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Honbo在不收现金的争议后, 人潮或多或少受到影响, 应该说在饮食业的寒冬, 比起争议更影响生意的是有消费能力的人的减少, 不论是因为移民, 还是经济原因. 百多元一个汉堡, 接近二百元的套餐, 不是必须要去花费而品尝. Smash Burger在Honbo之前并不太盛行, 但现在要吃也不太困难, 自从开分店成为连锁集团之后, 就少了一分独特性.汉堡包吃起上来还是可以的, Smash Burger的重点是一手能拿起, 一口能咬住, 还有香脆的汉堡扒外层, 就是压着汉堡扒来煎的特色, 面包软熟, 不会太干, 再加上半溶化的芝士和本身充满肉香味的汉堡扒, 配合起来其实不会和本初开店的时候, 风味相差太远, 如果说可以再好一点的就是多一点的脂粒, 就是可以再大开大合些. 水牛城鸡翼出奇地好, 甚至比薯条来得出色, 特别喜欢其酸辣平衡, 还有沾酱之后外皮的香脆, 应该是在快餐店里吃过最有平衡度的水牛城鸡翼. 老实说水准保持得算是很不错, 这儿不是食物的问题还是收银的问题, 而是市场对于中价食物, 而又有胶便宜取代品的生存问题.After the controversy over Honbo‘
汉堡包吃起上来还是可以的, Smash Burger的重点是一手能拿起, 一口能咬住, 还有香脆的汉堡扒外层, 就是压着汉堡扒来煎的特色, 面包软熟, 不会太干, 再加上半溶化的芝士和本身充满肉香味的汉堡扒, 配合起来其实不会和本初开店的时候, 风味相差太远, 如果说可以再好一点的就是多一点的脂粒, 就是可以再大开大合些. 水牛城鸡翼出奇地好, 甚至比薯条来得出色, 特别喜欢其酸辣平衡, 还有沾酱之后外皮的香脆, 应该是在快餐店里吃过最有平衡度的水牛城鸡翼. 老实说水准保持得算是很不错, 这儿不是食物的问题还是收银的问题, 而是市场对于中价食物, 而又有胶便宜取代品的生存问题.
After the controversy over Honbo‘s decision to not accept cash, their customer flow has been affected to some extent. In the current economic downturn, the decrease in the number of consumers with spending power is more impactful than the controversy itself, whether it is due to immigration or economic reasons. With burgers priced over a hundred dollars and combo meals close to two hundred, it is not necessary to spend that much for a meal. Smash Burger was not as popular before Honbo, but now it is not difficult to find. Since becoming a chain store, it has lost some of its uniqueness. The burgers are still tasty, with a crispy outer layer and a soft bun, and the buffalo wings are surprisingly good, with a perfect balance of sweet and spicy flavors. The overall quality remains good, but the issue is not with the food or the cashier, but rather the competition from cheap alternatives in the mid-priced food market.