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Serendipity — 意思系有意外发现珍宝嘅运气! 🍀 餐厅昏暗嘅灯光好有气氛✨ 店舖嘅图书馆装饰同埋设计都好特别📚Serendipity means having the luck of discovering gems unintentionally! The dim lighting of the restaurant is very atmospheric and the library decorations are very aesthetic————————————————食物 Food:❆ Spicy Yuzu-kosho Tuna and Chinese Salami with Olive Oil Cheese on Wonton Crisp $88香脆嘅云吞皮上面铺满咗爽滑嘅吞拿鱼或者腊肠🐟 带出一种微微辛辣又清新嘅层次感🌶️ 将中式风味融入其中❆ Hokkaido Scallop with XO Sauce and Apple Purée $138北海道带子鲜甜细嫩, 苹果蓉嘅加入系一大亮点! 🍎 带嚟一丝甜中带酸嘅清新感, 提升带子嘅鲜味🍀❆ Slow-Co
Serendipity means having the luck of discovering gems unintentionally! The dim lighting of the restaurant is very atmospheric and the library decorations are very aesthetic
食物 Food:
❆ Spicy Yuzu-kosho Tuna and Chinese Salami with Olive Oil Cheese on Wonton Crisp $88
香脆嘅云吞皮上面铺满咗爽滑嘅吞拿鱼或者腊肠🐟 带出一种微微辛辣又清新嘅层次感🌶️ 将中式风味融入其中
❆ Hokkaido Scallop with XO Sauce and Apple Purée $138
北海道带子鲜甜细嫩, 苹果蓉嘅加入系一大亮点! 🍎 带嚟一丝甜中带酸嘅清新感, 提升带子嘅鲜味🍀
❆ Slow-Cooked Hokkaido Pork Belly with Shiso and Fermented Bean Curd Sauce $198
慢煮北海道猪腩肉煮到软腍, 紫苏叶嘅加入带嚟清新气息, 令口感更加轻盈🐖
❆ Chorizo oil, Quail and Fermented Mushroom with Japanese Rice $198
香肠油渗入每一粒日本米, 粒粒饭都吸满咗丰富嘅油香😍 鹌鹑肉嫩滑多汁, 外层煎得香脆! 内里仲保持住肉汁嘅鲜甜🍄🟫
❆ Chinese Vinegar and Ginger Ice Cream with Sugar Cured Egg Yolk $68
冰冷嘅醋姜雪糕系呢道菜嘅主角, 入口即化🫦带有淡淡嘅陈醋酸香同姜嘅辛辣, 味道清新🫚
整体 Overall:
✦ 价格 Price: 4.4/5
✦ 味道 Taste: 4.3/5
✦ 服务 Service: 4.4/5
✦ 环境 Ambience: 4.4/5
✦ 再访指数 Visit again: 4.3/5
Serendipity (中环)
📍地址 Address:
中环摆花街43号The Workstation 2楼
⏰营业时间 Opening hours:
Mon-Sun 14:00-02:00