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旬之野菜饭+豚肉姜汁烧 $42Seasonal Veggies w/ Japanese Rice + Teriyaki Pork in Ginger Sauce 野菜饭有大白菜🥬 红萝卜🥕 西兰花🥦 番茄🍅 等等,唔加𩠌都好丰富!豚肉姜汁烧系其中一款最出名嘅日式家庭料理,以姜汁、味醂、酱油、米酒、洋葱、蒜等综制成酱汁黎浸泡豚肉片,每一块都腌得非常入味🥰 之后再用洋葱一起炒,味道变得更丰富👏🏼 猪肉口感虽然未至于好嫩滑,但系一啲都唔鞋,同白饭一个齐食超配❤️The rice came with cabbages, carrots, broccoli, tomatoes and more. Such a wonderful variety! Ginger pork has always been one of the most popular Japanese home cooked dishes. The pork has been marinated with ginger, mirin, soy sauce, rice wine, onion and garlic, so each
Seasonal Veggies w/ Japanese Rice + Teriyaki Pork in Ginger Sauce
野菜饭有大白菜🥬 红萝卜🥕 西兰花🥦 番茄🍅 等等,唔加𩠌都好丰富!
豚肉姜汁烧系其中一款最出名嘅日式家庭料理,以姜汁、味醂、酱油、米酒、洋葱、蒜等综制成酱汁黎浸泡豚肉片,每一块都腌得非常入味🥰 之后再用洋葱一起炒,味道变得更丰富👏🏼 猪肉口感虽然未至于好嫩滑,但系一啲都唔鞋,同白饭一个齐食超配❤️
The rice came with cabbages, carrots, broccoli, tomatoes and more. Such a wonderful variety!
Ginger pork has always been one of the most popular Japanese home cooked dishes. The pork has been marinated with ginger, mirin, soy sauce, rice wine, onion and garlic, so each piece was filled with umami. The pork wasn’t perfectly tender, but the quality was still pretty good.
旬之野菜饭 +大葱烧鸡肉 $43
Seasonal Veggies w/ Japanese Rice + Roasted Chicken with Scallions
鸡肉鲜嫩多汁,鸡皮被煎得微脆带焦香😇 鸡肉加上鲜甜酱汁,同埋啲大葱一齐煮可以带出甜咸交错的经典口味😋 块鸡肉有差唔多手掌咁大,之后再切成一口size,份量真系唔少架🤟🏿
The chicken was juicy and the outer layer was seared so there was a nice crisp factor. Sweet soy sauce, scallion and chicken are all cooked in one pot, with the end result of a sweet and salty taste. The chicken was also the size of my palm, cut into chunks so it would be easier for you to eat.
鲜奶咖啡 +$16
Flat White
佢地嘅咖啡配上同浓醇嘅meiji鲜奶完美结合,可以感受到入口的滑顺同绵长的咖啡余韵😍 咖啡师亦好有心思,每杯咖啡上面都会拉花🌹
Meiji fresh milk made up quite a large percentage in this drink, so the aroma and smoothness of milk elevated the quality of this coffee.