港铁西营盘站 C 出口, 步行约2分钟
07:00 - 22:00
The food and portion size used to be good when this place first opened. They used to have a reasonable selection of pasta dishes and a good selection of homemade soups to choose from when they first opened for business at the place that was previously occupied by Czarina. However, they changed the menus back in March 2015 in all of their branches, bumped up the prices, reduced the portion sizes and completely destroyed the range of good wholesome food they previously sold. Now, regretfully they serve poor quality salads, bland tasting sandwiches and cakes and buns that are very fresh and a range of over-priced chilled drinks. If you really, want to experience food that is tastier and better value for money, take the escalator down to High Street, Sai Ying Pun, where you will find lots of other cafe and restaurants that offer better nice food of good quality that is more reasonably priced.
Every time I walked past I was tempted by these toasts:apple butter, cheddar and turkeygreen peas and mint on salted yoghurtprawn and salsa verde sweetcorn pureepear and cinnamon nutellaThat day I was still hungry after lunch so went in to try them.Before I ordered I asked if they were big and they said they were quite small so I decided to order two different ones.I was shocked when they arrived because there were two of each.The waitress reassured me that it was right there were two pieces per portion so I guess I shouldn't complain.According to the menu, it is $48/pc so my order should look like this!★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Green peas and mint on salted yoghurtIt was cream cheese and not sour yoghurt but it was still good with thick starchy peas on top.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Prawns and sweetcorn:The prawns were nice and springy but the sweetcorn was too artificially sweet.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎The bill: $96Service: OKService charge: noYummy factor: okNapkins provided: yesToilets: noPortion sizes: buy one get one free by mistake!Noise levels: NoneGlass of water provided: yesEnglish Menu: YesAir Conditioning: Yes◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎
香港現在的情況, 相信不用我在這裡多寫, 在這幾天, 看到了香港人原來除了吃喝玩樂之外, 心底裡還是為我們的家著緊的。在金鐘的話, 可以試試來港鐵站內的 Cafe O 補充能量回回氣。 好久沒見過港鐵站內有鮮榨果汁賣了, 如果你不想等, 也有各式包裝食品如沙律、飯盒等供外賣。想吃甜的也有不少選擇。門口擺了個介紹新出的 Almond Smoothies 的易拉架, 就決定要了其中一款 Almond Detox, 再加件 Banana Loaf Slice 做晚餐。杏仁沙冰系列是用杏仁奶加蔬果打成的沙冰, 如 Almond Detox 裡面就加有菠菜、香蕉和菠蘿, 可以快速補充能量和營養。其實味道是香蕉味比較佔重。香蕉控如我喝了有香蕉的沙冰還不夠, 吃的也是香蕉蛋糕; 食味沒什麼驚喜, 倒是不含牛油, 質感也夠濕潤, 吃完也不用喝太多水。路還長, 要適時加油才能走得遠。
難得放一天補假,放鬆心情,下午沒有安排任何約會,待中午繁忙時段過後,才在家附近看看有什麽想吃的……今天要讓自己的心靈舒暢一下……經過是以前莎蓮娜餐廳的所在位置,餐廳做了幾十年後,前段日子説因業主大幅加租,光榮的暫停業務,待找到合適店舖才再從新啟業,當時很多曾在港大讀書的名人都紛紛趕來懷緬一番,接著店舖是空了一段時間,直到最近才看到有新的食店開了,原來是Cafe O, 店以紅白兩色做主題,大門是大玻璃做的,能看到店內情況,感覺明亮……就決定入去看看有什麽選擇……Cafe O其實在堅道上亦有分店,只是每次都是在車上路過,從沒有品嚐過它的食物……店的面積不算太,這個時間客人亦不多,店裡放置了一個玻璃食物櫃,食物主要以三文治、意粉、湯類及咖啡果計為主,還有all day breakfast, 售價99元,它們把不同的三文治樣品放在玻璃櫃,好讓客人了解三文治的材料,我最後點了个chicken blat, 加20元可配湯或咖啡,它們共提供4款湯,選擇亦算多,但我最後還是選了杯熱朱古力 在等食物時,才發現它們在做tea set for two 的優惠,原價二百多的,特價128而已,包括三文治,pizza, cake同曲奇,及2杯飲品,實在吸引,只是我一個人實在沒辦法吃,唯有等下次有伴同來時試試吧!估計是新店開張的promotion吧!店員送上我的chicken blat,size是比較大的,雞肉是白烚的,配以生菜,蕃茄,牛油果及少許煙肉,麵包是烘熱過,配料很新鮮,是即叫即做的,味道不錯!只是份量真有點大,58元的價錢算是ok吧! 熱朱古力味道比預期中淡,沒甚可可味! 可能它們的咖啡會出色一些吧! 店裡提供一些以英文爲主的雜誌,客人可以在舒適寧靜的環境下,慢慢享受食物,悠然自得……在我爲我的三文治拍照時,他們的經理好奇的走過來,笑笑的問我是否要copy他們的食物,我就解釋給他知道我在這裡分享對食物的感受,他説他也知道open rice,還給我一張他的名片,説他同時管理另一家左中環的埃及菜餐廳,邀請我有空去品嚐……今天下午,我過得很舒暢