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一热遮三丑, 是龙景轩主理人陈恩德师傅常挂在嘴边的话, 也是像他一般饮食界老行尊所坚持的. 食物只要够热, 菜式味道和外貌等自然就会加分, 对于烘焙品更是这样, 像秋在这冰室吃的酥皮蛋挞, 就是刚出炉就上枱, 非常烫口, 虽然酥皮层次和蛋香不够之前在天龙轩食的水准, 但因为这里够热而后者偏凉, 结果评分两者不会相差很远, 最重要是这里的不用$10, 是天龙轩的1/5.其他下午茶菜式, 如猪扒炒蛋猪仔包和芝士西多士也够热, 前者水准不错, 猪扒够松软, 炒蛋蛋香一般但口感够滑, 作为填饱肚子的功能相当OK. 后者口感有点湿润, 内里的不是花生酱, 而是半溶的芝士, 拉丝感够, 但吃起来蛮油腻而不够讨好的, 特别是本身炸完后还带点油膱味的时候.The egg tart of Red Tea Cafe is hot enough. For the barley, being hot enough is very important as it can enhance the egg and butter flavors. The puff pastry is crispy enough. G
其他下午茶菜式, 如猪扒炒蛋猪仔包和芝士西多士也够热, 前者水准不错, 猪扒够松软, 炒蛋蛋香一般但口感够滑, 作为填饱肚子的功能相当OK. 后者口感有点湿润, 内里的不是花生酱, 而是半溶的芝士, 拉丝感够, 但吃起来蛮油腻而不够讨好的, 特别是本身炸完后还带点油膱味的时候.
The egg tart of Red Tea Cafe is hot enough. For the barley, being hot enough is very important as it can enhance the egg and butter flavors. The puff pastry is crispy enough. Giving that the price is quite low, it can be recommended. However, the French toast with cheese inside looks good but tastes too greasy that is too heavy as afternoon tea.