,價錢親民,味道很好,值得一試! 继续阅读
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等级4 2017-03-24
1532 浏览
今天請爸爸吃西餐,我知道北角有一間很舒服的西餐,叫Alize Noire de Nova 在北角A4出口,一個叫33Marble Garden 的商場1樓,也太容易找到了!  We are surprised can find this Restaurant, just nearby the North MTR station.   地方又大又舒服,很有私人空間呀!  The waiter and waitress are very nice to give us the Menu and two cup of water.我們叫了一個金宝牛尾意大利飯及招牌龍蝦天使麵,我們加錢要了前菜,餐湯和飲品!餐湯我們都要了又香又看的粟米湯,既清甜,又有益!炸豬肉雲吞外面炸得很脆,很有口感!牛尾意大利飯很香濃,爸爸很欣賞!我的龍蝦意大利天使麵,很有鮮味,而且龍蝦新鮮又爽口!爸爸叫了朱古力咖啡,又香又濃! 我的冰水果茶插上菠蘿冰條,真的很有特色!今晚的dinner so good !  The best thing is the Waiter and waitress has good smiling and happy altitude, we think next month we can go there once again ! 继续阅读
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等级4 2017-03-22
1164 浏览
I heard that this restaurant is a very very local restaurant in North Point I have decided to come here for a quick lunch and I've ordered a meat dish which is a lamb chop while other options like pasta salad and sandwiches are also available on the menu. We were first served with a some onion bread with butter the bread in the bread tastes quite familiar to us which is quite similar to Chinese Styles bunBetween the daily soup and salad which is a Parma ham salad. One piece of Parma ham is in the salad but I do like it because it is light without a lot of dressingA  drink would come with the set and you may have extra dollars for their daily fresh tea. Astros on a very basic iced coffee and I have requested to have my milk on the sideAnd then our main course arrived.  We have requested a medium rare lamb chop with a side of vegetables and you may choose to have it with rice or pasta. The chops are very tender and there is no the funky gamey taste and I also like how they prepared the roasted potatoes because they are crispy as hell. The portion control of this restaurant is good because three pieces of lamb chop is just enough for a quick lunchAfter a hearty main course,  we have decided to order a dessert to share,  and the daily dessert today is a banana cake with a tiny little scoop of chocolate ice cream and some chocolate fudge sauce drizzled on top. I will say this is a very comfortable lunch spot because the restaurant is very special and the food is generally above average however the service is a little bit slow when I got there because there were a lot of customers during lunchtime.  继续阅读
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放工同4個同事,一行5人去食個便飯。係呢頭返工咁耐,都唔知有間咁隱世嘅西餐廳。叫左5樣野一齊食,每人再加幾十蚊轉套餐,包湯同好小份量嘅前菜,湯同前菜味道都一般,可以唔加! 叫左西冷同肉眼扒,分別係三成熟同五成,但個五成熟煮到七成咁,好唔得! 另外仲有pasta,個意大利飯太淋,食左少少都唔係好想食,個麵味道唔錯,鵝肝外面煎得好香,裡面都好軟滑,抵讚! 我地有男有女,坦白講唔多夠食,所以最後加多一個pizza,先叫做夠,埋單每人$250,不過不失啦 继续阅读
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等级4 2017-02-06
1584 浏览
每星期都習慣至少一次到北角午膳,貪其人流較少,各式美食選擇亦較多。是日跟友人相約到一商場內的意式餐廳用膳,價錢不算便宜,但裝潢和外觀整潔雅緻。前菜可選沙律或餐湯,二人一起吃剛好可每款都嚐到。比較欣賞餐湯以黑醋汁調味,新鮮可口,餐湯看來香滑,味道則較普通。餐包是可以的,但未能留下深刻印象。友人愛吃意大利飯,我也嚐了一口,軟硬度適中。唯味道較單一欠層次,可能跟大量大小款式單調的杏飽菇有關。如能有其他配菜應更有層次感。鱸魚煎得色澤均勻,但份量真的太少。除鮮茄蓉外,近乎沒有醬汁,比較單調。幸好我一向不喜太多醬汁,故能接受這種清淡感。可是真的希望份量能增加點。 继续阅读
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