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我地叫左两个lunch set,咁样会抵食d, 价钱:✔$108 沙律加烧鸡肉芝士夹饼配薯条配饮品(Chicken Quesadillas with chips + drink + salad )✔$118 沙律加芝士白汁鸡肉杂菜阔条面配饮品 (bread+Fettuccine primavera with chicken +drink)。两个餐都会有餐包- 黑糖面包 Bushman Bread…………………………黑糖面包 Bushman Bread 个包真系好正,好松软,好香,食完系想再叫多个黎食个种。The bread was very soft and smelled really good! We really wanna order one more😋, it's delicious!烧鸡肉芝士夹饼配薯条 Chicken Quesadillas with chips 呢个我地摆到最后食,个阵已经比较饱,所以食呢个有d漏。 但觉得个芝士夹饼唔错,脆脆地,真系好多芝士,钟意食芝士嘅,应该好开心,好似大卡咁😆。薯条就系普通薯条~The Quesadillas're very bri
我地叫左两个lunch set,咁样会抵食d, 价钱:
✔$108 沙律加烧鸡肉芝士夹饼配薯条配饮品(Chicken Quesadillas with chips + drink + salad )
✔$118 沙律加芝士白汁鸡肉杂菜阔条面配饮品 (bread+Fettuccine primavera with chicken +drink)
。两个餐都会有餐包- 黑糖面包 Bushman Bread
黑糖面包 Bushman Bread
The bread was very soft and smelled really good! We really wanna order one more😋, it's delicious!
烧鸡肉芝士夹饼配薯条 Chicken Quesadillas with chips
呢个我地摆到最后食,个阵已经比较饱,所以食呢个有d漏。 但觉得个芝士夹饼唔错,脆脆地,真系好多芝士,钟意食芝士嘅,应该好开心,好似大卡咁😆。薯条就系普通薯条~
The Quesadillas're very brittle, we really like it. It is very cheesy! People who are cheese lover, must really love it!
芝士白汁鸡肉杂菜阔条面 Fettuccine primavera with chicken
(我地食食下野,个waiter 过黎俾湿纸巾我地,我地下意识舐下个嘴,可能我地食到成嘴汁,佢忍唔住睇湿纸巾俾我地🤣,事关隔离枱叫一样嘅野,都无湿纸巾送🤣)
Tasted normal, not very special.
沙律 salad
We liked the Cherry tomatoes! It tastes winey.
服务 customer service
觉得服务态度都好好,d野饮剩4份1左右,就有waiter过黎帮我地续杯;同埋见有需要都会俾纸巾,湿纸巾等等。落单,上菜个过程都快,系上左面包同沙律先,见你食完先上个main, 咁样个main就唔会冻左。
They definitely provided a good customer service to us! They kept refilling the drink to us. They provided some wet wipes for us to clean our hands.