港铁尖沙咀/尖東站 A1/ L5 出口, 港铁柯士甸站 F 出口 继续阅读
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Visa Master AlipayHK 支付宝 现金 美国运通 银联 JCB
自带酒水 详细介绍
切蛋糕费 详细介绍
食记 (52)
等级3 2019-02-22
882 浏览
之前經過海港城見到呢間舖頭,好想黎試下佢既食物,所以情人節就同男朋友黎撐枱腳啦。情人節我地一早book左位,夜晚只係得一個full course揀,無得單點食物,但係質素真係唔錯!我地叫左兩杯香檳,同有餐包,香醋,olive oil供應。首先上左三個前菜,每個前菜都好食,唯獨係份量都好大,兩個人食完都幾飽。然後主菜係三揀一,我地揀左牛面頰肉加薯蓉。個肉本身已經好嫩滑,入口既化,薯蓉好夠味。甜品係tiramisu同tarta tartin(應該係apple pie),因為個人好鐘意食肉桂,所以個apple pie真係食完想再encore!餐廳既食物質素好好,不過係侍應態度一般,叫好耐都無人落單,除左呢樣今餐係100分! 继续阅读
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等级4 2019-01-19
871 浏览
之前曾經和朋友到這裏吃晚餐,發現這裏環境舒適,食物美味,服務不俗,加上價錢合理,所以這天來吃午餐。這兒星期一至五的午餐分四種,一是只吃自助餐枱上的食物(自助餐),二是自助餐加意粉,三是自助餐加薄餅,四是自助餐加主菜。我們二人食量不大,所以點了一個自助餐,一個自助餐加意粉,我們選的是海鮮珍珠麵。先說說自助食物吧,有三款芝士、兩款冷切肉、多款沙拉連多種沙拉醬,芝士焗西蘭花椰菜和蕃茄湯,另外一邊的枱上有三款水果和五款甜品。可能是因為自己偏愛較濃的口味,而這兒午餐的東西都是偏淡的,而且食物的種類雖然不算太少,但和同一商場另一餐廳的自助食物比較,就略顯不夠豐富了。接着海鮮珍珠麵送上,這是我第一次吃珍珠麵,最初食物送上時,我還以為它是海鮮飯(只怪自己見識少)把珍珠麵放入口中,口感不似麵,就像是煲過生熟薏米水之後吃那薏米的感覺,而且這珍珠麵的味道也是偏淡的。雖然食物不太合我的口味,不過這兒仍是環境舒適,服務不俗的。若下次再來,我還是吃晚餐好了。 继续阅读
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等级1 2018-12-21
763 浏览
I recommend no one comes to this restaurant unless you like cockroach as part of your dish! We found a small living COCKROACH running around on our table, right beside the pizza plate. The restaurant is definitely not as fancy as how they position itself.We ordered a pizza, a lasagna and a starter. Starter is ok and the pizza is rated above average. The lasagna wasn't served yet. I had one piece of pizza and found a small cockroach on the table. I called the waiter by knocking the folk on the plate but no one comes until 3 minutes later. When finally someone came, the waiter was very calm seeing this! He didn't even apologize and simply asked us to move to another table!We left right away and I will never come back again to this disgusting restaurant. 继续阅读
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等级3 2018-12-19
593 浏览
I reserved a table for 3 ppl via OpenRice on Sat. Fortunately I did the reservation or else there wouldnt be chance for me get a table.We ordered a salad, lasagna and pizza. The salad was....alright...not a surprise in terms of taste. The lasagna was real special and my mother-in-law loved it sooo much. Yet, it was quite cheesy, I was full after taking mouthful of it. Personally I prefer the 4-cheese pizza, I like the strong smell of cheese (they have blue cheese in it ) though it looked ‘so plain’ on table, the light salty taste that it carried comes just right. good for ppl like me who prefers food which are less strong in favour. My mother-in-law and i are both cheese-lover, we finished the plate in 15 min!!! We got chance to know the restaurant manager who introduced us, this is actually a sister restaurant to Al Molo, he remarked the pasta here are real good. Better to try out more next time 继续阅读
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等级4 2018-11-19
1013 浏览
餐廳位於海港城頂樓......本來想坐outdoor.....點知要5點先開....咪唯有坐返indoor la .........Brunch buffet.........加$60有多一款主食..........當然加啦.....不過其實buffet都野食也夠吃......女生比較細食麻..........!多款選擇........都很喜愛!!海鮮也有.......拎得滿碟都是........主菜 帶子意大利雲吞👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻煎鱈魚👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻幸好有加錢要main course !! 继续阅读
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