港铁金钟站 F 出口, 步行约6分钟 继续阅读
所有分店 (17)
07:00 - 22:30
07:00 - 22:30
08:00 - 19:30
08:00 - 19:30
Visa Master 现金 八达通 美国运通 银联
食记 (18)
Nood is my go-to for work day lunches and for healthy, clean but yummy eating. The food is vibrant and colourful! Every day they feature a variety of salads and also hot items - allowing you to balance your carbs, fiber and protein. I usually opt for their salad box for takeaway or salad plate for dine-in. I appreciate how we can add a hot item as well. I have also had many of their sandwiches previously and have also enjoyed them alongside a hot turmeric latte in the winters.  The variety they serve also caters to different dietary requirements. The staff is friendly and patient whenever I have questions on the salad options. I also love the set up, interiors and vibe at the Star Street branch. The wooden tones and low seating makes me feel relaxed in between a hectic work day and allows me to go back to work feeling refreshed. Highly highly recommended!  继续阅读
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等级3 2024-07-16
477 浏览
鄰近星街呢間NOOD FOOD提供嘅two-dish rice,食得健康又飽嚟講都只係$55!喺港島地區實屬難得我揀咗嘅餸包括無激素雞胸碎豆腐蒸蛋、枸杞烤翠玉瓜 ,佢地default會比飯同埋沙律🫶🏻 食落感覺十分健康,而且staff都會裝得滿滿的,食得clean又有飽腹感,味道亦都相當唔錯。另外,佢地環境亦都非常舒適,推介比大家! 继续阅读
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等级4 2024-06-03
625 浏览
本身自己係pure會員 所以上堂中間空餘嘅時間都會過嚟cafe食啲嘢先 灣仔分店環境好舒適 特別安靜 空間感好夠 見唔少人會拎埋電腦過嚟做嘢 有充電位食物方面都好多選擇 價錢唔會特別貴~有輕食或者飽肚啲嘅嘢食堂食我就點咗手撕雞wrap 店員好貼心會加熱份量超級夠,雞肉嚡咗少少,但係食落感覺會健康啲🤣另外外賣咗一份細嘅沙律 可以揀四樣餸如果女仔嘅話其實可以分兩餐食熱量唔係好高 好適合減肥人士食 如果沙律菜少啲醬料會更加好 继续阅读
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等级3 2024-06-01
381 浏览
做完運動太肚餓,即刻響Nood點咗個沙律。 通常Small size 已經夠飽,今次caser salad 嘅調味好好,唔會太多醬,但糙米就略嫌比較硬,同埋可惜當日冇紅菜頭。呢度嘅沙律唔會好似有啲餐廳咁凍冰冰,所以有時冬天我都會照食。揀完沙律嘅之後見Social Media有介紹Pistachio Oat Milk Latte,開心果控即刻點咗一杯,順便補充蛋白質。佢冇加糖,係開心果原味,冇乜特別但夠香滑,$45 都幾大杯。灣仔星街分店空間較大,有長枱、有梳化,都算多人,不過好少要等位。呢度仲有杯提供可以自己去斟水,食物款式亦多,有主食,有些較小的分店是沒有水杯和沙律Combo。 继续阅读
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等级1 2024-05-11
213 浏览
The kale, cauliflower, carrot, and oat salad was a delightful and refreshing combination of flavors and textures. The crispness of the kale and cauliflower provided a satisfying crunch, while the sweetness of the carrots added a pleasant contrast. The addition of oats gave the salad a hearty and wholesome element.The dressing was light and tangy, enhancing the natural flavors of the vegetables without overpowering them. The oats provided a subtle nutty taste and added a nice chewiness to the dish. The salad was well-balanced and packed with nutrients, making it a healthy and satisfying option.The freshness of the ingredients was evident, and each bite was a burst of vibrant flavors. 继续阅读
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