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ฅฅ 烤猪颈肉汉堡 $63烤猪颈肉汉堡由口感到味道都非常出众🔥 猪颈肉烤得刚好 有微微炭香同埋有肉汁 唔会太干身👍🏻 加上香甜多汁既菠萝提升整体味道 减低油腻感 值得一试🤍Pork Grilled Burger was just next level from the texture to the flavor among the others🤩 Grilled pork was meaty, aromatic and not oily yet🐷 Pineapple just added sweetness to the whole flavour🍍Worth a try✨评分: 9/10🌟ฅฅ 特级牛肉汉堡 $90特级牛肉汉堡绝对称得上burgerlab最吸引既汉堡之一❤️🔥 呢个由两大块汉堡扒、洋葱、烟肉、煎蛋同半溶芝士组成😚 仲有生菜同蕃茄解腻🤞🏻 呢个价钱黎讲份量同味道都值回票价😎The Grand Giant Burger was the most signature and attractive item in @burgerlabhk 😍 Trying out this
烤猪颈肉汉堡由口感到味道都非常出众🔥 猪颈肉烤得刚好 有微微炭香同埋有肉汁 唔会太干身👍🏻 加上香甜多汁既菠萝提升整体味道 减低油腻感 值得一试🤍
Pork Grilled Burger was just next level from the texture to the flavor among the others🤩 Grilled pork was meaty, aromatic and not oily yet🐷 Pineapple just added sweetness to the whole flavour🍍Worth a try✨
评分: 9/10🌟
ฅฅ 特级牛肉汉堡 $90
特级牛肉汉堡绝对称得上burgerlab最吸引既汉堡之一❤️🔥 呢个由两大块汉堡扒、洋葱、烟肉、煎蛋同半溶芝士组成😚 仲有生菜同蕃茄解腻🤞🏻 呢个价钱黎讲份量同味道都值回票价😎
The Grand Giant Burger was the most signature and attractive item in @burgerlabhk 😍 Trying out this lusciously decadent burger with two meaty beef patties that were topped with onion🧅, bacon🥓, fried egg🍳, melted cheese🧀 and sandwiched between two crispy buns🍔 The lettuce🥬 and tomatoes🍅 just balanced the richness of it😋 Such a great value for its flavor and portion🥳
评分: 8.5/10🌟
ฅฅ 蜜糖蒜香鸡翼 $40
蜜糖蒜香鸡翼食落好皮脆肉滑🤣 有香甜既蜜糖同淡淡既蒜香味🧄 价钱唔贵之余仲要有6只 非常抵食!!!🤎
Loved these Honey Garlic Chicken Wings so much😻 Marinated in honey and garlic sauce🍯, the chicken wings were sweet, savoury and super crispy too!!🍗
评分: 8/10🌟
Burger Lab (佐敦)
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