港铁中环站 D2 出口, 步行约3分钟
19:30 - 00:00
大食會初組成,XO仔就襯各會員o既冒險精神仍然高企時,揀選咗一家出名「好睇」o既新派西餐廳「Liberty Private Works」,一同體驗吓年青一代o既廚藝概念及創作。餐店只接受網上訂座,食客必先提供信用卡資料作留位之用。餐單雖然冇得揀,但訂座時可列出所有食物敏感項目,廚師會於用餐當日因應而作出調整 。「Liberty Private Works」位於中環士丹利街一幢高樓內,只有一部升降機能直達餐廳,但大廈大堂及升降機內均無指示牌,小肥及友人都要撞過板,再向保安叔叔查問先知 ,真係好private囉!步進樓底極高o既餐室,即可望到店中央o既開放式廚房被紅色o既高櫈圍繞住,通爽開揚。置身於26樓,除咗可欣賞到窗外少少o既夜景之外,窗邊亦擺放有蠟燭,氣氛輕鬆,情調洋溢 。高櫈睇就幾好睇,不過好吊腳,唔多舒服,而且難上難落 ,好在細心友善o既帶位姐姐自動上前幫忙扶實,大家先冇咁狼狽。唔知係誠意問題,定係服務態度馬虎呢,餐桌上o既餐單屬早一個晚上,當XO仔好奇並有禮地向面前位廚師哥哥問及是否印刷或擺放有誤時,佢居然好不耐煩地話其實兩日o既菜單係一模一樣,只係日期唔同,唔洗咁執著 。講真,小肥並無惡意,只係單純地以為餐單上印有日子即代表菜式每天不同,故向其發問;既然係冇分別,又何必印上日期呢,將簡單事情複雜化,唔係好環保囉 !整個晚上,服務生每呈上一道菜,首席廚師Vicky哥哥都會先為客人詳細講解食材及烹調方法。面對住我地坐滿餐室半邊o既十一位大食會成員,聲線不大o既總廚選擇咗喺中間位置以廣東話背誦台詞,坐喺最側傍位置o既小肥只能夠聽到背景音樂及Vicky哥哥喃喃自語 !細佬聽力有限,要求大廚重複講述,佢卻一邊重述,一邊黑起面來,當真相方都很不是味兒 ,為何不簡單地將所有資料印在餐牌上作吧?!餐店棄選傳統o既麵包籃,而改送Grissini Breadsticks with Homemade Dip。杯中短短o既麵包條好脆口,但自家製o既海鮮醬味道頗腥,以鐡罐承載唔得高雅,女士們都食到打哂冷震 !食完breadsticks,經過數次追單,小肥杯唔係好夠凍o既香檳終於見影,未飲都已經成肚氣 !與一眾大食會會員碰杯後餐牌上列出o既食物亦陸續上枱。首輪小食共三款,當中兩款用棒上,分別為雞皮鵪鶉蛋(Quail Egg w/ Chicken Skin)及摩洛哥羊(Moroccan Lamb),唔食羊o既食客則換上波特菇棒(Portobello Mushroom)。鵪鶉蛋棒面有塊香脆o既烘雞皮,煙燻過o既鵪鶉蛋經醋同蘋果汁醃製,食落一啲都唔溜,好有驚喜。相反地,黑墨墨o既羊棒不但外表唔吸引,其少辣o既調味令羶味更為濃烈 ,個人勁唔like!用熱石上o既小食為西班牙火腿芝士球(Cheese Ball w/ Iberico Ham),由於聽得唔清楚,XO仔唯有半估計芝士球為石燒煮製而成。芝士球皮脆流心,連同薄薄o既火腿片一齊食,火腿o既咸香同芝士一同溶化於口中 ,感覺就好似係一份Grilled Ham and Cheese Sandwich經分子料理濃縮咗o既轉體版咁。吃過小食,服務生即為客人呈上一枝試管水液及白色餅體。原來試管內透明o既液體為玫瑰水,食客只需把玫瑰露倒哂入餅體,白色o既乾紙巾餅就會變成玫瑰味濕巾 ,水o既份量剛剛好,絕對唔會滿瀉,濕巾又玩得又抹得,非常新奇有趣!美觀o既食物迅即上場,Vicky哥哥忽然轉台,以英語講解餐牌上列出o既食材是如何煮出桌上精美o既菜式,幸好座上客o既英文水評有番咁上下,大家仍能理解。第一道用碟上o既「Tuna, Sea Urchin, Espelette, Rice」係冷盤,共分開三部分,廚師建議由左邊食起。左手邊紫色o既提子粒非常冰凍,XO仔牙齒牙肉都好敏感,第一口已感寒刺骨 。碟中央乃主角海膽吞拿魚壽司o既解體重組版,鮮甜嫩滑o既海膽下為少辣o既吞拿魚他他,師傅用微酸o既紅、青蘋果片綑邊砌出花狀,四周再以輕巧o既脆米包圍,味道醒神又醒胃,實屬細膩誘人之佳作 !可惜右手邊粒龍眼同左手邊粒提子一樣冰硬,兩粒生果似乎有少少劃蛇添足囉。接住落黎o既「Langoustine, Mangosteen, Salsify」同樣係冷盤,廚師先用小龍蝦頭熬煮醬汁,再用小龍蝦刺身、山竹、波羅門參及脆米片砌番個蝦形,整個構思盡顯大廚精湛o既藝術天份 !半爽滑o既小龍蝦刺身帶陣花香,秘熬o既蝦汁唔會過濃或過杰,夾上脆米片食更覺香口,冇得彈呀!熱食方面,第一味係法國餐必定會有o既魚 「Walu, Hearts of Palm, Celery, Apple」。餐廳選用天然肥美o既夏威夷walu魚,簡單以蘋果、芹菜及鹽烹煮。個人覺得魚塊外表香脆,外側o既魚肉偏嚡,而且味道欠奉,越食越溜滯,加上紅蘋果片超咸,芹菜汁個味道好重青草味,怪得黎極唔啱小肥口味 !第二道熱食「Egg, Truffle, Parmesan, Caviar」乃鎮店之寶,係餐牌上唯一唔會消失o既菜式。菜餚主角係奶白色o既芝士忌廉湯汁中o既一件松露ravioli。飽滿o既意大利雲吞原來內有乾坤,餡中有隻流心蛋黃,廚師建議食客先爆開雲吞,夾埋面層o既魚子醬、芝士及忌廉一齊食。意大利雲吞皮薄軟熟,中間o既松露流心蛋黃餡香滑幼嫩,連同頂面o既魚子醬食味道更為香濃,美中不足o既係跟和暖o既芝士忌廉湯底食效果較為溜,連續食兩道滯口菜未必個個頂得順。第三道「Chicken, Foie Gras, Porcini, Crones」終於有肉食。食材中o既雞肉來自新界,鵝肝來自法國,師傅將兩者合併煮成卷物,再以燒意大利牛肝菌菇伴碟。雞卷以去肥o既雞皮作外層,輕薄香脆,肉餡幼滑香嫩,點上碟上o既燒汁食分外甜美,小肥唯一略嫌餸菜唔夠熱。最後一道熱食為鹿肉「Venison, Gingerbread, Cherry, Pumpkin」。碟上橙色o既圈圈全為甜甜o既南瓜蓉,粉末則為粗嚡o既薑餅碎,車厘子粒頂部由蕎麥麵條造成,主角鹿肉軟嫩香濃,整碟餸最唔好味就係又韌又苦o既綠色菜葉。甜品同熱食一樣共四款,以首道「Banana, Chamomile, Coffee, Peach」最為震撼,因上枱時煙霧四散 ,每位客人碟上o既圖案不一。Auntie M仲留意到甜品叉下o既餐具座呈骨形,從其大小估計應為牛骨所造。碟中白色球體為鍊奶糯米茲,煙韌微甜。對角o既咖啡慕絲輕巧軟滑,但就唔多夠味。中間o既樵糖香蕉皮層香脆,入口甜美。其餘碟上o既白色粉末及黃色餅碎則較為粗嚡乾確。用木板上o既「Sea Salt, Caramel, Chocolate, Chili」板面推滿以辣椒及海鹽調味o既朱古力泥,少辣少咸都幾得意,不過就咁食口感偏嚡同乾,要連同泥面兩球以樵糖醬點綴o既雲尼拿雪糕食,效果先會變得濕滑啲,同埋似番個甜品。餐牌上最後一味為「Warm Madeleine」,用餐巾包住唔知係咪用作保溫呢?貝殼形蛋糕仔有幾件烘燶咗,而且質感偏乾,比起之前嗰兩味甜品顯然失色 !正當大家都以為晚餐已終結時,師傅仔又再一次派上一枝試管水液及白色餅體。好自然地各人都誤以為又係之前o既濕紙巾把戲,但原來白色嗰件係棉花糖,試管內o既係荔枝水。棉花糖超甜,而且好粉,荔枝露飲落好似糖水咁,故此只能稱得上為概念及視覺上o既好結尾 ,味覺上仍差咁一大截!首度光臨「Liberty Private Works」,大食會各成員都頗為享受此行廚藝旅程,經歷不少新穎奇妙o既體驗 。雖然多款菜式中未必樣樣稱心,但大家都睇得出廚師們花盡心思同功夫烹調美食,平均每人需付$1,250都未有太多不滿。「Liberty Private Works」貴為價錢高級o既西餐廳,座位卻不太舒適,亦無展示西餐廳基本禮儀,如女士優先服務等,其實真係有少少驚訝 !除咗接待處嗰位友善有禮o既妹妹之外,餐廳其他店員及廚師o既服務態度都欠缺耐性,毫無誠意,不願溝通,廚房班底煮出再精湛細膩o既菜餚都實難感動肥肥家族回頭光顧 !
Located on the 26th floor, the open kitchen offers a relaxing and cosy environment for diners to enjoy their meal. It also provides a lovely outlook of the skyline of Central. A fixed degustation menu is offered, with ingredients varying depending on the seasonal ingredients and Chef Vicky Cheng's innovation and inspiration. Highlights of the food: Tuna, Sea urchin, Espelette, RiceThe first course is a signature dish by Liberty Private Works. Beautifully arranged, the tuna tartare and crispy rice is topped with generous portion of creamy sea urchin in the middle, and frozen grape and sweet longon on the sides. The combination is simply perfect. The spiciness of the tuna tartare is greatly balanced with the sweet and fresh sea urchin. The crispy rice also brings an additional texture and flavour. A very refreshing dish indeed. Asparagus, Morel, Snow fungusThe second course is a light yet flavorful dish. The white asparagus, a seasonal ingredient, is simmered and lightly seasonsed to retain its taste. Compared with the green asparagus, it is slightly milder and more tender. The morel has a slightly more woodsy taste and the snow fungus, which has a lighter taste, blends perfectly with it. Quite a unique dish. Kinmedai, Tomato, KiwiThis dish has a Japanese element in it. The Kinmedai, seared on the side, is undeniably fresh and tender. The cherry tomatoes and radish are marinated and the kiwi sauce brings a sweet anad sour taste that stimulates the taste bud. Egg, Truffle, Parmesan, CaviarAnother signature dish of LPW. This is in fact my favorite dish. The ravioli is wrapped with a runny egg, parmesan, truffle, and generously topped with caviar. The caviar pops on the tongue, with a rich and slightly sweet taste that oozes in the mouth. The whole dish is aromatic and flavorful, with the parmesan being milky and tasteful, and the truffle giving an earthy fragrance and unique flavour to the dish. Impressive indeed. Chicken, Bamboo shoots, Fiddle headsThis is evitably a dish that requires great effort and time. The layers of chicken is nestled together, with the sauce being cooked with chicken bone and sake. The chicken meat is smooth and tender, with the exterior layer being pan-fried perfectly to give a crunchy texture. The sauce is great as it is not too heavy in taste and brings out the original flavour of the chicken. Lamb, Wheat berry, Black garlicLast savoury dish. This dish is great because of its simpleness. Cooked perfectly medium rare with a soft pink flesh, it retains the juiciness and tenderness. Served alongside is a vegetable puree, with wheat berry and black garlic. The black garlic removes the gaminess of the lamb, and the puree brings a more refreshing and mildness to the dish. Strawberry, Black pepper, Fennel Pollen The first dessert- Strawberry, Black pepper, Fennel Pollen simply looks tempting and appetising. The strawberry is stuffed with marshmallow, and the mochi with condensed milk is soft and chewy. A cute combination. The fennel pollen is also a little 'secret ingredient' that highlighted the dessert as the taste is incredibly unique, and brings a strong aromatic flavor that complemented with the other ingredients in the dessert.Miso, Honey, EdamameThe last course of the day is miso ice cream with honey and edamame. The miso ice cream tastes mild, with a slight saltiness in it. The edamame has a natural freshness and sweetness which matches the miso ice cream. The honey also brings an extra flavor and sweetness to the dish. Indeed, each dish at LPW is unique and inspirational. The ingredients are fresh and seasonal and does not require strong seasoning. The ingredients also match perfectly, complementing each other both in taste and in presentation. It is also a completely different dining experience, being able to enjoy the food while watching the passionate and whole-hearted chef and his team cooking. Simply an enjoyable and impressive meal!
LPW is one of my favourite restaurants in Hong Kong. I think this actually might be my fifth visit! I still remember my first visit at its much smaller cash-only location on Wellington Street. The current Stanley Street location is dimly lit and boosts floor-length windows that show a great view of Central at night. The restaurant is one massive chef’s table that sits around 26 guests intimately. Throughout the 8-course meal you have a front row seat to watch Executive Chef Vicky Cheng and his team hard at work cooking and plating each dish. Vicky's creativity and passion shines through his visually stunning and equally delicious dishes. Congratulations on the engagement by the way! Yuls and V were my dinner dates for the night. We began our meal with a light cod fish dip and some finger snacks. We were then presented with a white tablet and a small test tube of rosewater. The white tablet was actually a compressed hand towel that reconstituted when I poured the rosewater over it. What a thoughtful way to begin our meal! We started with the signature spicy tuna, sea urchin and crispy rice. I loved the contrasting texture of the tuna/sea urchin with the crispy popped rice. Definitely a decadent seafood party going on. Next up, the abalone was tender and sweet, almost earthy. The walu had a light crispy exterior and the apple-celery sauce brought a brightness to the dish. We also loved the signature egg and spinach raviolo nestled in parmesan cream and topped with caviar. This would have to be my favourite dish from LPW. Stuff of dreams! The egg oozed out perfectly when I cut into the raviolo and I mopped up all the egg/parmesan cream up with a freshly baked baguette. The caviar added a welcomed hint of umami. Did I mention that everything was perfectly seasoned? Next we had the foie gras wrapped in chicken with a generous shaving of black truffles. Our last savoury course was the venison, plated beautifully. Look at all the colours! At first I was a bit apprehensive of it but it was tender and slightly gamey in a good way. The cherry added a tartness to the meat and the gingerbread crumbs spiced it up. It was overall a well-executed dish because each bite brought something different to my taste buds. The desserts focused on contrasting textures and flavours. They weren't too sweet, which I appreciated. Don't leave LPW without trying a homemade mochi! They're amaaaazing.We ended the meal with freshly baked madeleines straight out of the oven, and a mochi and a white grape test tube shot that looked identical to the rosewater napkin at the beginning of the meal. I love these fun little touches.On a side note, Vicky's other restaurant Liberty Exchange (aka LEX, or happy hour invasion of that bit in between Exchange Square and IFC) serves up delicious and reasonably priced set lunches, small bites for dinner (think mini lobster rolls and salted caramel ice cream sandwiches) and brunch. I can’t wait to try the chicken and waffles!
Liberty Private Works offers a unique and cozy dining experience with only 26 seats around a U-shaped bar which offers front row seats into the actions of the open kitchen with the staff preparing everything right in front of you. Located on the 26/F, the restaurant provides limited views of buildings in Central through its floor-to-ceiling glass panes but it's okay - you'll be too busy gawking at the kitchen anyways. Reservation was pretty painless as it is done online and I was able to get a spot on a week night the week before with 2 seating times at 7:30pm or 8:30pm to choose from. The menu is simple with only one degustation of 10 courses for $900 per person along with half and full wine pairings for $480 and $680 respectively. The full wine pairing with 7 glasses was a bit too much for me so I opted for the half pairing with 3 glasses instead.Before the food arrived, we had a little fun with this ensemble where you pour the tube of cold water into the paper towel and watch it grow! Our amuse bouche of the night was a creamy dipping sauce with mussel along with some grissini breadsticks. The sauce was light enough to be appetizing and served its purpose well but the breadsticks were less than spectacular as they were a bit hard and one of them even seemed stale. Oyster, Chinese Flavors (4.5/5) - our first course was a raw oyster inspired by Chinese flavors with bits of crunchy fish skin, green onion, ginger along with a drop of red vinegar. The intricate flavors and contrasting textures all worked together cohesively and gave us a glimpse into the chef's understanding and mastery of his ingredients and flavors. Tuna, Sea Urchin, Espelette Rice (5/5) - one of the signature dishes here and boy was it a treat! We were instructed to start from the frozen grape and end with the longan which served as palate cleansers, but the star of the dish was of course the sea urchin on top of the tuna tartare surrounded by cucumbers and crunchy rice. The uni was very creamy and sweet and while the tuna tartare was slightly spicy, it didn't overwhelm the delicate flavors of the uni at all. King Crab, Green Curry, Pomelo, Thai Asparagus (5/5) - the chef not only demonstrated his cooking skills but also his artistic visions with this dish. The presentation was elaborate with pieces of asparagus, onions, and jalapeno sticking up on a slab of green curry bed with a crab and pomelo salad underneath it. I was most impressed with the green curry cream which did not feel solid or thick at all but rather blended quick well with the crab to make you feel like you are actually eating real green curry. Ever the skeptic of Asian fusion, we felt that this dish was everything that Bo Innovation was not but should have been.Sea Bream, Clay, Fig, Sumac (3.5/5) - traditionally baked in clay, the sea bream was paraded around to us before serving. I was a bit disappointed with the serving size of my fish whose flavors were also overwhelmed by the rich sauce on top. The accompanying sides of shiso, yogurt, fig and chutney were pleasant enough but nothing was really binding everything together to make one cohesive dish. Egg, Truffle, Parmesan, Caviar (4.5/5) - another signature dish here that is designed to impress with its generous serving of caviar on the egg yolk ravioli while surrounded with Parmesan foam and truffle oil. As told, we broke the ravioli to release the egg yolk to allow it to mix with everything before eating. The resulting flavors were heavenly and exquisite while the only drawback was that the skin of the ravioli was a bit too tough. Chicken, Oyster, Shitake Mushroom, Snap Pea (4/5) - this dish was very similar to the chicken dish at NUR with layers of chicken nestled inside each other while paired with oyster. While the chicken was good, I have to say that I think the chicken at NUR's was slightly better in terms of its juiciness but I also appreciated the painstaking efforts of preparing this dish here as the staff pretty much arranged every pea and mushroom one by one. Beef, Peach, Tomato, Watercress (5/5) - I loved our last savory dish of the night as the beef was very tender and easily pulled apart while the quail egg, peach, tomato and watercress sauce balanced the flavors perfectly. Raspberry, Lemon, Pistachio (5/5) - our first dessert generated lots of "oohs" and "aahs" as they doled out heaps of pink raspberry crunchies engulfed in dry ice. I loved all the different flavors and textures of the dessert but the surprising highlight was the condense milk mochi which was simply wondrous to eat! How they managed to take such a cheap ingredient and incorporated into this fabulous dessert was just genius. Brown Butter, Salted Caramel, Chocolate, Hazelnut (4.5/5) - compared to the first dessert, the second one seemed more tame and safe but still it was all around wonderful. Who wouldn't want this heavenly combination of velvety rich, sweet and salty sensation in their mouth!Warm Madeleine (3.5/5) - the last item is another signature staple on their tasting menu. The tiny madeleine was cute but I thought it was a bit dry and could have been more flavorful. If you are celebrating a birthday or anniversary (which a lot of people were), this is the dish where they write the words for you and I have to say that they did a friggin good job with the calligraphy!We also received a surprise gift from them and it was a polaroid they took of us!If you thought this was another wet towel, think again. They wanted to end with what they started with - but with a twist. This is actually our petite fours of the evening - a piece of marshmallow and a tube of watermelon consomme.Verdict - this is one of the best dining experience I've had in Hong Kong to date! The food was top-notch as you can tell that the chef has put a lot of thought into the dishes and it shows in the impressive presentation and execution. The service was very friendly while the staff was knowledgeable with the food and wine being served. LPW is an awesome experience for sure but while being able to observe the open kitchen certainly sounds like fun, it may not be suited for everyone as the high chairs at the bar were not the most comfortable things to sit in through a 10 course meal. Follow me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/supertastermelFollow me on Instagram @supertaster_mel
續上。。繼而是肉類菜式,首道輕身,次道有份量。Duck, Lychee, Cucumber, Chanterelle輕身的是此道鴨子菜式,如照片所見,一片來自英國的鴨肉在碟邊,旁邊是一幅立體圖案,青瓜、春卷、香草葉皆是站立式擺設,平放的有荔枝及法國菇(chanterelle)一只,碟上於它們的站立位置用醬汁畫上直紋作區別,對面的一區是像粗身黑白胡椒粒的香料脆米,聽大廚說甚麼"ke-wah",弄不清是何物。主廚介紹完菜式後,就在我們面前加上紅色的醬汁,完成此圖畫,拼圖十分有心思。鴨肉呈微粉紅色,剛熟,肉質幼嫩無羶味,紅色醬汁甜甜地,可能是荔枝汁,配合得宜,可隨意加上些脆米般的香料同吃,味道並不特出,依然不知是甚麼香草!立體區的春卷外皮酥脆,餡料是鴨肉,放了良久,咀嚼依然"嗦嗦"聲!其他材料原味,荔枝甜,香草葉香。總括來説,有趣!已有六分飽的狀態下,見廚子們又忙於準備下一道菜,十多份石板整齊排列,好奇亦期望,原來中央放了紅莓似的菓子一粒,頂上灑上白色物體數小片。見廚師門眼明手快,一下子便把十多份食品分配在眾客人面前。原來是一只水楊梅,特別之處是預先以日本清酒浸泡過,且加了薰衣草及鹽,放在石紋不一樣的雲石板上變成貴氣十足。從前吃過水楊梅,酸度太高不合我意,這棵卻完全令我改觀,微甜微酸,薰衣草香氣濃郁樸鼻,相信是清酒的甘甜中和了楊梅的酸,變成味道討好的菓子,正好解去剛才肉類菜式的膩,而浸泡時間掌握得好,果真是高手!味蕾被酸甜的菓子喚醒後,繼續工作。Iberian Pork, Razor Clam, Broccoli, Kimchi一豬四弄,各造型獨特。五花腩是來自西班牙的黑毛豬肉,燒至皮脆肉嫩,吃橡果長大的黑豬腩果然細膩如玉,入口甘香鬆化;斜對面的不連皮的豬肉方粒同樣幼嫩有嚼勁;旁邊扁身炸物酥脆惹味,碎肉餡料份量不多;而另一旁是圓柱形卷物,口感滑溜,灑上香草葉添辛,但未能辨別其成份;這道菜亦用了西蘭花打溶成汁畫上綠色線條,而韓國泡菜kimchi,既做成紅色醬汁亦有二只成方粒放在碟之兩角,客人可隨口味添辣。聰明地利用各種食材,果真是神級之作,造型及味道皆出色。見主廚繼續忙碌,炙燒一些長形餅塊。Corn, Coconut, Mango, Kaffir Lime早前觀看明珠台 Master Chef 節目,得知用粟米作甜點不易,豈料是晚可以親身品嚐。拼圖有心思,二合一甜點,如一長畫,黑色長板如畫紙,塗上3D食品,有未煎生雞蛋、芒果壽司、白色雪樣球、烤粟米及椰子碎;更在面前噴上乾冰煙霧,令畫境更迷幻。外表相比味道出色,雖然並非出了甚麼問題,芒果甜、椰子香、雪糕滑、檸檬香出,可能只怪我們吃得太快,印象不深刻!Canadian Maple, Pili Nut, Orange, Bacon第二道甜品外表較平實,雲呢拿雪糕配以加拿大著名的楓葉糖醬及果仁,糖醬清甜不膩,插上一片薄脆,有橙香,及其妙地配襯富鹹香的煙肉粒,鹹甜成對比,味蕾受考驗。Madeleine當我們以為晚餐完結時,美食陸續有來,三只貝殼型的鬆軟蛋糕用厚身餐巾包裹着,吃時尚暖,無過甜,也許調較了甜度以適合香港人胃口,想必以作佐咖啡茶之用。Lemonade and Cotton Candy正在欣賞蛋糕之時,廚師門又送上試管套裝,本以為是再一次抹身之用,原來非也,這支試管內是檸檬飲品,而白色方粒是棉花糖,可以吃的!哈哈!!好玩喎,頭尾x繋,卻不一樣!這兒的牙簽座亦與別不同!結脹不可不提,脹單如藏在一本書內,文化色彩蓋過商業利益,是不需要付費嗎!?哈哈!年青前衛型格酒吧風格,菜式方面是預期中的革新,主廚似乎精通世界各地之食材,把最好的拼湊在一起,演繹方法很不一樣,配搭大膽,重視賣相,創作出讓人耳目一新的料理。集中、西、日、韓、歐、美於一身,比喻一場武林大會,一位高手竟然集各門派精要於一身,獨立拳劍本已是獨當一面,意想不到的混合拳劍卻又匹配,且成更有變化,層次分明,厲害的體會!可能是項目太多,美中不足之處在於有些菜式份量太少,未能嚐真,因此亦未有留下深刻印象,餘韻亦薄。其次是主廚Vicky只以英語解釋每道菜,而說話的速度十分快,忽略了食材之複雜,而且並非一對一,演講方向令人聽得不清,自問聽不到一半。