Freshness Burger之產品以新鮮、天然及健康為主導,款款新鮮即造,故此Freshness Burger稱它的漢堡包為「鮮堡」。 Freshness Burger的主要鮮堡餡料,更是選用100%無添加、無激素的澳洲牛肉扒,部份鮮堡更選配新鮮南瓜包,即以南瓜蓉製成的麵包,健康味美。Freshness Burger亦備有機咖啡系列,健康又易入口。 继续阅读
11:00 - 22:00
有機意大利咖啡 和風肉汁鮮堡 特級牛肉芝士鮮堡 特級雙層牛肉芝士鮮堡
食记 (230)
等级2 2012-07-11
1338 浏览
其實本人係覺得最大型連鎖既burger店既質素係ok至少比起其他同類大型既店係高左一個level(而個price仲要平過人, 叫人點去其他?)但係freshness burger既level一定比起上面講2x-3x蚊個個價格水平既好食好多第一,佢d burger係即整(唔係即夾呀下)第二,佢個包個味係帶甜好易入口第三,佢d薯條呀薯角呀薯格係個感覺好fresh同埋唔會太熱氣(d油靚d?)但係成5,60一個餐做tea,d位又唔係開得好方便要我呢個學生成日去就難d喇 继续阅读
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等级4 2012-03-02
526 浏览
到樓下吃gelato之前想先吃點鹹的, 就到這邊吃個簡餐我很喜歡這裡的玉米湯, 對比起另一家日本快餐店, 這裡的玉米湯喝起來比較甜, 雖然兩家的湯也只是用粉來開還有甜薯條, 用上橙色番薯做的sweet fries我很喜歡, 不過能再做粗身一點的就更好 继续阅读
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等级4 2012-01-30
332 浏览
很久以前吃過沙田連城的 Freshness Burger,還以為是全線結業,原來尖沙咀還有一家分店呢。星期六跟表姐 share 一個套餐,本想 hea 下慢慢坐,但看見很多人等位,所以也不好意思坐太久。鮮魚堡:賣相不美,整個包竟然是凍的,魚柳完全沒有鮮味。生菜尚算新鮮,但沙律醬汁胡亂一大片,弄得麵包也稔了。脆薯格:不是新鮮炸起,冷冰冰的,那已經是最大的致命傷了。滿口油膩,薯格薄身沒有薯蓉,還莫明奇妙地混有一塊小蘿蔔。 索價 $52 一個套餐,質素卻比 $20 的麥當當套餐更差。非常失望,也不值這個價位啊! 继续阅读
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"freshness burger",i dont think it is "fresh". not likely for commercial places in hong kong ,I would say false advertising, not ture , name is misleading , My initial visit was couple of years ago didnt remeber a thing about the meal but now need to give a review, iI would say so so ,ordered: services is fast and freindly. - basic package with fries basic result ! if you know what i mean, fast food , OK PASS- French Fries cooked aldente , ( Trying to be funny) OK PASS- Price , resonable , OK PASS-seating and interior desing , OK PASS-toliet wow need to walk and even line up OK PASSmy rating from 1 to 10 need wait next review , value for money ??? not sure overall rating , OK . ‘Food very commercial ; if you have not tried it give it a try , final comment i will go once or twice a year, have many better options in hong kong , 继续阅读
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My last encountered with Freshness Burger was a LONG time ago. My mum gave me a buy 1 get 1 coupon, so I figured I should come back to try it again. To be safe, I got the Cheese combo.1) Cheese Combo $63 (4/10)Bun - It was extremely flat as you can see from the picture. There was no sesame scent nor taste and it was not toasted.Patty - Absolutely ZERO juiciness. It was 70% done, lightly seasoned with a flat taste.Others - The Pickles were diced into smaller pieces. Bought up the overall taste of the burger. The Tomato were too soft. There was too little veggie and only a pathetic slice of onion.2) Crisscut Fries Not at the most optimal colour, but the texture was crispy enough. However the fries had no taste, tasted like there wasn't even a single granular of salt in it. Not to mention there's no potato taste. 3) Yuchacha (柚子茶) Not bad, I quite like it. Got lots of pomelo bites at the bottom. Sweet enough but not too sweet. ******************************Overall taste of the buger wasn't tasteful enough. Mostly I could only taste cheese and the pickles. The patty wasn't juicy,and there is not much sauce in the burger, so it was pretty dry. You can treat it as a "Slightly more ingredients' version of Mc donald's, but taste-wise isn't necessarily better. I generally reckon I am too safe in the burger choice, may be I should try terriyaki chicken or something more jap-like. 继续阅读
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