港铁香港站 C 出口, 步行约5分钟 继续阅读
10:00 - 19:30
10:00 - 18:00
Visa Master 现金
食记 (6)
等级3 2015-04-27
1406 浏览
Gotta thank my friend for bringing me here, if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't know such a lovely rooftop cafe exist right at LKF.ZaiFe is located at the rooftop of the furniture store Bo Concept. Through the unique collections of designed pieces, the second floor of the store is the gateway to the green paradise. the cafe is not big at all, it could roughly serve 20 to 30 or so ppl. lucky for us, it was a weekday morning so it wasn't full yet. we were immediately greeted by a cheerful barista at the door. we ordered a cappuccino, a latte, and a pesto sandwich with tomato and cheese.The cappuccino was very foamy and smooth. The sandwich was toasted crisp and was deslish! Love the pesto sauce, got the little burst of herb and nutty flavor in every bite! I would give the food and the drinks an 8, and what made this place deserve a perfect 10 was the barista's courteous service and cheerful smile. She was very attentive and tried to make sure we were having a good time. I would highly recommend ZaiFe. It is definitely for those who need fresh air in the middle of the day, and craving for a little green in the urbanized city. 继续阅读
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來自丹麥的BoConcept,推廣北歐簡約傢俱。最近ZAI FÉ 齋啡跟BoConcept合作,在一樓陽台設立傢品CAFÉ「ZAI FÉ 齋啡 Espresso Bar」,這天專程來到,全店忙著一個包場的private event,雖然如此,店長沒有選擇趕客,反而免費送上即場炮製的咖啡以表歉意,同時誠心說,假若下次客人再來必會全心招待,雖然未能完全體驗這間咖啡店的水準,但簡單的一句話,已令人留下深刻印象,有著一定要再來的衝動。 继续阅读
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等级4 2015-02-13
762 浏览
上一次到zai fe鰂魚涌分店,店員大力推薦我到中環店坐坐。好不容易,終於找到這個隱於市的cafe,這連住傢俱店的露天小店還好今日天氣涼涼的,坐在外面寧靜又舒服,今次試了infused drink,和朋友分別選了mocha peppered orange 和 lavender&lemon latte,說是100% organic的朋友杯latte的確有陣檸檬香,他是這樣形容的:「有檸檬味道,但沒有食檸檬的感覺,都和咖啡混為一體」不過他未有提到Lavender,應該是味道較淡吧再到我的mocha,pepper味倒不算強烈,口感不太辣,橙味則超級strong,根本就是橙味朱古力吧!還有作點綴的香橙絲,這杯咖啡太不一樣太繽紛啦! 而香橙絲也豐富了咖啡的層次,更有口感啦,咀嚼着帶有mocha的香橙絲,甜中帶點苦澀另外點了個apple crumble,配有vanilla icecream,這crumble 有些少合桃粒和麥皮,口感豐富,略嫌蘋果不夠多吧 继续阅读
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等级4 2015-01-27
523 浏览
這個地方很難找,因為原來是在傢俬店進去上一樓轉左才到,是個隱秘的地方,所以店內人不多,是露天座位,我叫了一杯piccolo latte便坐下,女咖啡師非常親切,與我談話,又跟我分享咖啡知識,我也是在上環區工作,跟這裡很近。piccolo latte$28是用中國傳統杯的,其實我也是為了這個杯而來,非常的可愛和吸入,味道很重nut味,奶打得剛剛好。舒適的環境渡過一個下午,幸好今天沒有下雨,不然這個露天位置就不能坐了。 继续阅读
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等级4 2014-12-31
422 浏览
很喜歡這家位於BoConcepts一樓露台的cafe!陽光下嘆一杯充滿香氣的 Peppered Orange 黑胡椒橙-infused cappuccino ($44),再來一件開心果蛋糕 ($36)—開心果慕斯加上有點像brownie的脆脆果仁底,太幸福了! 继续阅读
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