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对于一个完全吾食辣既人,可以真心打动、欣赏一碗麻辣锅<水煮靓牛>真系一件好难嘅事!宜大碗麻辣牛肉锅完完全全改变左我对麻辣锅嘅睇法!! 真系唔可以小看!个种麻可以令人有抗拒唔到,麻得过瘾既感觉想继续食、继续食!好感动点解做到咁香口架啖啖都😍😍😍我再重申,我系从来食吾到麻辣架!但宜度做到既麻系令人忍唔住想继续食落去既麻!辣就总有少少,但原全接受到yeah😎 (兴奋到不停重复) 一样我肯定既系,宜间麻辣锅有非一般既水准!难怪夜晚真系好多人排哂队订哂枱只为了一尝宜度令人垂涎三尺嘅麻辣锅🤤😍😍 Came here on a weekends' evening, families and couples lining up outside the shop, certainly the popular site to go at Tai Hang for some hot Chilli food! The food here certainly did not disappoint me at!! 凉拌茄子 $48干锅花菜 $78All vibrant colors, luscio
我再重申,我系从来食吾到麻辣架!但宜度做到既麻系令人忍唔住想继续食落去既麻!辣就总有少少,但原全接受到yeah😎 (兴奋到不停重复)
Came here on a weekends' evening, families and couples lining up outside the shop, certainly the popular site to go at Tai Hang for some hot Chilli food! The food here certainly did not disappoint me at!!
凉拌茄子 $48
干锅花菜 $78
All in all, this meal was really pleasing! Palatable dishes! The only drawback was that there was only one staff in the shop, and the shop is full-filled, meanwhile, people are still lining outside. It is advisable to have more staffs to help out.