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Ordered a bowl of wonton/beef slice noodle. Wonton with soupy skin and beef with some tendon, ready to chew? In about 4 min, I gave up to chew, ¼ bowl gone. Then, a waitress (about 50) took it right away. In about 1 min later, she said, “You place more order, and we’ve a line waiting outside!”This is like: You’ve done your eating, we’ve to empty your seat ASAP. Very efficient!Is it acceptable to you? The time was around noon. 叫了一碗云吞牛肉面。 云吞皮汤似的、 牛肉片有筋, 要慢慢咬啊.大约 4 分钟后,停下再咬,完成 1/4 碗。女服务员 (大约 50) 即
In about 4 min, I gave up to chew, ¼ bowl gone. Then, a waitress (about 50) took it right away.
In about 1 min later, she said, “You place more order, and we’ve a line waiting outside!”
This is like: You’ve done your eating, we’ve to empty your seat ASAP. Very efficient!
Is it acceptable to you? The time was around noon.
叫了一碗云吞牛肉面。 云吞皮汤似的、 牛肉片有筋, 要慢慢咬啊.
大约 4 分钟后,停下再咬,完成 1/4 碗。女服务员 (大约 50) 即把碗收去。
又过大约 1 分钟后,她对你说: "你要加单吗, 我们外出有人等候!"
像是道出: 你食完啦, 我即要你的座位。真是高效率!
你会接受吗? 时间是中午。