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虽然呢间小cafe位置有啲偏僻,但佢地喺短短嘅一年内已经吸引左唔少食客,尤其是系养宠物嘅朋友仔🐶 佢地介绍自己为一班认真做傻事嘅傻仔,所以拣左「Goof」做店名🤣 依家周围都有IGable嘅cafe,但其实质素都好参差🙈 除左舒适嘅木系装潢,佢地都想喺食物方面为客人做到最好,希望以几款拿手通创新嘅菜色去留下深刻嘅印象❤️This pet friendly cafe has made its name well known within a year since opening. This is run by a group of goofy youngsters, who wants to live as they want. This is one of the few cafes I’ve visited which actually paid attention to their food quality instead of merely creating an Instagrammable environment. 双拼意式面包组合 $88Half & Half Panini
This pet friendly cafe has made its name well known within a year since opening. This is run by a group of goofy youngsters, who wants to live as they want. This is one of the few cafes I’ve visited which actually paid attention to their food quality instead of merely creating an Instagrammable environment.
双拼意式面包组合 $88
Half & Half Panini Combo
呢到最受欢迎就系Duo Cheese Honey Garlic Panini,咸香嘅芝士同蜜糖形成强烈对比,再配搭自己磨出嘅蒜蓉,层次感相当丰富😋 另一个口味系Roasted Mushroom,烤香左嘅蘑菇粒铺喺热辣辣嘅芝士上,仲食到面包外脆内软嘅口感,唔怪得panini系呢到必点嘅菜色啦🥖
Duo Cheese Honey Garlic Panini is their most popular dish here. The umami from the cheese created a nice contrast with the honey, with a layer of their hand crushed garlic to elevate the flavours. The other one was Roasted Mushroom Panini, which also had a layer of cheese topped on their crunchy panini bread.
芝士粟米条 $78
Cheesy Corn Ribs
一条条嘅粟米因为经过烤焗会卷起,外型有啲似肋骨,所以命名为Corn Ribs😎 粟米味道鲜甜,口感爽脆,配上巴马臣芝士碎同埋自家秘制酱汁变得非常惹味🌽
The corn ribs were fresh and juicy, brushed with a layer of their secret sauce and sprinkled with Parmesan cheese.
牛奶咖啡 $42
今日个咖啡系由50%埃塞俄比亚50% 哥伦比亚嘅咖啡豆制成☕️ 两款嘅果酸含量较多,所以味道偏酸,加上顺滑嘅牛奶就啱啱好啦🥰
This was composed of 50% Ethiopian and 50% Colombian coffee beans, which contains high ratio of AHA, resulting in a fruity tone. This was nice in a white coffee, as the milk is able to dial down the sourness.