港铁上环站 A2 出口, 步行约8分钟
62389222 (WhatsApp)
17:00 - 22:00
17:00 - 22:00
17:00 - 22:00
17:00 - 22:00
Bob is very friendly and attentive. He is passionate about food and I can tell he sets a high standard for his food quality! The food was amazing, from starters, soup to main courses. We ordered baked camembert and it was one of the best baked cheese dish we have ever had. We had duck confit and steak for main courses with an added Hokkaido scallop and they were all superb. Even the sides that came with the main courses, including potato Dauphinoise, vegetables and sauces were done brilliantly. Bob let us try some mushrooms cooked in duck fat which tasted phenomenal, and he planned to make this a new side dish.
Another wonderful evening at Le Moment! Thanks Bob for accommodating my birthday party and making it an unforgettable one! We love coming - food is always fantastic, especially the steak, and Bob and his staff are super cool, super friendly and always look after customers really well!! Thanks again and looking forward to coming back soon!!
If you are looking for a cozy dinner with good food and wine, you are in the right place! The owner would recommend a wide range of wine to go with a small but gorgeously made menu - their food is super moreish and the ambience… love it! For those who are looking for a fancy kind of night, might not be your cup of tea! But I’m sure if you know food and wine, you’ll fall in love with this place and the crew there!
It was not appropriate for the boss to go on the street for asking the costumers to get into the restaurant with over promising. We were forced to enter the restaurant with the boss’ kindness red wine treat at the street. We didn’t get any free dessert at all from his promise at the street but listened to his nonsense for whole night. I did wanna have a good night to have a chit chat with my fds but the boss interrupted at every moment and cued us to answer him. We were not satisfied for the meal even though the food quality was not bad at all. The dessert as I said was not coming as free to us. One of my fds rejected his offer on the dessert and the boss start mumbling that our fd helped us to decide for the whole table.The most ridiculous thing is that I was going to pay by my VISA credit card. The boss stopped me and said ain’t you supporting to the small business and pay me by FPS. I was pissed with this kind of reinforcement on controlling me the payment method. Please do not come to the restaurant if you wanted a peaceful and nice chitchat with ur fds.LAST WORD; FIX YOUR ATTITUDE 真係第一次俾人搞到食到唔安樂仲要餐飯唔平
細細的一個空間,枱與枱之間距離不遠,餐廳老闆整晚都忙於在幾張枱中間走來走去,不停與餐廳客人以英語談話交流😯這個前菜沙律看起來顏色淡淡的,但有濃濃的Blue cheese味道,出奇的惹味。這個蕃茄濃湯餐湯蒜蓉餐包10分滿分我給12分!蕃茄濃湯一點也不馬虎,用料十足,不會太稀,亦有濃濃的忌廉味。法包上塗滿蒜蓉, 十分香脆,滋味無窮。另一焦點所在就是這個白酒煮青口。青口的size比想像中的細,但是沒有吃過這麼嫩滑的青口肉質,汁醬油非常美味,一個人亦可以吃完整碟青口。牛扒的擺盤比較簡單,牛扒質量不差,但其實重點在於那個醬汁,非常濃郁非常惹味,另外餐廳老闆特地介紹那個千層薯餅,一片一片薄薄的薯仔疊成千層薯餅,製作需時,所以不是每晚都能製造的。鵝肝及帶子各一件,我們四個人分享,少食多滋味。熱情的餐廳老闆特地為生日的朋友送上一杯調酒。新鮮出爐熱熱的Apple crumble 配冰凍的雲呢拿雪糕,絕對是美味。全餐廳有四張枱,不知是剛剛還是真的這麼巧合,大家都是點套餐加青口及鵝肝帶子,所以同一款式的菜式會同時間一併送上給四張枱的客人😆每道菜都即場製作,所以有少許的等候時間,幸好餐廳老闆非常熱情幽默,為客人送上不少歡笑,除了食物認真製作及有創意,他的熱情款待就是這家餐廳最吸引之處吧。