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•ᴗ• 法式面包布甸 $15买完返到屋企放入雪柜几个钟再用焗炉焗5-10分钟⏱ 法式面包食落脆口得黎好烟韧 唔会太硬🥖 加埋入面仲系微冻既布甸 一冻一热既口感同香浓既云尼拿味真系食多几个都冇问题😋 如果唔洗排队一定日日去买😆Stored it in the fridge for a few hours, then heated it in the oven for 5-10mins😚 The bun was soft, chewy, and crispy outside🥖 while the pudding was super duper creamy, with a sweet vanilla flavour🍮 This combo was too nice that I’m craving for it every day (if I don’t need to queue for an hour🥹)评分: 9/10🌟•ᴗ• 京都抹茶红豆麻糬法式布甸包 $23排个日写住停售既抹茶款因为排第一既关系就好好彩买到!🥰 焗炉焗过既外皮食落好脆 口 内馅仲呈布甸状 非常软滑🤤 仲要茶味好
买完返到屋企放入雪柜几个钟再用焗炉焗5-10分钟⏱ 法式面包食落脆口得黎好烟韧 唔会太硬🥖 加埋入面仲系微冻既布甸 一冻一热既口感同香浓既云尼拿味真系食多几个都冇问题😋 如果唔洗排队一定日日去买😆
Stored it in the fridge for a few hours, then heated it in the oven for 5-10mins😚 The bun was soft, chewy, and crispy outside🥖 while the pudding was super duper creamy, with a sweet vanilla flavour🍮 This combo was too nice that I’m craving for it every day (if I don’t need to queue for an hour🥹)
评分: 9/10🌟
•ᴗ• 京都抹茶红豆麻糬法式布甸包 $23
排个日写住停售既抹茶款因为排第一既关系就好好彩买到!🥰 焗炉焗过既外皮食落好脆 口 内馅仲呈布甸状 非常软滑🤤 仲要茶味好浓郁 带回甘🍃 夹埋北海道既香甜红豆非常出色✨ 最令人惊喜系布甸中间仲有自家制既麻糬🤩 烟韧既口感提升整体既完整度同满足感 贵少少都值得一试🤍
I was a bit upset when I knew this wasn’t available on that day but luckily I got it!!!🥳(Coz I was No.1❤️🔥) The Bun was crunchy after toasted, and the pudding inside was rich in matcha flavour🍵 It goes well with the sweet red beans from Hokkaido🫘 there’s chewy mochi which was the most surprising part🔥, definitely, the highlight of the day🤎
评分: 10/10🌟
嘉多利天然酵母手作面包店 (油麻地)
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