港铁尖沙咀/尖東站 N4 出口, 步行约2分钟
11:00 - 21:00
Signature Union Jack Dark Chocolate$48賣相超精緻的蛋糕阿,大有來頭哦。 聖誕節,除了是送聖誕禮物的日子,也是吃聖誕蛋糕的日子阿。使用獲英國皇家認證,受女皇和天后所愛的朱古力品牌,味道和質素都非同小可阿。蛋糕用上60度黑朱古力做成,軟滑的慕斯內餡搭配海綿蛋糕,又濃又好吃阿。Charbonnel Et Walker - Strawberry Truffles $228桃紅色的盒子,充滿少女味和聖誕氣氛阿,吃完後一定要好好保全盒子。一盒六粒的草莓味朱古力,充滿甘甜濃厚的朱古力味外,更有甜蜜蜜的草莓味道,苦中帶甜,整粒放在囗中溶化,超有滿足感阿。
上趟在Charbonnel et Walker X Jeffery Koo Pop-up Store掃的Charbonnel威士忌松露朱古力飛快被我吃光!所以某天又心思思去掃貨,不過Quota不多的我今次按捺了那無窮朱古力的慾望,只買了一件Mini Heart Truffles,和士多啤梨千層蛋糕杯咋! 因為只敢選各一件真係好難選擇怎麼辦好啊~ 最後選了英國經典士多啤梨千層蛋糕杯$48來重溫,這款甜品是傳統英國甜點,蛋糕選用法國Capfruit士多啤梨果蓉和法國President忌廉味道不會太甜膩,杯內還有8層搽滿果醬的戚風蛋糕,層次味道也極為豐富。 而朱古力今次選了Charbonnel et Walker Truffles Mini Heart Boxes 、Milk Marc de Champagne Truffles原價$98,現可用半價$49入手實在太優惠了吧!期間限定店營業至2月28日咋!喜歡這高貴朱古力的朋友真係要快去掃貨喇!
Founded in 1875, Charbonnel et Walker is one of Britain's earliest chocolatiers. Encouraged by Edward VII, (then the Prince of Wales), the company first formed as a partnership between Mrs Walker and Madame. Charbonnel hence the name Charbonnel et Walker.They are endorsed by the Royal Warrant as one of the few chocolatiers to Her Majesty The Queen where iconic customers have included Princess Diana and Princess Margaret.The chocolates are hand-made to the traditional recipes of Madame Charbonnel. Their renowned dark chocolate is made from the finest dark couverture which results in a decadently rich taste.As well as the packaging, the shape of the chocolates are captivating which make them great gifts.There is also a special offer at the moment where you can get the cake by Jeffrey Koo.{see FB for further details}It was such a stylish cake to get as it was 60% dark chocolate which made it insanely rich and moreish.Other chocolates in the range are really tempting.