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◡̎ Riceballs $68韩国饭团加入麻油、明太子🍙 面头仲有脆身既紫菜💫 食落唔会太咸太淡 味道比想像中出色😛Crispy salty Korean seaweed on top of riceballs that infused with mentaiko were incredibly flavourful🥰 Seasonings were just right, not too salty nor plain👍🏻 Nice🤍评分: 8/10🌟 ◡̎ Chocolate Milkshake $45无论系朱古力奶昔既卖相同份量都好有惊喜😚 饮落有啲似朱古力奶味既沙冰🍧 整体唔算太甜 可以一试🤎Wow, the ig-able presentation and huge portion size definitely surprised me🤩 It tasted like milk chocolate but not too sweet yet🍫 Worth a try✨评分: 8.5/10🌟 ◡̎ Small Fried Chicken $148细韩式无骨炸鸡份量十足🔥
韩国饭团加入麻油、明太子🍙 面头仲有脆身既紫菜💫 食落唔会太咸太淡 味道比想像中出色😛
Crispy salty Korean seaweed on top of riceballs that infused with mentaiko were incredibly flavourful🥰 Seasonings were just right, not too salty nor plain👍🏻 Nice🤍
评分: 8/10🌟
◡̎ Chocolate Milkshake $45
无论系朱古力奶昔既卖相同份量都好有惊喜😚 饮落有啲似朱古力奶味既沙冰🍧 整体唔算太甜 可以一试🤎
Wow, the ig-able presentation and huge portion size definitely surprised me🤩 It tasted like milk chocolate but not too sweet yet🍫 Worth a try✨
评分: 8.5/10🌟
◡̎ Small Fried Chicken $148
细韩式无骨炸鸡份量十足🔥 两个人食都超饱肚😎 新鲜炸起既鸡肉非常热 而且皮脆肉滑🐣 juicy既鸡肉配上甜辣既蜜糖芥茉酱就更加滋味🤤
Boneless chicken was super filling😍 Fired chicken was crispy and sizzling hot🥵 Chicken meat was soft, tender and juicy🍗 Sweet and Spicy honey mustard sauce definitely enriched the whole flavour🍯
评分: 8.5/10🌟
◡̎ Eggroll With Mozarella $74
芝士蛋卷煎得唔错 口感几软滑又做到拉丝效果🫶🏻 而且蛋香十足🥚 钟意食韩式卷蛋既可以一试😆
Egg roll with Mozarella was soft, eggy and cheesy🧀 Loved the texture of Korean egg roll😋
评分: 8/10🌟
安客葱鸡 (西环)
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Chocolate Milkshake
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Chocolate Milkshake
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Eggroll With Mozarella
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Eggroll With Mozarella
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Eggroll With Mozarella
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Small Fried Chicken
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Small Fried Chicken
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