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食记 (86)
等级4 2019-12-14
1075 浏览
由於CeoNeway 已經没有開了惟一附近的只是港晶中心3樓Neway karaoke box不是 CEO class!仔细看了open rice 食評才大方叫午餐時間最高价錢的New Zealand steak是[肉眼扒]啊!食记的往硛一般都是好评這個牛柳很大~厚切我可以接受黑椒汁我要辣的最少都要好熱大概放在入面凍了吧個黑松露忌簾湯本來好有誠意可憐凍左冷西湯又係令人感到害怕以致好似一个丰富的午餐我只能凍住吃失望啊問可以選擇下lemon 利賓纳?可以只係送到的只係利x納全部都是Without lemon pieces at all盛惠128加一不可思议的服務?! 继续阅读
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等级3 2019-06-15
1406 浏览
呢日同老婆阿仔黎唱K.對上一次黎呢度,應該係10年前以上...阿仔第一次黎,以為佢會好興奮,點知去到佢就開始發呆,坐係度唔郁,又唔肯開金口...真掃興...老婆叫左西冷, 一上枱,就嚇了一跳,非常大碟,西冷有半邊臉咁大!意粉亦好大堆頭! 我試左一部份,覺得西冷烤得好香,不是薄切,有半吋厚,是全熟的,肉質正常,味道整體來說也算不錯。  加$12就有甜品,湯及沙律。沙律菜沒有預先切好,而且味道有點苦澀。黑松露湯質感稀如水。甜品是一小塊蛋糕,明明是蛋糕,但味道及質地跟芒果布丁一樣,好奇妙。阿仔食拉麵,我試左幾啖,應該都岩佢食,因為湯底夠晒淡味。麵條彈牙,但好重鹼味,似雲吞麵嗰種鹼味。我叫海南雞飯,選了白飯。是夠飽的,味道及質素就一般般啦,快啲食完,快啲繼續唱! 继续阅读
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等级3 2019-05-31
1106 浏览
三人行唱K buffet 由5點唱到11點每人$300蚊樓下啱晒中意唱K又中意食buffet嘅我我哋5點就入房 房間都幾大 要唱夠一粒鐘先到6點buffet先開始其間包两杯冇酒精嘅嘢飲對於中意唱到死唔斷氣嘅我 呢一粒鐘嘅時間要好好把握唱盡佢 因為一到6點 你就冇時間唱 因為有好多好多嘢食豉椒炒蜆蒜蓉粉絲蒸象拔蚌蒜蓉粉絲蒸帶子港晶中心嘅neway k buffet算係neway中最豐富 因為熱盤嘅種類係會更換之餘 常見有海鮮類嘅出現此外 仲有凍海鮮、刺身、冷盤等壽司檔都新增咗唔同嘅日式食品冷麵 同三文魚子飯等仲有即叫即整系列之酥皮龍蝦湯三月份去的時候還有新鮮嘅大頭蝦同賴尿蝦一到八點就可以食到限量供應嘅生蠔此外還有一人火鍋區, 甜品區 唔同種類嘅切餅和糕點當晚仲有即叫即整嘅 花膠燉奶和熱辣辣嘅豆腐花 继续阅读
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等级4 2019-04-13
1430 浏览
We are having dinner buffet here cause the price of ordering each dish individually seem even more expensive. Honesty don't expect the high quality of food, though the food choices are still enoughI normally like duck leg but the oyster sauce is too weak and the duck legs seemed to be dipped into sauces for just a short while, sad, ruined the lovely duck legs, lolBraised Pork trotter is fine with flavorite sauce and good texture.Pork and shrimp cutlets are really bad here, not crispy at all, and the taste of pork seems to be spoilt and so thick insides. I barely eat a small bite, sadSashimi is not so fresh here with limited options. You can only order salmon, tuna etc, the taste of salmon not flavouring me sadly, and I only got two plates of salmon( just few small pieces) , they told me salmon is already sold out, what? Overall the seafood is not that okI like quite like the slender pork ribs, it's so yummy and soft. I can't resist to get moreEel rice is super delicious too, so yummy, though eel is quite thin, it matches with rice perfectly! Surprised me that is the whole crab, haaa, love haa, finally found something outstanding, niceeeBut what really disappointed me is the dessert. The outlook is fine, but the chocolate mousse cake and chestnut cakes are unbelievably bad! So thick, never try the cakes like this... I like taro ice team too, haaaThe snacks also outstanding and tasty! The French fries is way too crispy and yummyy, you won't feel over-oily. Also fried chicken wings has good tastes and not enough for us, lolKroom:The quality of food here is so diverse here, but a good karaoke place with nice food, haa 继续阅读
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等级4 2019-01-12
1433 浏览
我好耐無去街唱K,每次唱都係去 club house 唱 🤣🤣 原來而家 K buffet 咁多嘢食 🤤 .蒜蓉龍蝦,即煎雞翼,天婦羅,蒜蓉粉絲蒸北寄貝,牛肉鍋,海鮮鍋,辣子雞,即切刺身,壽司,各式熱盆,甜品,雪糕,糖水....質素仲要唔差,聽聞呢間最好食....不過只可以唱3.5hrs 就太少,食飽都無時間唱喇,仲插左首勁長嘅生日歌 🤣🤣 同行朋友生日有優惠,生日免費 + 生日蛋糕 + 香檳 (其實只係有氣果汁)😂 服務就差少少 继续阅读
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