❢ Egg Benedict $108班尼迪克蛋早餐配上芒果酱、温泉蛋、烟三文鱼、朱古力热香饼同我哋拣既牛油果 非常丰富😚 熟度刚好既牛油果份量十足 搭配烟三文鱼绝对唔会错😆 香甜既芒果酱加燕麦脆脆同热香饼好夹🫶🏻 为成个早餐增添不少色彩✨Egg Benedict included Onsen Egg🥚 , Mango Sauce🥭, Smoked Salmon🐟, Chocolate Pancake🥞 & Avocado 🥑 or Bacon🥓, I picked the yummy avocado at that time! The portion size of avocado was generous & it’s super creamy, and goes well with the smoky salmon😋 Sweet mango sauce with the healthy cereals enlightened the whole dish, nice!🤩评分: 9/10🌟❢ Hot Matcha Latte $45日本抹茶鲜奶饮落比较重奶香同温和🥰 虽然个人喜欢
❢ Egg Benedict $108
班尼迪克蛋早餐配上芒果酱、温泉蛋、烟三文鱼、朱古力热香饼同我哋拣既牛油果 非常丰富😚 熟度刚好既牛油果份量十足 搭配烟三文鱼绝对唔会错😆 香甜既芒果酱加燕麦脆脆同热香饼好夹🫶🏻 为成个早餐增添不少色彩✨
Egg Benedict included Onsen Egg🥚 , Mango Sauce🥭, Smoked Salmon🐟, Chocolate Pancake🥞 & Avocado 🥑 or Bacon🥓, I picked the yummy avocado at that time! The portion size of avocado was generous & it’s super creamy, and goes well with the smoky salmon😋 Sweet mango sauce with the healthy cereals enlightened the whole dish, nice!🤩
评分: 9/10🌟

❢ Hot Matcha Latte $45
日本抹茶鲜奶饮落比较重奶香同温和🥰 虽然个人喜欢茶味比较浓郁 但胜咗入口顺滑同埋有靓靓拉花搭救🍵 因为个碟唔平衡 一定要小心拎呢杯野饮‼️ 唔小心既我就成个衫袖都沾到表面 整衰咗个拉花喇🌚🫠
Really sorry for destroying the pretty latte art because I dipped my long sleeve in it😭 Back to the latte, it’s milky, mild and smooth🍃 but personally hoped the matcha flavour would be richer😎
评分: 8/10🌟

❢ Mentaiko With Crabmeat Cream Sause Spaghetti $89
蟹籽蟹肉明太子忌廉意粉绝对可以满足到你个胃😍 明太子酱汁食落好浓郁带咸香又唔会好辣 而且意粉既口感非常好🍝 加咗少量蟹肉提升意粉既鲜味😛 最细心既系用咗刺激既洋葱平衡比较腻既酱汁 先可以完成咁大碟嘅意粉🤎
It’s just too satisfying to my tummy🤍 The cream sauce was super duper silky and paired with the Al dente spaghetti🤤 The generous portion of mentaiko was nice and slightly salty but not spicy yet🤣 Crabmeat was definitely the highlight of it!💫 It added some freshness to the flavour and made it super savory🦀 Last surprise was the pungent onion balanced the heavy taste and we’re able to finish the whole dish🧅
评分: 9/10🌟
盘子工房 (海趣坊) (屯门)

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Egg Benedict
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Egg Benedict
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Egg Benedict
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Mentaiko With Crabmeat Cream Sause Spaghetti
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Hot Matcha Latte
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
Egg Benedict
$ 108
Egg Benedict
$ 108
Egg Benedict
$ 108
Mentaiko With Crabmeat Cream Sause Spaghetti
$ 89
Hot Matcha Latte
$ 45
  • Egg  Benedict