港铁湾仔站 B2 出口, 步行约6分钟 继续阅读
11:00 - 15:00
17:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 22:00
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食记 (26)
等级2 2017-04-12
871 浏览
星期五嚟到灣仔船街呢間西班牙餐廳食 lunch 。叫左個 set lunch : Grilled Rib eye in Chimichurri Sauce, Padron Pepper, Patatas Bravas . ($108) 真係書到用時方讀少!Patatas Bravas. 西班牙常見tapas,  即係辣醬馬鈴薯,應該係脆煎薯仔再淋上番茄辣醬。不過呢過明顯圖文不符。 這只是薯蓉吧!!薯蓉黎講就中規中矩啦。Rib eye雖然薄左少少,不過幾好食。原來阿根廷人食烤肉就係用呢種獨特綠色既醬汁Chimichurri Sauce. 至於Padron Pepper 亦係西班牙傳統tapas, 味道似平時食開既小青椒,不過燒過,同埋皮薄啲,無咩辣味,都幾好食。呢外一個main course係 crispy pork( $108 +$20) , 皮幾脆,係皮下有少少油脂, 整體okay. 頭盤沙律同湯亦都有新鮮感。 继续阅读
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等级4 2017-02-07
2413 浏览
最近晚上都會做運動,比較喜歡約朋友在下午見面。之前約了一位好久不見的朋友,她提議來這午餐。Set Lunch價錢 $108起,食材用料高質,值得來吃。當天去的時候食客不少呢!另點了Sangria,謝謝朋友請客啦。Celeriac Clam Soupwith crouton, citronelle, Light curry cream (add oyster +$20)在中午喝個湯往往就是最好的慰藉自己辛勞工作的妙方,這湯以芹菜根、蜆肉,加上麵包粒、香茅和咖哩忌廉煮成,以蜆的鮮做主要的味道,沒有一般忌廉湯般膩口,蠻特別的湯品。Raf Tomato, homemade pickles, mixed leaves salad, mimolette cheese (add lumpfish roe +$20)新鮮番茄和本地種植的沙律菜,加上他們自己做的醃菜,清新開胃。還有芝士和魚卵提味,吃起來一點都不單調。Iberico Ham bomba rice cooked with French bean, piperade, charred banana shallot Sliced ham (+20) / Sliced Jabugo (+$40)風乾火腿番茄甜椒西班牙小鍋飯。午餐時間能吃到西班牙鍋飯份外高興,富西班牙食材風味的燉飯,尤其喜歡圓米的微硬質感。Seared salmon with spicy sakura shrimp sauce, oyster fritters, savory cabbage, braised fennel (+$40) (add oyster +$20)這道三文魚也是做得非常不錯,最主要是魚的肉質不柴,有三文魚的獨特味韻,加上炸蠔、辣櫻花蝦汁,為三文魚提鮮。旁邊的燉茴香和鹹白菜也做得蠻好吃的。Arroz con leche (rice pudding) (+$30)甜點選了米布丁,不太甜,有米飯的咬口,不錯吃。以這價錢吃到如此豐富的西班牙午餐,我覺得蠻划算的。他們的午餐不定期更新,下次會再來。 继续阅读
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等级1 2017-01-07
1151 浏览
I was looking forward to a pleasant Saturday night Spanish dinner after reading some positive reviews on Openrice.Sadly, it turned out to be a very unpleasant dinner experience :1. I started by ordering several dishes (cod croquettes, bikini) which I was interested in.  However, they were apparently "sold out" (but it was only 6:45 pm! ).  After ordering some of my second choices, I wanted to try their draft beer, only to be told that they no longer had any draft beer in stock (sigh).  It is quite off-putting to go to a restaurant with many items of the menu being unavailable.2. First came the avocado and crab meat toast.  It was not bad, but rather expensive ($35 per small piece).  At this point, I still had hope that the food at this restaurant would be good.  But next came the absolutely SHOCKING fried calamari.  It was terrible - oily, rubbery and tasteless.  Or should I say disgusting?  I felt like I was chewing on a car tyre.  I have not had anything this bad for years3. The mains we had were the crispy pork (which was alright) and the beef tenderloin with foie gras.  The foie gras was pleasant, but the beef was overcooked and dry. Overall, the quality of food was poor and the portions were tiny.  I would not visit this place again and would not recommend anyone to do so.The only positive thing about this restaurant is the service.  The waiters and waitresses were friendly and polite.  Sadly for them, I do not think this restaurant will survive 2017. 继续阅读
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等级1 2017-01-06
851 浏览
The taste, service and atmosphere were good, but the drinks are little over price...the foods are reasonable though.It would be great if they have more reasonable glass wine! 继续阅读
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等级4 2016-12-30
1974 浏览
灣仔近月來開了不少新食店,實在是灣仔人之福,連帶我們這些在灣仔工作的人也有福了。不過,每當午飯時間,每間店舖都擠滿了客人,有的甚至排了長長的人龍,想吃得清幽一點實在是沒可能。皇天不負有心人,位於船街的盡頭,有一間西班牙餐廳,店子雖不大,但卻很舒適,暫時未算很多客人,還可給小弟一個喘息的小小空間。 聽說最近換了主廚,趁著假期氣氛濃厚,來吃過舒舒服服的午飯。午市是有三道菜的Set Lunch供應,據說每隔兩星期會轉一次餐單,給客人多一點新鮮感。既然這兒是西班牙餐廳,當然加點錢要了一杯White Sangria盡興一下。 小弟在頭盤二選一之下,點選了解Citrus, Garden Green Salad w/ Deep Fried Camembert, Balsamic Dressing,當中除了有炸得香脆的金文畢芝士及沙律菜外,還有西柚、橙及紅菜頭,相當新鮮,份量相當多,好像吃極不完似的。 友人則選擇了Pumpkin Soup w/ Goat Cheese Timon’s Style Croquette,聽說味道不錯,湯也打得相當幼滑。 主菜大家也要了Spicy Seafood Linguine,一來到即被配料嚇了一跳,滿滿的一碟全是配料似的,用料相當豐富,有蜆、蝦、魷魚及青口等等,吃上一口,海鮮的味道很濃厚,麵條煙煙韌韌,甚有咬口,餘韻帶點點辣勁,滋味到不得了,實在非常好吃。 來到甜品,小弟對這個Crispy Cheese Ravioli w/ Blue Berries Coulis,感覺帶趣,是炸得意式雲吞,咬開一口,內裡有著軟滑的芝士,配以自家製的藍莓醬,有種吃著香脆版的藍莓芝士蛋糕的感覺。 這兒環境與食物都不錯,不過大家可能要預多一點點的時間,皆因出菜的速度會慢一點點,但食物味道卻能彌補了。 Timón Seafood Tapas Bar & Restaurant 灣仔船街33號地舖 午餐 ($150 - $200) 好味指數 (★★★1/2) 【5★為最高】 继续阅读
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