I have always wanted to try this place because I liked the name of the shop which comes from Gulliver's travels.However its location is quite far from the city and there is now another shop located at Mikiki.Although with the convenience of modern travel today, I was lazy to travel here compared with Gulliver's adventurous travels to various cities in the novel.Anyway, when I got here, I was greeted with the B and L logo composed of the illustrations of the ice-creams that they sell.It shows giant icecreams (Brobdingnag) and dwarf icecreams (Lilliput) arranged like a compass which correlates to travelling and matches the Gulliver theme with waves beneath the name of the shop as if it were a ship.From the reviews there is taro ice-cream, so I ordered that but it was not available that day so I had to order something else.The flavours are listed on the board on the right which is quite confusing because not all of them were available.It turns out that the available flavours have an icecream shaped magnet stuck to it which I thought was part of the decoration.Anyway quite alot of the flavours I wanted to try were not available that day such as taro and white chocolate, so I just got the tutti frutti.I saw these colourful tiny cups which have coloured liquid inside that freeze in the freezer so that when you take them out you can pour alchohol shots in there to chill it.The colour cups were tiny so I ordered it thinking there would not be much ice-cream, but the portion was quite big.These cups can be taken home and it was thoughtful of them to give me a plastic bag to carry the dirty cup home.As well as ice-cream they sell ice-cream for space (space foods), ice lollies and mini ice-cream flowers which come in a box with small pieces of ice-cream shaped flowers in it.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Tutti Frutti ice-creamIt was different to the tutti frutti taste I was expecting, but there was a strong pineapple taste and the texture of the ice-cream was really icy and creamy at all.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★
之前聽朋友話食過呢間野ge云呢拿味巨人雪糕好難食,好怪...但好想試下食超高ge雪糕,琴日就去左新開的mikiki ge Brobdingnag & Lilliput個店員話有無試過我地d雪糕呀,有成一張A4 size 咁高ge 雪糕,我地d雪糕好好食架,又唔比d人離試下= =......................咁就買左綠茶味同朱古力味ge巨人雪糕,收完$$$$點知佢話d雪糕唔夠硬定咩,話要等.....等左約10分鐘左右, 包埋佢整完,又話杯雪糕唔可以打斜食,.....食左幾啖,己經想成杯掉左去,唔想哂=.=,同埋無理由係佢間野仲有咁多人面前成杯掉,唯有硬啃=.=真係好難食,成陣奶粉味,有d沙冰夾集,又唔夠甜...講真係超市 or 士多 球其買杯幾蚊雞雪糕已經好食過佢食到咁上下個筒拎落去軟哂,好似張濕左水ge報紙咁軟咁貴成$33 一杯,食haagen-dazs 好過
直接入題講真如果話想食好味雪糕 就唔需要黎lee間 因為雪糕一點也唔creamy, 真係比較似沙冰 (雜誌話用脫脂奶及無添加糖)但今次黎係為左挑戰店舖signature-巨人雪糕店員非常友善又建議我水蜜桃混菠蘿味巨人雪糕果然明不虛傳有~10個圈雪糕 @@味道只可以話過得去.. 始終不及其他雪糕店貪得意或想挑戰自己者一試無妨
今次係第二次食我每次去都係得3/4隻味揀食就緊係要食巨人雪糕啦, 唔係既話我食普通雪糕都得我第一次去就揀左芋頭+椰子 <---要係旁邊既味先可以兩溝, 果日仲可以芋頭+草莓第一啖係咁多啖最好味ge, 之後就不過不失啦第一次試覺得幾新鮮所以覺得冇咩問題其實佢隻雪糕似沙冰溝雪糕, 要軟滑既就去買富豪啦 果時我同我朋友去食, 佢揀左朱古力味兩個人向住南豐商場行過去, 好多人望住我地 我仲聽到有個人話 " 哇, 呢d野唔係人食架! " 咁 巨人雪糕 上一次 $28今次, 得3隻味不嬲鍾意食綠茶雪糕既我揀左綠茶味今次加了價, $30唔會再食了佢好似俾之前果次少左個轉, 仲要貴左bor同埋味道又唔係話好好個雪糕筒其實都幾煩如果你係諗住慢慢食個雪糕ge話, 唔洗諗了佢好快就會融到個雪糕筒邊全部都係雪糕佢上面突出黎既邊邊 唔會載到咁個雪糕水你唔想佢流出黎就要係咁飲當個雪糕仲係好大個既時侯, 你個鼻挺少少 係飲果陣就會hi到個鼻-.-真係好煩第二次, 就冇下次了